i 2-The Canadian Champion, Frday JuIy 18, 2003 Sun, sand and a good book- what a combination need noss s a good book and 10 stather on'the sun sereen. The lihrary bas a host of new books for you 10 enjoy as you catch some rays. If you are a Jobn Grisharn fan and bave read 'The King of Torts', you migbî enjoy James Grippandos new book 'Last 10 Die'. Also wriî- ing courtrooni dranias is Jay Brandon, whose new one is 'Stiver Moon'. Dudley Buffas pro- lagonist. attorney Joseph Anlonelli îackles a case overflowing wiîb greed, glamour, movie making and murder in 'Star Witness'. If you can relate 10 Candace Bushnell, or just wisb you could, ber latest opus is 'Trading Up', wbicb tells the slory of a lingerie model. In a Hollywood social climber, sort of 'Sex and the ciîy' for Beverley HuIs. Lauren Weisberger's 'The devil wears Prada' is another darkly funny look attlife ai the top. Danielle Steel's current offering is 'Jobnny angel'. If you've read that, you mighî also like Sandra Brown's 'Not even for love', a classic slory about a woman's slmuggle to put ber trust in love a second ime, oir Johanna Lîndsey's 'A matn to cai my nwn' a tale ni searing passions and intense emolions in a colourfut Western land- scape. For more macho beach bonis there is Robert Ludlum's latest 'The Altman code' or Vince Cover[ j to coverIJ .J Flynn's 'Executive power' featuring CIA super agent Mitch Rapp ieading commandos deep int Iraq. Or t-y Greg lies' 'Eoîprints of God'. Less serious is Christopher Moore's 'Fluke' a rollick- ing adventure involving an age old conspiracy, top level military secrets. and a highly evolved super race. Non-fiction buffs mtghî enjoy J. Randy Taraborrellis 'Once upon a ime', a biography of HetI' on the bit comedy 'Everybody loves Raymond' has offered ber warm and funny observations in 'Are you hungry, dear?' Goîfers will enjoy 'Open' wbere John Feinstein gives us an insider's view of gof's most famed event, the U.S. Open. On a tigbler note, humour writer Bill Bryson bas writlen a fascinating new book 'A short bistory of nearly everytbing', available in print or on CD. And remember, the ibrary is air conditioned. Cool off here hefore you take your bot reads home. Coter to coter î.î prepared h-staff t tte Miltonî Publtc Libroîs'. THE ECHO PRINCIPLE A son and bis father were walking on tbe He looks to his faîber and asks: "Wbat's eall Ibis the ECHO principle, but really it Tbe more you attend and participate, the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts going on?" is a LIFE principle. You are given back more positive contributions you receive hiniseif and screanis: Tbe faîber smiles and says: "My son, pay everytbing you say or do. Our lives are in retumn! Wbaî you put in, you gel out! "AAAbhhbbbbbbh!!!" to bis surprise, attention." And tben be screams to tbe simple reflections of our actions." Don't bave a cburcb? Make plans 10 visit be bears tbe voice repeating, somewbere mountain: "1 admire you!" A response If you wanî more love in tbe world. cre- a local cburcb Ibis week! Consult tbe tn tbe mountaîns: conies:"1 admire you!" aIe more love in your beari. If you want Religious Directory below for service "AAAbbbbbbbbbbb!!!" Again, tbe man screams: "You are a more competence in your îeam, improve ieanlotos!Adflwthug Curious, be yells: "Wbo are yuu?" cbamipion!" your conipetence.lieanlotos!Adflo bug He receives tbe answer: "Wbo are you?"* A distant voice answers:" You are a Tbis relàtionsbip applies 10 everytbing, on a commitment 10 attend- you will Angered aItbe response, be screams: cbampion!" in al aspects of life; life will give you neyer regret il! "Coward!"- Tbe boy is surprised. but does not urider- back everylbing you bave given îto il. Submitted by Ren' Dan Rogge, pastor of He receives tbe answer: "Coward!" stand. Tben tbe ftîer explains: "People Il ts tbe saine ie th going 10 a cburch!. Milton's New Life Church. St. Georges Anglican Church, Lowville 7051 Guelph Une, husI nu'tof etIrry Road Sunday, JuIy 20, 2003 - TRINITY 3 9:30 a.m. - Mornîng Prayer Third in the series. Questions asked in Holy Scrîplure A Question from a Kng (Danîil3.24) 9M0 arn. - Famîly Service in the auditorium Nursery provîded Rector: The Reverend Canon Chantie Masters For more information caîl 905-878-1363 Visit our Websîtes www.staeoraeslowville.org and www.rlweb.com 24 -OMSNRD , I- Senior Pastor Rev. Dan Rogge Children Mrs. Natalis Rogge Asstant/Worship Mrs. Esther Kessier Youth/Outreach Mr. Tlm Stevens 9 a. m. - Eadly Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for Ail Ages 10:45 a. m. - Second Worship Service be on the Twelve Pircipleb COME & 5EE 6:,30 p. m., Sunday Night LIVE 1 50N 0F THUNà9ER Sapervised Nrery & Dynamic Chidren's Programt avaîtable dering ail servces! EEY SN.. T1045A 5UMMER kIP'5 CAMP God'0 î5Igriur' Morntno f Auouet lb - 22 Webaite: www.newlife-milton.org 4. LAG Y.OUR IRLEOF OVE You're Invited ta... Milton Bible Church! Sundays @ 10:00 AM Milton District High School 395 Williams Ave. jim @ MitonBibleChurch.ca www MiltonBibleChurch. ca 876-3243 Making Discples who Make a Difference! SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCII 2850 DERBY RD. Phtoie 878-5664 10:00 uti.SERICEAI PsORijAC(KNIt\tts pliie "Adv entureland" ii buis ai lto c rAili'6, iiiiru-rt cari- priiidiil fo lu to liigi2 Southsides's Image X louth Ministries! -)hav e iîis!îed for thec siiiîîiier buto sili!r'stîuie agaiîîi Svpteitîber! Cal1 now t regiter for lligh Power Soccer Camp Coming August I11-I1 5th, 2003 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Chut-eh on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.gracechurchmilton.com Bey. Dr. Mark McDermott Rey. Amy Cousineau SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 ami - Holy Communion 10:00 ami - Sung Euchat-ist Chut-ch Sehool & Coffee Hour THURSDAY 10:00 ani Holy Communion L4~Wheelchair Access Through Parking Lot Doors k MILTON SI Vi NI lt-1),\i AbVN sT 1 t i i i iiiiHal ii o i .(i iii t h 1 bWIi h- I po1 i hsi it i uq t t i ? MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 ani. - The Lords Supper 11:45 ani. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study For God sent not bis Son mbt the worid 10 condenin the worid;, but that the world througb bum might be saved. John 3.17 We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton ~ , Sun. JuIy 20 9:30 a.m. WORSHIP supported by music f rom the St. Pauls Worship Band Camping Weekend JuIy 18-20 SRev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '70 Main St. E.. Milton 878-6066 .\lîoîsýter -The Rcs. Josepli GraLirecti îoî t \l uSK:Minîsîtriecs-Sonîî svan de Hoee Sundai Worship 10:30 a.m. Nurser's Sumniiici- Sundas Sclhi)Acl Vacation Bible School JulIN 21-25. 9-12 noon Té register cail AmNI at (905) 878-9873 "Called to Serve the Lord" SWheekchair access and w-ashroom', pros ided su thai ail ma.v corne and m-orship. *BAHA'I FAITH- Devolmonal Meetings in Milton Homnes: Embracîng ail religions and cultures! l3od's provision for humnan progress" Devotions and Tea: Sun. Aug. 10, 2-3pm Muli-faith Devotions and Discussion Allernale Tuesdays: JuIy 29 - 8 pm Embracing Diversity Summer Class: Ages 9-11 Aag - Taes. & Thurs. mornings: lOam-l2pm Registration: July 22 - 7 pm, 334 Coxe Blvd. Protessional Teaching Staff: 905-693-9615 For locations or information: 905-875-2923 Recorded Message: 1-800-433-3284 E ' eM GRACEWAY 'BAPTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'll always find a friend at Graceway" I a d 1 1 a i --- --- ---- - . --- -- --- -r- i m Imm a a