1lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday JuIy 18, 2003 r'~~ 4 e n Renaissance Festival's season opens tomorrow Milton-based theme park now in its eighth season By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion It was like a page straight out of a fairy tale. The fully-armnoured knight got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend before an audi- ence of assorted medieval characters. He was, in every sense of the word, her knight in shining armour. This brave knight- who proposed last year - is just one~ of thousands of yearly vîsitors who travel to Milton's Ontario Renaissance Festival, hoping 10 catch a bit of its magic. -Tbere's an element of kid in ail of us," said Tom Ploît, enter- îainiment director at the Ontario Renaissance Festival. -Everybody wants to make believe." I's safe to say that at the Ontario Renaissance Festival, which begins its eighth season tomorrow, you neyer know ssbat you're going to get. Mr. Piotî said. If it's nol a wedding proposaliltmtght be the village mayor seeking your opinion, or a coy piratc attempt- ing to lure you into is cvil scheme. Each year, tbe Ontario Renaissance Festival deligbîs tbc youiig and young-at-beart as Ibey step into the l6tb century village oft Tnillingbam and are greeted by Tudor architecture. Renaissance music and smeiis of period food wating tbrougb the trees. The festival bas gotten bigger eacb year, Mr. Piott said, witb 58,000 visitors last summer. For eacb of tbe past tbree years, tbe festival's attendance jumped by 20 per cent, be said. He addcd tbat tl was the oniy renaissance festival in Nortb America 10 show an increase in attendance last year. -We're not re-iiving bistory, we'rc celebrating il," Mr. Piott said. adding witb a chuekie, "We don't give up modem conveniences like personai bygiene." Eacb day begins witb the opening gate ceremony. wbicb intro- duces this year's pirate theme and secs viliagers welcome Queen Elizabeth 110o their village. Tbrougbout the day, the seven stages feature entertainment of al kinds. As visitors walk tbougb the village, Ibey see colourful char- acters and performances by magicians, juggiers, musicians and singers. For kids, there are games, crafts, a children's play area and free pony rides. Tbe Ontario Renaissance Festival features North Americas iargest outdoor jousting arena, sbowcasing fuii-armoured combat jousting. "Our knights are in 100-pound suits of steel armour, and tbey're really jousting (not acting). If tbey get knocked off, tbey're reaiiy knocked off." Mr. Piont said. "Our difference îs tbat we're not cho- reograpbed." The festival also fealures more than 1001 crafters dispiaying their File photo by GRAHAM FAINE Jousting knights on horse back is always one of the highlights of the Ontario Renaissance Festival, which opens for another season tomorrow. renaissance-style wares. Otcourse. nobody can last long at the festival witbout baving a watcring moutb. Mr. Plit said. "Don*t come looking l'or hamburgers and hotdogs- you won't find îbem» b e said, listing menu items sucb as turkey legs, steak and fisb and chips. Vbhe festival bas three tavems leaturing aies, eiders. and other drinks suitable for a bot sumnmer day. Mr. Ploit said that at the festival, everyone becomes a kid ai heart. Aduits wbo have always dreamed of being pirates or knights can fulfili their desires for a day. Sînce the lestivali s enîîrely outdoors, Mr. Plot urged vîsitors 10 dress appropriateiy for the weatber. Chris Howard, wbo grew up in Milton and graduaîed from E.C. Drury Higb Sebool, bas been invoived witb the Ontario Renaissance Festival since ils inception- in charge of games for the first year, and then a cast member. This year, Mr. Howard bas been cast as a privateer as weli as lago. the village wid man. -This is the mosi enjoyabie performance work Vve ever donc:- said Mr. Howard, who now resides in Burlînglon. "Every moming I get mbt character and 1 live that character ail day long." Mr. Howard's sister. 18 year-old Kimberley Howard, wbo grad- uated Ibis year from E.C. Drury. bas aise, joined the cast this year, ioiiowing in ber big brober's lootsteps. The Ontario Renaissance Festival is open every wcekend from 10:30) a.m. until 7 p.m. ramn or shine until September i. Admission cosîs $ 16.95 for aduits and $8.95 for cbiidrcn aged 7 to 15 years. Seniors admission costs $ 15.50. 'Mis weekend. children under il wili be admitted free. The festival is iocated east of Trafalgar Road, on Eigbîb Line between Derry and Britannia roads in Milton. For more information. cati 1-800-734-3779 or visit www.reanfest.com. Stephaiîie Tht esseit cat 6e reached at st/iiesseii@niflontîaadi- anchIanipion.coni. GŽtO¶Mo MOJITGAGE ACTION CENTE iin2e ""Honest Mortgage Advice You Gan Count On" ePurchases *Pre-approvals Q Z Renewvals/Iransfers eTelephonel Refinances On-Uine applications Visit our NEW OFFICE ini W Bob McLeod Milton Mail Shopping Centre jMnagel (905) 875-2333 WWW.OMAC-MORTGAGES.COM HEAD OFFICE 131 WHARNCLIFFE RD. LONDON I I i