Pay was comparatively lower *from BIG on pagei balve tuIlly supporte(] a citizens' cornmittee recommendation not to raise salaries. 1-laton HuIs Couneilot Rick Bonnette said tihe change in salaries and the adding of benefits .puts us on a level playing field. But sve're definitely flot tise bigbest paid in the GTA." From bis perspective. Mr. Bonnette said being a politiciati bas become a fuli-time job. "Tbis year (term) at Halton HuIs we've already bad 115 meetings, and tbat's flot including meetings at the Region." Mr. Bonnette said removing tbe one-tbird status makes sense. "We sbould be paying taxes 10e everyone else." Burlington Councillor Jobn Taylor was satisfied the issues were "tborougbly studied" by tbe comtnttiee and be feit comfortable S tOC fO11101-C 1'. h). sot ail tbat buge, îsoting that alter taxes tl amouinîs to about an extra $6.000. 1's fait- but if's osoderate. ise said. Regional couincîl salaries s'ary In Ontario. In Peel Regton, the chair eamns more thaîs $1 32,000 per year and councillors more than $40.000 -and if's 100( per cent taxable. Speaking on bebaîf of tbe citi- zens' committee. member Murray H-arris said tbere was "in-deptb deliberation" about potential cbanges and tbat members took tbeir mIles seriously. Tbey met for a total of 10 bours during tbree meet- ings in May. He said there was a "twinge of embarrassment" wben I-lton salaries were compared to otbers. Tbey found tbat councillors' salaries were about 20 per cent lower than tbose in regions like aa' .i.p 5. , arbelow \5 lit slsuuld be l'or a demanding. full- tinme positionts iat iisvilves repre- senting a cummunîîy of' some 350,1000 peuple. "TIhe positionîs t'.tie public lace ut' a corporation v.iîb a budget of' $500 million," said Mr. Hanris. "We spent a lot oif time tryitig tu ftnd the rigbt fit l'or the regional chair.' Mr. Harris added tbe cummittee also wanted to "case the financial impediments that would deter ciii- zens from campaigning for public office." Regional council will also, see their salaries reviewed every tbree years in tIhe spring prior to a munic- ipal election and counicillors will get benefits, sucb as group life insurance and accidentaI deatb. Jasoni Misncr t'on 6e recîhed aw jmisîîer@nihonh'anadiarn'hanîpi- uICOM. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 15, 2003--5 Cali today toi book your appointment to have your summer VOUR CAR REQUIRES Mý Safety ChecksM Hidden Hitch Me Brakes MExhaust Mb 214 Wheel AlilgnmentM Suspension Service M& Cooling System Service M Tire Rotation & alancing ~ "- 41 Engines M q eneral Tires____ 'Quaker State Of. Lube& M Transmissions& Service DRI-V E Fram Oit Filters MElectrical 1CLEAN MComputer Analysis M Air Conditioning Accredited Test MTune Ups Shocks & Struts & Pepair facility Auto Repim & lTre em 390 Ontarlo St. N. Unit #1, Milon 0-» 4Lm U 'usEn PURCHASE FINAIICINO FOR 60 MONTHS. ON VIRTUALLY ALL 2003 MODELS.* PLUS AN EXTRA WHEN YOU BUY, FINANCE, OR LEASE VIRTUALLY See Dealer for detaîts OAC. Main SI. -Dry dCIE _______HWY. 25 -S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON8729 0 'I 71îeii'le 9peat î , ia, L GM= [GIET MORE