TheC Senior Sox now sport winning record By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Milîto basn't sported a winning record ini league play ibis tate in the season in several yeats. That is, until now. Sortie Juty sizile bas George Moore's Red Sos sitting at 10-9 -ioltttwtng a 3 or3 eeketid sweep. The local lads got rhings rolting ru Oakville Friday evening. oppling their regronat rivais 7--3 on the strength of a complete-game effort by Adain Finkbeiner. The young hurler regained bts composure abter a somewhat shaky start and btanked the bosts rhrough the lasi four innings, during whrch is teammates tumed ibings up offensively to pull away. Stalwart Mati McCandless led the attack with two doubles, while maîching ihat bit total was newcomer Kevin Komiski. Kuri Mitchell, arguably the team's mosi improved player ai the plate this summer, aided in the comeback win witb a pair of RBI. lstbtisl tit a l.tst dttcb t .lly attetutît by ().kvtltc. The iollttwing, day Milton mosed up to winning- record terriîory by sweeping Glanbrook rinran atreronitridOttbieheader at Brian Best Park. Mucli like the nigbt beitîre, tbe Red Stux bad ttr battie back trom an early delircit ru game tone, whle pitcher Ian Zetie went the distance aird got sîronger as tirngs sstre on. His iortiired effotrs allowed the club to sqrreak by 6-5. Lawiotî broughî home the winninr n in tbe borîom ftutite sevenrb lin a fielder's ebtice single hy McCandless. Instrumental in the play was Kevîn Wilson, who tumbered int second base to break up the double play afier smacking a borner earlier in the game. He and Pat Masîrti bad iwo bis apiece. -We seem to be able to rally more ibis year," noted Moore. Notrceably dejecîed ater ccughrng up the viciri- ry ru grime onue, Glanbrook ofiered minimal resisi- rince in the latter corîresi and was dismanîied 15-0I. Freshman Adam Aheam surrendered onre measly I eynecre rtal ydi slierttertetiratler th utrst game and jusi crumbled. Tbey cottîdut pick up the brll:' sari Moore. reierrrng Io Glanbrtîtk's brutrrl detense. McCarîdless clttbbered narlîree-run btrmer anti drtîve ti four rtrrs tuvernll. ss une Lrîwtn, Nrck Aalbers rand Manuy Thapar al iîrîd multibi oui- ings ris well. Mitchell also siood tott witb tlîree RBLI The Red Stx ilit take a break from leagîre play tbrs weekend to compere ai the Wallaceburg Trîurnamenî. Then they'll resume iheir quresit I iinisb wiîlî their tîrsi winning record ru recent memory. Wiîb jusi rine grimes remainrng, rnclud- ing a handful ai bhome, thaî's a distinct possibilrry. Remarked Moore, "The Key will be geîrrng everyhody ont againsi the top teams. which basn't happened mtrcb ibis year wiib wrîrk ctommit- ments." ,S't'r' Lt'B/auttmutlit' reut-lted ai i/e/î/amtCa ltai- SCanadian Champion, Tuesday, July 15, 2003-21 Please fax ail of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at (905) 878-4943, sleblanc@haltonsearch. com. depending on your requirements. We service Hamilton, Oakville, Milon, Ancaster, Dundas and Kitchener/WNaterloo and surrounding areas. Give us a cali and we wiII worir togetirer ID translorm yoor home and yard into your personal paradise. Ca Il: 905-689-4654 P.O. Box. 965 * Walerdown, ON LOR 2H0 S tory incomplete A gyrnnasties story that appeared ti the Julv 1 Chamîpion was inconîplete. The aricle on the MiltoniSp ugrs vear-cnd vnvards ban- quel stated tirai iJulie Gagrîtîn n as rîaned tii the nuinurrii. It shoLld have been rtoted that the r etiring Novice 1 competilot hiad a banner seassîn. lrghlighited n tIi a .37.19 point periortoll arîce rrr a prosvinciai qîtalitin-ri cet- the best scorte ever tor a Springer. Julie inade a rettrrn tripIo the Ontario champi- onsbips ibhis pasr sprng. vshere she ranked tourth on bars andi helped her Central Region tean take second oserait. Tire Champion regrets ibis oversight. The Milton District-, Horticultural Society ::s wishes to extend iTo ail of the following busînesses for their valued support of the plant sale on May 15, 2003. A & P Landscape Gartens Andrews Scenic Acres ][td. Arbor Garden Centre Langholm's Nurseries & Nursery LaRose Italian Canadian Tire Corp. Bakery Clembrooke LobIas s c. Country Depot Crawford's Country Gardeirs D&G Nursery The Flower Shed Giord Hassal Harrop House Galler Home Hardware Jade(Gardens ~John Popp Tree Farmn Kalena Flowers Karen's Flower Shop Lumblers'ille Miljton Greenhouses i, PAO Horticulture MI. Putzer Hornby Nursery Ron NewelI Tree Farmi Spice 0' Life (lard & Gift Shop Springridge Farm Taylor Nursery Teresa's Gardens Van Dongen's Tree Farm S«ùegm« t4c4164ao44