The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 15, 2003-11 Getting Into the F q Pj. ~ ~ I h Swing of Golf Golf isn't just for retired folk anymore. Men and women of ail ages enjoy spending a morning or aternoon on the green, practicing their swing and taking I in the sun. Every sport is riddled with ils share of injuries, but compared 10 most other sports, golf has a low overaîl risk of injury. Common injuries include prob- lems in the lower back, shoulder, wrist and elbow, head and eye, caused by overuse or poor swinging techniques. S WARMING UP The besl way to avoid injury is by warm- ing up for at least 10 10 15 minutes. Spend a minute or two walking at a moderate 10 high pace 10 get the blood lowing to the muscles and increase your cure femperature slighlly. Next, rol the neck. slowly movîng il clockwise and counter-clockwtse. Move to the you wth a hand aI each end. Raîse it over your head and hold. Then hold it the same way behind your back. and lift Up to sîretofi the shoulders. Ftnally. grab each elbow with the opposite hand arîd pull themn across your body to stretch the shoulder. For more stretch/ng, try bends: Rest hands on your htps. bend 10 the stde and hold. To slretch the torse, cross arms and rest hands on the opposite shoulders. Rotate the sheul- ders and hold in each dtrectton, Now il's ime 10 practtce your swing. At the driving range, hil shots starting with a pitching wedge and working up t0 the driver. (If you can't go 10 a driving range prior 10 play, do the same warmup with- out hitting any balîs.) Start with a haIt swing, and work up 10 a full swing affer several minutes. Focus on proper mechanias and maintaining a slow easy stroke. Condition with strength and f itness pro- grams including weighl trainting and aerobic activities, like walking or jog- ging (see your doctor il needed). Emphastze tmpreving strength in the back, torso and shoulder la gel you geared up for a game on the green. Make sure you stretch before httîng fhe green. -pi Don't Payv Until 2004 Finance from only S15.00/month Free in-home estimates - Satisfaction Guaranteed A PPLEWooD IR CONDITIONI NO Milton Surrounding Areas 905-825-1950 I1-888-788-8080 i Y,1ý25,1 1 on i DLYeu, RcwS A B" gkRead, &ii totto tait/i kîing gr,,t iathat -1l/ut,i, hi,1 t bricas Jne' usLi, itaian1wmen, the aitoiv to\ nîit tmthicp proet ur 'o 1 1nýhhf Ilutitng on >m/tit, or h\er 1t-thtnihe/pmtombrak d/ hatln sithrigmiu mmm viSies mîtifat and tnuren thîjîsî.îl ,ýnl ,,nt-iiig outandotogetino hape por ea miniihich translates-it fo ummertmt e/lute tree hcalths hnîking legs At nNr, il e hase dNe/oped a %Ve Lise [MS Treatment, tetiîghten anid hetet rgani hat targets %ninter timitithe nituele, A tngnusceput,a jVIV Àq&gàpWW ýuig gan and the thng Nefuite most, demnandon the hod% fat urrundngit. cellt.Celuteha, an morange pr-eil hernie0 /e/u F n the t aofue %hile the 4 ________________on__p nur hpsthgs and thmnutnt.he/cp t ei.fat itîiithe bak i\ u lg, ttis tough tugei ridetilteri o it is available tor thes siil touse. îned ics nmire than tust a One -t/-minute treatntst euaet cag(icht hrough thenuse othlectro oftq hiiursiofnworkiiut.WeuLse our 15 xilStmulaion (EMS), nutritirinal searsex perience in ineight management splmnsch as Lecithin and and nutrition to custom design a treat- f EseniaWWat.vAcds plns nutitionat ment program that reduces thenspecitic ,,nlgw an help vou achies e dra- areas n here Sun tend tore cellutite, matic rnamets namK ur hips, tliîghs and ahdoimen W okwtthe actons that tiaNecon- area . As e/t, the E MS Treatments aie a f basenul prngrarn En udsprouc trihutecd to s urneight gain. tactorssuc h great contpliment tri ani cardios asýcu/ar Enpîns /i~ 3a,3slown fat metihrilism, stress, torreating pnmgram o gise NVon a /long ihbits and imprpernmeight/iiss Noisone Iran loik to vour- pirson is [hisame, and we ail hase dîtten tiodvN- Why viait? mmc nt needs ttrlcanse uit thîs, [teverte Hîtîs Start todayt NIl design i nutritinat prutocotl that Wth oui fivee- " Regstered Nutrttonal e Reduce 12 ta 30 tnches suit s- oun pinsunat peferences, one tha t iseek prograrm Consultant on staff tn 5 weeks s hsest ter Ni rNtou n c have " Lose weight eattng a Butld muscle tone and She suait Nrth a tu/I nutitîtînat assess- gorgeous legn [h/s ment hs iat/egîstered Nutritiiinal summert real food reduce the appearance of Cnsiittinh prictitiiiner Mans people Maina nis a rggîn/rd " Boost metabolism, feel cellulitte Wsho eat wett and esercise wîti stîtl notice Nulettîgnai Consu/tîng Pracîitînner wtt/ineor 15 healthy and energtzed a Condense 9 hours of that thes are building up avers of ceI- YeasenoPnancoîanwoîght/nnasand nutrîinn She " Focustng on a lifestyle exercise tnto 40 mtnutes tulite and that: nnthing seemmi [o hetp. o C/ii iretor oI Bevmriy Ht//a feght change e Firm up those hard to tone There has heem research that supports the Managerenîand Nutrition Centreoin Mtonn Maintenance programs areas I I - I . * i \TheremuchnioretoLa-7~&,y! fi~ 149 LA-Z-BOY A FR F: ' RIS ~ Halton His SpechCentre Communication is Vital * Language e Stuttering *Articulation e Swallowing *Voice a Reading *Stroke Rehabilitation e Tutoring e Accent Improvement Providing therapy to children and aduits in Halton, Peel and Wellington Counties Evening and Saturday appointments available Ph: 90-873-8400 Fax: 905-873-7291 0,nly Northview Centre 15 minutes to 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 Georgetown Georgetown - ', r :.Il ý