Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jul 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday Juiy 1il 2003 SCOMMENT * THE (2INADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Tire Canadien Champion, publisned enery uesday and Frday ai 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St E Milon, Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248). is une oi The Meioland Prining, Punlishfrns & fiîstinbuting [Id. grnup of subrbani comparues whinch (90 ) 8 8 2 3 1 eclunins AaxiPrnkeningNwsAnferfiser, Alistn HeraldCourîerî Barrie Shopping News, Ciy Parnnt, Cp ity feork Guiardian. CollioguuoijnWasaga EdîlnalFax 905-78 943 Connection, EastYonrk Mirr efin Aduncafe/Cuuniry Rnues, hinhîcoke EdithalFax:905878-943 Giraaran, Flambonogh Pnst, Flamfnrnugh eiew, Erouer Yung Advetisng Fx: 05-86-264 Georgetown ndependenp/AcfonFrennPress, Bolier Business TinresHuronia Advetisng Fx: 05-86-264 usiness Tmes, Lndsay Thrs Week. Makhani Econnnnisi & Suriý Clasifid: 05-75-300 MdlandPenleîanqurstrene Mrron Mîfon Shopping Nows Mssssaîrga Classfied:905-85-33 Business Times. Mississauga News, Napanen Guide, Nassagaweya Nouas. Circulation: 905-878-5947 Newmarket/Aunora Ea-Banner Notnumberlard Nevis SNO orti Mor înror Oukoîlle Beaven QOakolle Shopping News, Oldtimens Hockey News, Orlîra Ian Oliver Publisher Tday Oshawa/Whtiby/Claringtn onPornorr Ths Preeti Peterborough This Week, Picion Countp Guide, Richmond Hil/hornhillNaugfran Liberai, Scai- Nei Oliver Asorrate Pubijuher bornughrMMicrn Sfnuffifte/UiibridBe Tribune JiliDavs Edeorin-Cief Adonrtising is accepted on the conditiontfiat, in theOnto f nia type- Jill avisEdifo-in-hiefgnapficai ernor, tsar poron of f9e adveOtising space occupied bp fie ero Karen Smith Editor neous item, fogetBer wis a reasonable allnwance for signature, wll not e Wendy McNab Adn'ertiing Manaer charged for, but Pro balance ni iOe aduenfisemnei wîff e para for ait e appli- cable raie.PTre publsher rserons tfer nght to categorize adveOîisements or Steve Crozier Circulation Maanger decfine. Office Manager Production Manager Tire Mifron Canadian Champaon is a Recyofairte Prouet q,, Stiffer penalties a must It's disconcerting to learn that neariy two-thirds of the transport trucks police recently stopped on our highways for suspected safety infractions tumned out to be unfit for the road. The predominant equipment prob- lems reported by police invoived tires or brakes - vital components for keeping these huge rigs hauling tonnes of freight on the road and in control. The good news is that these vehi- dles deemed unsafe to be on our highways have been pulled off the road. The bad news is that thousands of transport trucks travel this section of Hwy. 401 each day and this blitz was able to check just 85 over two days. We wonder how many ticking time bombs on 18 wheeis are stili out there? There's no questioning the im-por- tance of the transport industry t0 our daily lives. For commerce to thrive, goods of ail shapes and sizes must be able to travel between Ontario and the U.S. and across Canadars expanse each day. But at what cost? Is the cross-border, long distance shipping of goods worth the lives that could be iost if even one trans- port truck iii-equipped for the road loses a tire or suffers brake failure at rush hour? We applaud safety-conscious truckers who keep their equipment in good working order, but question if the punishment meted out to Ihose who operate unsafe trucks is suffi- cient to put an end to this serlous probiem. Our major highways are congested enough without the added worry of unfit transport trucks lurk- ing in our rearview mirrors. Since larger scale enforcement of safety regulations doesnît seem prac- tical, stiffer penalties may be the only sure way to deter the irresponsi- ble operators in this essential indus- try. ~RETIEN EVES MACKAY KING CA~N BuroeA IAL.F*PINT " The beer that made Shawinigan infamous " Top seller sinoe '93! " Weil past expiry date " PIum Patronage appointment withJ every purchase! " Non-returnable " Banned in U.S.A. " GST extra " Also known as "'Harris Lte" - New for 2003! " Popular at corporate a Only half fuil golf events! - Availability subject to " Vote in our upcorning Free Trade restrictions Taste Test! a Officiai beer of the (date to be announoed) Progressive Conservative " Cornes with "Party"i battery-powered cooler - Cornes with bonus can in case of biackouts of David Orchard Cider! " Non-union made Ài Z.__. SOUR READÈRS WRITE Hunter says he won'-t seek re-election., but adds that he has enjoyed his tîme on Milton councîl Dear Editor: i have announced this week thati1 will flot be 'eeking a fourtb termn on counicil in the municipal election in November. While my dectsion bias flot been easy. 1 believe ihat given my lime commitments in my job as-a yen- ture capitalist. extensive travel and young family. now is the appropri- ate lime 10 step down and allow oth- ers 10 bring fresh ideas and energy to the counicil table. 1 would like 10 take Ibis oppontu- nity to personally tbank aIl taxpay- ers of tbe îown oft Milton for ettrtUsting your laîth in me ton repre- sent yontl'in iruly gruteful lcor the opportuniîy toi bave served you. 1 would also like 10 tbank the many individuals that assisted witb my tbree election campaigns, aIl of wbom worked tirelessly 10 support me. My effonts on behaîf of ail tax- payers would flot bave been possi- ble wiîbout tbe continued support of my wife Sbaron, my cbildren Rachel and Adam and tbe rest of my family. Over the past fine years. IVve bad many debates wiîb my colleagues around the council table. Wbile wve didn't always agree on many issues, i still believe ibat Milton council funcîioînecleffeeîis'ely 10 manage the alfairs of tItis eoinmiunity. And I'ni bhappy Ib caîl nmCmy council colleagues my fniends. I would also like 10 acknowledge Town staff, wbo always responded to my ideas and were open 10 sop- porting more innovative approacb- es 10 local govemment. Over the past nine years, I've attempted t0 focus on the issues that mattered 10 you as taxpayers figbting for lower taxes. economie development and pusbing local govemment to function more like a business Iban a burcaucracy. Tbank you again for ail your sutp- port. 1 will be forever grateful for tbe opportuniîy 10 havre represented you oser the past nîne years. WaIIy Hunter, Ward 4 town councillor Milton's quick growth presents many a challenge A nling by an Ontario Superior Court judge Ibat Exxxotica doesn'i bave 10 nove ils store from ils Bronte Street Soutb location sbosldn'i really come as a sbock to anyone. Really. wbat cisc couid bave bappened? Tbe decision I'm sure wili ruffle some resi- dents' feathers, mostly becactse Exxxotica seils aduit videotapes. lingerie and sex îoys. But, as tbe judgc's rling pointnscrut, store owner Tony Wang is operating a legal retail1 busi- ness. There was notbing Io suggesi sbuît wbere tbe store is or wbat il's seling is iliegal. l'm not going 10 rebasb tire btstory as 10 bow and/or wby Exxxotica opencd up ai Bronte Street Soutb. II was belore îny tenure ail The Champion stir- ed. And besîdes, uts not relevant ai Ibis point. Here is vbat is relevant. For al tbe great financial gains Milton. the Town, makes from grosstb - bc il deveiopment cbarges, an increased iax base, more residenîs wbo spend ibeir money ai ilocal sbops -tbere are cballenges Io face. Il rnigbt bclfir 1er say Ibat Nniltontans cidnt expect aduit entertainmenî businesses to be such a pressing issue. But tl s. As a Mcînrcipality gross. tl wtll be nrduîîed witb requests tor licences to operate ail kinds of businesses. Tbey could rnclude bars and restaiurants Or rel resbment vebicles Io service job construct ionn sites, as tomes En towri potp top Cit CdilLying pace. And even strip clubs. Wbere Ibere's cernancl. soineorne will waît Io supply it. The Town ssill more and more start experienc- ing Ibese kinds ol'pressures. Ton illustrate my point. i've been of te opiniton foir ,orme lrne now ibat Milton bylavv officers. Two otttccrs are ccrrently devs enforcing oui the hsnaws thuit exis Repotrts lrorn tbe bylaw depar town counci clearly state îhuîî coi ng every year. ts entîsing stafflt( toi mcci lihe demanid. Tbe issue ol'birings is ustially pani of tbe butdg- et process 10 determine wbere money cars anc should lbe spent. Tbe point wiîb tbe bylass enforcement s thCtia ~*the. more people thit move mbt Milton. the The b - greater tbe cbances of' compiainîs and cert.irfly 1 . 19 greater the necd to enforce bylaws. like parking p icture or property standards. ______________ hmperative for the Town 10 îhink iong-trnn about fice sociali implications of growtb. Finatuctal i mut hre mre s only Ci part of il. Tb il process bas stafled. Earlier Ibis ycar. tbe coeec fulIltime to Town passed legislaticun that will dictate ssbere is1 in tosvi. sirip clubs nird aduit video stores can locale i tment reieased to Milton. omplaints are ris- Il migbî flot bave been a buge part of the o incur overtime tbougbî-process ua few years ago. but Ibis kind of .-big-picîure tlinking is now crucial on ail levels. Teri Casas Tim Coles

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