4-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, July 11, 2003 THECORPORATINO THE OWNOF MLTO Kesidern teeodack is welcome on parks changes David Thoinpson Park Fay Court Park Melanie Park Thse Community Services Deparûment invites residents who use or live near David Thompson, Fay Court and Melanie Parks to provide commenta on thse conceptual plans which igiighitIhe recomsnended changes for these parka. Thse conceptual plans are based on community feedback received at an Open House and througjs surveys conducted un April of this year. These plans can be viewed on the Town website or by visiuing onq of thse following locations: Public display of concept plans: Monday, July 14 - Sunday, July 20 Town Hall, 43 Brown Street 8:30 arn. to 4:30 pm., Monday te Fniday Leisure Centre Foyer, 1700 Main Street East 6:00 arn. to 10:00 pm., Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday Please feel free to drop by at any tine during the above-noted hours to view the plans and complete a comument sheet. If you cannos attend or do not have access to our web- site, please contact: Lisa Vanderliet, Pasrcs Technologist Phone: 905-878-7252, ext. 2168 Emnail: lisa.vandervliet@town.rnilton.on.ca MITO Hunter won't seek anotheir term on mu.nicipal couincil After fine successive years as a Milton politician, Ward 2 Councillor WaIly Hunter won't be seeking a fourth terni in office in this fall's municipal election. "I have enjoyed my time as a councillor in Milton and I would like to thank taxpayers for the sup- Port and trust they have placed in me over the pasi fine years,' said the 35-ycar-old Bay Street venture capitalist. He won his first election in 1994. As a councillor, Mr. Hunter focused his efforts on improving the Town's financial issues, includ- ing things like the establishment of reserve and debt reduction policies. l-l's currently chairperson of thse administration and planning com- mittee, the Milton Economic Dcvelopment Committce and past representative on the Milton Publie Library Board and Milton Chainher of Commerce. He also assisted in the establishmtent of the Chnis Hadfield Educational Trust. While Mr. Hunter hasn't rulcd out future involvement in politics, he said balancing his home, work and political life has become tough. "My global travel schedule as a venture capitalist and time away from my family certainly played a large part in my decision to retire from local politics."' He said he spcnds a lot of time travelling to places like Califomia. Mr. Hunter is hoping for new people 10 register this faîl. I strongly believe that new faces and ideas are important to any organization and I amn pleased to sec such strong interest in the Ward 2 seat. -l believe in not letting people get stale in political positions." So far five people have regis- tcred for the two Milton councillor positions in Ward 2. Thie other cor- rent councillor in that ward is Art Melanson. Mr. Hunter also encouraged more business people to rmn in the election. "Wc need more people that are not professional politicians and have an understanding of thc business world and thc importance of Uic entrepreneurial spirit."~ Overaîl, Mr. Hunter said the experience as a politician was worth it. lI don't regret ever getting involved in il." Meanwhile, Wards 1 and 3 Regional Councillor Barry Lee registered for re-cîcetion Wednesday aftemoon. Mayor Gord Krantz has regis- tered to scek another termn as mayor. He's got competition as Wards 2 and 4 Regional Councillor Rick Maîbocuf has alto filed to mun for the mayor's position. Ward 4 Councillor Ron Furik has registered to mun for Wards 2 and 4 regional councillor. Ward 3 councillors Cindy Lunau and Ken Keates said they intend to mun but haven't registered yct. Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor, Ward I Councillor Rick Day, Mr. Melanson and Ward 1 Councîllor Brian Penman said they haven't decided yet. The eut-off date to register is September 26. ý,Corradetti enters race in Ward 4 Todd Corradettn of Anderson Avenue has registered to mun for a Ward 4 councillor position in Uhit fall's municipal election. The current Ward 4 councillors are John Challinor and Ron Furik. Mr. Furik is leaving Uic post 10 mun for Wards 2 and 4 regional councillor while Mr. Challinor hasn't stated hit intentions. A total of 17 people have registered 10 mn in the election. IIIiACHCOMIIII * Masve M redsavngs on smtched & dented ht tubs, caneld oders, bWt yarsmodels, dem mods adeen bond~ WAREOUS SAL LOATIO [KHUNDREDS 0F HOT TUJBS ARE PRICED TO CLEAR WAREOUSESAL LOCTIO FAMILY FUN AND FREE HOT DOGS 2725 Bristol Circlle OVER $1.5 MILLION 0F INVENTORY MUST GO Visit or call your local store for detas 'DON T AYU TLFB 204 MILON fFOR 3DAYS ONLY JULY 11-13 E Î - ! q - Maks ns payments and psy nos sterest ust Feb.,2004. Some condtsos msy spply Fnancisg sn spprsved credit. HO US1 A RLL OL TABL S ATOFU'TUE1 OL DAVID THOMPSON SPARýK 4 eK o i 'j PA 1ý.ezi