The Canadian Champion, Fniday JuIy il, 2003--3 In swing Co-ordinator of the Ladies Drive 4 Cancer Cheryl Davidson takes a swing on the grounds of Granite Ridge Golf Club during Tuesday's eighth annual women's charity golf tournament. The event drew 144 golfers and proceeds - as always - will go toward breast cancer research. Photo by JILL KITCHENER A ATO IE UP TO 50% OFF!R For a very imited time get unlimnited savings at La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries- Summer Factory Authorized Clearance* Its our Summer Clearance Event where you'll find remarkable deals on the Iargest selection of quality La-Z-Boy* fumiture n Ontario. lncluding one-of-a-kind, discontinued items and floor models. With thousands of colors and styles to choose from, you can have the beautiful furniture you need, Right Now! So hurry in, an event of this magnitude won't last long. BuRUNGTON POWIU CiMii (905)331-7600 L-Z BoyCU tu»I Aêf e S 0 M.~~OM laUffld. of WOM. Lk~ ,kS Mh.o. , LLW LU BUY NOW, PAY tAlER! o DOWN 0 INERES 0 PAYEZT 'TIL 2004!* r IlYum ion e tareler a vekc, amwcar Imeemi et se uud aafllau lug ar e u reaiy savlnt? The amswer ls Roi uecessaill. Used Velikie Mmke art ai Mteiloel peint la Ne Was 5 yer, m,iuWy. eau pirckme a qalll 1, 2 or 3 year4hlvelmlWU Wl <w mIle* ai a plue lai hdew a comparbl uew ckft- cm wlà e mwcar MKeuns laclred lu. TUii S lMe liMle i»Y a PRe-eed VeNde VUisi Grd's le<lan d IcI i ae s pIelesslmak sbew Yeunlie value el a pe-en lVehicke.We w111 provileyeu wil au the lnl«Monmaflo e bl elp Yeu maie u m Iermcd decision. NOVr 200 Pre-wueul cles 10PAYEnT P701 6Mj on f~hl AUTO'! T E DEieurR 410 Steeles Ave. Milton 905-875-2277 -B---- ~k1 9114boma %7ub« Le! fiorrnd's show TOn W11y Ai Pre-Owned Velicle 1 ois r m DeS! Doey! orim scfflAys 1'l-4,pla