"r Fun for the whole pit-crew. Corolla CE $21 QPER aRraiFONd-une-u ,- ,Hsa>2, 110 D,',OW .D.3. 0MSRPE I8 Litre 4-cyfinder 130 Sp, DOUC, 16-valve, VVTi engine - Air conditioning - AM/FM Stereo with 4 speakers Power ocks and mirrors- Keyless entry - 6W/40 Split rear seat DoVal stage driver & passenger airbags rîtý steering otside temperature goage- 15" wheels- 5-speed manual transmission Lease for an additiosai $1412 par montS and get automnatic transmission Fuel cansomptian: NIV 5.3L/100km (53mpg) / Cty 7. I t00km (4Otpg Camry SE LWAE FOR PER MOPdTH F06 48 MONTHS WITH $4, 172 00WN FREIDHTAN0 P..E. INCLUDED $ 9 -26,O000MSR - 2.4 Litr, 4-cylinder, 157 Sp. OC 6vleVTiegn -4sedatmai rnms sion wtS overdrive - AM/FM CD Cassette wth 6 speakers- Air ronditioning- Power windows, lochs and mirrors -Cruise contrai Keyess entra' - 60/40 splît foldîng rear seat - baiSer w.a..e steeing we .l an shif ,eah- 'fi;" îiînan aioy-ee- .lonu dan -acent Photo by GRAHAM PAINE E-colu victim Lewanne DeBaie, with mother Patricia, la calling for com- pensation. "Not working is going ta set me back from doing the things 1 want ta do," said Ms DeBaje, 19. She isn't alane. Ms DeBaje is anc of many E.C. Drury students who are sick af being sick from the recent E. cati outbreak, and even sicker of lasing much-needcd wages. As the number of reported E. Cati cases increases - as af yesterday aftemaan 85 students had reparted being sick - Sa taa daes the collective number af wark haurs last by students as well as the number of plans altered ar dashed campletely. What began as a milestone celebratian at Trillium Banquet and Convention Centre in Mississauga - passibly the source of the food paisoning - has tumed out ta be an unexpected nightmare. 0f the 250 people wha attended the June 25 graduation party - one less than arigi- nally thought- Haltan 's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nasal said 225 have been cantacted. 0f those, 85 students are reparting symptams like blaody diarrhea. The bacteria strain has been con.firmed by tests ta be E. coli 0157:H7, the same kind that killed seven people in Walkerton via tainted drinking water. Given that the incubation period for get- ting ill bas corne and gane, Dr. Nasal does- n't expect the number of sick people ta rise. He said the health department bas ruled out Halton as being the source of E. coli. Part of the investigation involved testing water at E.C. Drury for the bacteria. Tests *see E. COLI on page 22 E M M M M M M M M M M à !«j!ý 1 Bacteria sufferers being hit financially By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Lewanne DeBaie had big plans for this Christmas. She was going to visit ber three-year-old niece, who lives in British Columbia. Altbaugh this might not sound particu- larly important, it is ta Ms DeBaie. H-er sis- ter passed away just three months aga. leaving her niece matherless. Now, afier becoming ilI with E. cali and being unable ta work for a couple af weeks, Ms DeBaies plans are in jeapardy because she simply doesn't know if she'lI be able ta, afford the trip. and illamînated insrumentation- Engine immobilzer - Tilt steering - Rear spolier- Fog lamps Fuel consomption: Nwy 6.91/100km (4 IMPO /Cilty 102LI100km 28mpg) \~EA SE FOR PER MONTH F0R848 MOPdTHS WITH $3688 DOWN 1259FREIGHT AND O... INCLUOEO $21,O25MSRP 4 1.~~8 Lite, 4cylinder, 130 Sp. DONC 18-valve. VVr-i engine -Air conditioning -AM/FM Sic ou CD w iii 4 6 speakers- 16" alloj wheels- Power windows, Jacks & mrrors- Cruise controtl Keyless entry- 60/40 sali rear seat -baIser wrapped sfeering wheel - tilt steering- 5-speed manoal transmission Loase for as addîlîonal $15.41I per montS and gel aotomatîc transmission Fuel consumption: Hwy 6.O1/îOOSm (47mpg) / City' 7. O1/lOOkm 37mpg)" & Many More MILTONTOYOT 400 Steeles Avenue 905s 875-1700 WWW.Mlltontoyota..com