i 2-The Canadian Champion, Frday JuIy 1il 2003 I'm flot quite old enough yet to be called Grandpa from MHEV on nnne 9 affects Iheir personality. And even their life. John Wayne's original first namre. fior examnît 15 mernorable. Frank Zappa named his kids Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet and Diva Muffin. Okay, maybe flot that weird, but Ihere are pien- îy of nice sounding unique naines thai 1 lhink people like having, such as... Bobbi. The birth certificate for Dweezii Zappa says Ian. When Dweezii was older, he demanded that his naine be changed legaiiy so Dweezii because he iked il more. Sec? People like having unique names. Thne next name issue is whaî 10 be caiied. 1 cringe every ime I lhink of1 myseif as a grandia- ln ta,l y 1iIher was itider ihan 1 amr rghî now when i was bomn. He's caiied Grumpy by the grandchiidren, which is kind of funny and cule. You know the regular grandfather names Grandpa, Grand Dad, Gramps, Grampy, etc. I might like those when 'm 60, but Ihaî's 15 years away. There aren't a loi of new variations com- ing oui, s0 I'm going 10 make my own, and mod- emize il. We don'î reaiiy like reminders Ihai we're gel- ling nid, even if we gel îhem ail the lime. Anyîhinp cextra we cao eliminiats,;jusi fine hv it jusi gîves you excuses flot Io aci y(iung. 1 mighî be thînkîng, hey, 1 canit do thai, l'm a grandfaîher. I'm nol sure whaî il is i wouidn'î do as a grandfaiher thai I do n0w, but theres uno point laking any chances. i caiied my ex-wife to sec whaî she wanled 10 bie caited. She wasn'î Ino sure, but she did ledl anyîhing wilh grand in il was loi) nid sounding. She bias a friend who's caiied Ya-Ya, which she lhnughî was okay. The maie grandiparent eqaîs- 1-lâts .gn, c. And o t youuorgtil. ainm)1ta îii1beN-o Idn1lîks 1 was lhinking of G-Man. You know, Gratndi ,îhtr MinîîOr it ' n hi s.î.. ci Si e olti iiy e s ihat I1v as gîîînîg o h CG Man, she changeci whaî she wanîed to be caiied to Queen-G, a lakeoif on Qucen Bee. Not bad. Sponty. modemn, imaginative. Jusî righl for loday's grandparenî. Athough, I'm ont sure we're lhinking of the poor kid. When somebody asks abouî ber grand- parents, she'il be confused and wiii have te, deny having knowiedge of such a lhing. "Wei,' she mighî say, I don'î know about grandparenîs, but i've gos a Queen-G and a (J-Man.' LIKIE4 YU U A UUUL) LISTENER? A Some expents suggesî Ihat women tend b bbe better listeners than men. Iu fact, rm0sy husbands arc noto nious for being poor listeners. Perhaps you are famil- iar wiîh the scene of a husband reading the newspa- per whiie his wie is lryîng 10 ialk. Hîs response is "Yes. dear. Uh, huh. Mmmm, is that so?" But he's not reaiiy istening. Suddeniy. bis wife pulls down the newspaper and asks, "Have you heard a word tve saîd?!!" Two men were taling ose day. One ni îhem said. "My wife talks to herseif a lot." Hîs iriend answered. "Mine does 100. but she doesnt know tl She thiîîks l'm listenîng." Poor lisîening, however, is noî jusi aîîribuîed 10 men. Sometimes, ail of us listes poorly- as a group nf pas- seugers on an air plane when the fiight attendant is making the required safeîy announcement. Patricia Goidman, the former vice chairman of the National Transportation Safeîy Board, tlls a story about a fligbî atendaut who, frusîraîrd by passenger mnalien- tivenesu duriug her îalk, chauged the wording and said, "Wheu the mask drops down lu front of ynu, place mbt over your navel and coutinue 10 breathe uormaliy.' Nol a single pausenger noliced. 1 read about a middle-aged womnau who suffered wiîh a hearing problem. One day, uhe and her hus- baud were driviug froru New Brunswick 10 Ontario. Ibev were uulled over hv an <P fficer wo a. d,- Senlyor2 kaS t h of,. erryRoue Chlldren être. Netelle Rouge Assistant/Worshlp Mrs. Esther Keseler Youth/Outreach Mr. Tlm Stevens 9 a. m. - Early Worhip Service 9:-30 arn. - Sunday School forAitlAges 10:-45 a. m. - Second Worship Service UPON THI5 fPOCK 6:30 p.m. SundayNightLlVE 1309N 7T0 15E W/Lt Sapervsed Nursery & Dynamic Chldren's Programs available durng ail services! c . ùs en 5LUMMER rlI)'5CAMP 4 Go0d'0 131,3Ficture Mornlnqe of Auouet 1b - 22 Website. www.newlife-milton.org ENAG YORCICE F LV if the husbaîîd knew hiîw fast he was drîvîug.l The wîle asked. -What dîd he say?' The hushand replîed, HE ASKED IP i KNEW THAT i WAS SPEED- ING.- Lookîng aI the driver's lîcetîse. thet fiîcer said. -I sec you're not irîm around here.- The hus- baud saîd. "No. ve are irîîm Monctoîn." Tht vile agaîn asked. -What dîd you say' ." The husbaîîd îîld her, i SAID WE ARE PROM MONCTON." The ollîcer Iti nctînîîîîeîîed, Yîîu kiîîî. tlie îaîtesi womnaii iever mtîteAvas trîîîîMomcton."î flicvile agaîn asked. "Whaî dîd he sîy'The hasbaiiî replîed, -HE SAYS HE THINKS HP KNOWS VouLJ Youre lnivted ta.. Milton Bible 1 Church! Sundays @ 10:00 AM Milton District High School 395 Williams Ave. jim @ MiltonBibleChurch.ca wwwMltonBibleChurchca 876-3243 Making Disciples who Make a Oiference! SOMMSIE CONMU MTYCliCH 2850 DERRY RD. Phone 878-5664 10:00 A.M. SERVICE -MURRAY RUSSELL plus "Adventurcland" for kids aged .3 to grade 6, nursery care provided for up to age 2 Soutbsides's image X Youtb Miaistries! -have finished or the sumnmer but wvill resumne again in September! Cal] now to register for High Power Soccer Camp August I1-I5th, 2003 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the H1i11 Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.gracechurchmiltoncom Rev. Dr. Mark McDerinot Bey. Amy Cousmnean SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn- HoIy Communion 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist Chureh School & Coffee Hour THURSDAY arl 1000 arn Holy Communion L!jWheeichair Access Through Parking Lot Doors Jesus saîd. h'b whîî has cars to hear. Ici hîm hear. il is possible t0 hear vîîh Ilur physîcal cars and nît 111 hear vîth siar cars ou' spiritual usdersîasdîîîg. Offert. our cars tat) hecîîme cloîgtd hy the vas of vorry. stress oîr aîîsîeîy su thai ve lail lii hear vhaî the Spirit us tryiîîg litîîcmsîuuîcaîe. But Geîd desîres lui speak Io us' Ht desîres 10 reveai lus v iii il us, aîd tîo bc actîvely învîîlved sn leadîng us. Friiii tht beîîîîîîîîî gof the trealltiontofmas. and conîîîîuîîg îhrîîughîîuîlilsiorî. Gis]lias v anîed lIo cîîmmuîîîcaîe v ith Hiiscreatis l.Ht v\alkcd sinte tool li' the day vîîIh Adaîîî Ht spoke 10 mes andt vîoîts v&hoî tîllîîvtd Hîni ihrougliiut tht ages. S MILTON SIVFNTH t)AY CH URCH Inîvites vîîu i ii n wetlji yabbaih wtente v Huga Foster Hait, 43 Brown St. Milton .Su ) 930 a. m.-Sahhaih.Sthînl Su I11 .îs ii n ivncertît FREE BIBLE SCHOOL lieven the amazing Bihle aniween iv îlfe'i perplexing questions, and the seceti iva happe fle. l'or REF ItBlilLI LSSONS, waile. Pi.iBox 23012, 55 Ontario Si., Mitn, Oni., 1,91 9114. On the INTERNE F, htip://www.voip.coîm ami wwwamazingfacs.org/biblechool/schoolmiin.asp lASIOR: AI Oa( osa 5 19-835-8301 Foi moreeinformaion about vue service and pnîgeam, please taill MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Study For the Son ot man is corne f0 seek and fo save that which was lost.F Luko 19.10 f We welcome you to... F ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH(.123 Main St. E., Milton ~1 Sun. JuIy 13 9:30 a.m. WORSHIP supported by mnusic trorn the Summer Choir Camping Weekend JUIY 18-20 Rev. John Benham & Rev. GeMr Hofstetter S Church office: (905) 878-8895 _________ www.stpaulsniilton.org -~ I. Todaî. He calis us Io be led by His Spirit which entails hearing His voice as He speaks îhrough the %vrilles Word and our private limie wiîh Him. Trouhled'? Perplexed! Full of anxiety" Paralyzed by lear. Set aside your cares. Pra. Tune 10 (iod îoday. He cares tor you! The lister) for Hîs answer. He vanss 10 alk 10 you. Consider visiting a church near Nou this ,veekend. Service limes and locationîs are published lu the direcîor helovA, Learn 10 lisien for Hîs volte' Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Minister - The Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Summer Sunday School (Ages 3-8) Vacation Bible School July 21-25, 9-12 noon To register cal Amy at (905) 878-9873 "Called to Serve the Lord" SWheelchair access and washroomis provided so that ail may corne and worship. Ac em olIMa, Si *BAHA'I FAITH Devotional Metngs n Milton Homes: Embracing ail religions and cultures' "Spiritual Prîncîples for Equality and Justice" Devotions and Tea: Sun. Aug. 10, 2-3pm Mltî-falth Dovotions and Discussion Alternate Tuesdays: JuIy 15 and 29 - 8 pm Embracing Dlversity Summer Class: Ages 9-11 Aug - Tues. & Thurs. mornings: iOam-l2pm Registration: July 15 - 7 pm, 334 Coxe Blvd. irofessional Teaching Staff: 905-693-9615 For locations or information: 905-875-2923 lecorded Message: 1-800-433-3284 *.* ÇRACEwAY CB4fJSTCHURCH -i 103 Martn Street ce ý! ' 905-878-1 629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'l always find a friend at Graceway" 1 - - -- -- v