Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jul 2003, p. 25

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____________________________________________________________The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 8, 2003-25 CL8SSIFED HOMMIE: 905-875-3300 CLASSIFE» HOURS: Monday to Friday 0 9:00 am --5:00 Pmn 4OU!Al?.siidAd pera m miltncan i 'aioil', ', À /à GRADUATION GRADUATION Heather Stoil Brad Stoli Ccnyqratclalivîr on obvlainin jc lats',Crqrstu/ations ovo rhtc/rîîoaa B.At Bachelor si"irîescc/aýqi andSB.A. <Visal.rts) /rîm Srocîi f ttiiarsc) v. 2001, <Psychrî/rîyî déyrees frrîm Lakehead sod a Dilnrma lCrsphic 1eyn lPrduct/ion) U'niversity io Macy 2003/ frro Gerisn Cod/cge, 20034 -lfhehbes 'n ova pusuic v ai/.S ýA al.'ll hehbest in your lbok Uo ersfy . sec' Positiv on t BSJO Love /iad /cm, Sud vPd vom lahr HOMESELLERS - Fnd oual what the home down the Street sold for Free ccmptesized lst of area home sales and carrent listings. Frae recorded message 1-888-266-34968ID# 1041. -Taer- PROPERTY FOR SALE -Talrlocated in Port Saven - Widwocîd by the Secamn (Port Secamn Campera Association) -Lot approsimafeiy 500x80 lot whîch includes: -1979, 35 foot, Glendeste Traler w/ thp ouf Flondca roof. deck boat dock close lv lot 8 8x 12 hashed -ail incusiva Asking $25,900.00, ohbo. Cal) (905) 632-8264 REASONABLE Indausînal Usîfs for test. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. Bt. Loadîsg docks & drive-in. Phase 1-905-277- 9347 ar 1-905-275-6834. 6$Mcsey $$. 100% iI, 2nd and 3rd Mrtgages, Bad credif 0K. Culi Ontaro Wide, 1-888-307-7799 BUSNESS finance cpe- cialist -busnessa bans for al prposes from prime + 1%. Cati 905-690-9875. CALL SINCLAIR-COCK- BURN - 1-800-328-7887 et. 321, t-yr 385, 5-yr 4.45, ARM 440. Aiso eqai- fy aortgage prograac, te- gardlecs af iscome ot credif. 2&3 Badrooms available Jsly/AugustiSepfeaher. 4 appliances. Central But- ilglon, seat schoois, shop- png. 05-333-1190. 3 hedrooa aparlment avait- able Jaly 15th, 1.5 haths. so appliancas, 51000+ atili- fies. (905) 875-2468. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Milton 00e are nom acceptîng applications for 2 hedroom apart- menfc. For Auguaf or laI et. For more information andlor to make an appointment, Please cati 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny MILLSIDE TOWER 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE 1 &2 Bedroom ApI c Close Ici Doanfoan. Bac stop aI Front Doon (905) 876-1249 ama.reaictar ce MILTON, Auguct 1sf, 1 hedraca $825+; 2 hed- roua 5$945+. Ca)) Mary (905) 299-0625 SUNNY large country apartment, share ait h teachen/ grsd cladent, gar- des, patio, freplace. As- gact lot, $500, 905-693- 1129 Contact Jack McCrsdden aI Ramas BIse Sprns. (905) 878-7777. AVAILABLE Aagacftcfst gras) neighhourkood in Mil- ton. Satahie for non smok- ng coupla ailS vo pets. Second lavai of houscawth 9 foot calînga, 3 hedroomc or 2 wth dinîng. $1100+ atlifies. References re- qairad. (905) 878-2737, CAMPBELLVtLLE, 3 hed- rcvm home for ranI, $1,350 + utilites, Avalala imme- dîataly Cal 46-571-6206. LARGE roua for tant. PRV entrance, ktchan, hath- lOoa, non cmckar, frst & ast, $500.00 month. (905) 878-1251. LAURIER and Thompson. Large 4 hedroom, fniched hasament, double cor ga- rage, S appliances, hackc ont c quiet park, close f0 ail amanîties. Avalahie As- gust ici, 51850/montS + stîlîfies. 46) 248-9981, NEW 3 hedroa house, avaîlahie îamadîately, 5 appliancas, AC, Milon, $1500+ stîlîf es. Cal) Fer- nando (905) 878-3067, MATTAMV SEMI' - Mlton - 4th Lina and Darry. 5 ap- piances/3hedrooms/2-1/2 haIS. Avalahie îmmadîately. $1550.00 pus utiiies. Cal 905-854-3435. Wit ego- liaIs for long tata leace" AVAILABLE Asgsst 15, 3- hedroca, ingle car ga- rage, air condîfîoning. Well maîntaînad. References ta- qsirad. Ca)) Karr Realfy Management Ltd., (905) 876-0407. NEW 3 hedroc bawn- hosse avaîlabie Augut 1sf. Retenances, flo smok- ing/pets. 51400/mo plus utilities. (905)878-M47. ROOM, $400.,fsmîched or snfstsichad. Pets in hosse, no smoking, parking. Shared faclties, 905-876- 3168> SHARED ACCOMMODA. TIONS in doanfoan Mlon. 2-large roomc ailS use cf ktchen. Lots cf Parking,, S55000 par montS plus hy. dro. Avalable Sept. tcf 2003. Ack for Conrad ldayc) (905) 639-8777 & aI- ter 6 P m (905) 693-0780. 100 Gallon fîcsh aquarum aith h aodan cahinet stand, 500 aqsaclear iller cycfam, rocks, clones and frach aa- fer frch. Cali 905-693-1517. A Kng Piliowtop Mantresa Set. Newin plasticc CosI $1600 Sacrifice $450,00. 905-567-9459 cas delîver. ASSORTED faritare and drapes for sala. Excellent condition. Carmala (905> 876-1653. BAD CREDIT? Bankmuptc? No prohiemi Brand Nama Prodacîci Gaarantead Credif Approvsiii $2.500 Ussecsred repaymanf tarasi A8cordahle Mcnthly Paymenls. No interecti Cal) Noîci 1-800-803-3349 or ww.BrandsNOWcom BED Amazîsg hargaîn, qsean orthcpedic pilloatop set, nea sn plastic, aarrasty $150. 905-567-4042 wl)) delîver BED, Amazîng hargaîn, qseen orthopedic pillowtop set. Newin plastic, warran- ty $15O0905-567-4042 aili deliver. BEDROOM cal Bpca cher- rywood. Bed, checf, dress- er, mîrror, nîghf stands, Dovefaîl construct ion, Nec- et spaned..Coat $8000. Sacrifice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CAMPBELLVtLLE - 27' Traiter os perm. ita ailS 28' addition, dînsg deck and shed lsd. $22,000, 060. Cail (905) 878-3958 or (705) 687-9244 t0 view. ENGAGEMENT Rriid & flariirio irr ioiii tliitî,ri Chtse and Andy Ioarme thele bagnoeth bit I i hedas, brtheo1 eih a Mahhîlwavhrnase 1818 a oMwenhsgna cf i. MtsDonWIo f akpailnosg00.cfTrot thragtivarrandp itare asd oardannuel.the I Crharoes Dhertysecofng son, a ote orlan Acts as ofscieso, Dns M l o as ke, RclandD isse ofMToytk co Dr Liche and the esceptional staff ai TMH. ICROSS - Brent and Jodi (nee Zanatta) are thnilled to annoance the arnival of Ihaîr precîvas daaghfar, Syd- Iney Macenna (a k a.'The Sires".) Sydney made her Ieadly (and noîcyi) entrasce ict the wodd on Jase 16, I2003, weighing 7 possdc, three ounces. She cs wel- chenched firt grasdchid for Reg and Evelys Zasasta, and a dalîghtffa new granddaaghfer for Fred and Kargn Cross, al of Milon, Speciai fhansc 1 Dr. Kng, Dr Hant- er, and al cf the aonderfsl O.B8 staff aI Mlon Dsct Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Steee & Eea Adams (nee) Giammarco cf Mlon ara pleased f0 annoanca the itth of thaîr dasghfer Victoria Nicole aeîghing 9lhc, loz ai Milton Dstrict Hospital on Jane 23, 2003. Praad Grandpar- anIs Maso & Malle Giammarco cf Miltas, Maron Adams cf Beamovîlle asdAllas & ElliAdamo of Mîc&és- sauga. Prosd AssIs and Uncles Joe Giammarco of Mii- ton, Brian & Nancy Rchardsonsof Smîfhville, Colis & Kares Adamo of Oshawa and a lîsfle cousin for Brandon Giammarco & Masos Adams. Thanks f0 Dr. Glas Hant- er, Dr. Jeff Colbacnîk and alftha DB Nurses ai Milon District Hospital. CARPET i have caver 1,000 yrds. aI sea Stair macler & 100%, nylon cai pet. Wii do lvngrocan Sali for $389. Includes cai pet. pad & installation (3 yards) Steve, 905-63M 2902 CERWIN Vega Floc Speakers - VS carie: hlack, 250 Wutts, lke nec askîng $600 O060 Sas cung Wîndow Air Condition et - 10K BTU, esceliai condition, ackîng $100 (905) 876-4287. ai DINING ROOM l3pce. in Cherry, 8 chars, buffet, art hctch, cemvet, dovetail can- & struction. 5h)) n boxes, tr- Coaf $11,000. Sacrifice 0 $3,000. 905-567-9459 9- MUST SELLI Mafchîng - chestarbield, loveseaf, and 'Or wîsg chair Nea condition, s, cocf $2400, sacrifice $1200 w, 060. Ca (905) 693-9986. r"n NEED a Computer? Dont rit Have Cash? IB3M, Gteaay & Compact PC's as Low as $1. a Dayl No Monay -Doasi Cali BrasdsNOW! 1- 800-656-8369 aaw.dollara- 1 day.comn 256 256 256 Comonng vens CO4ning Events Comlng Events Don't miss the AMilton District Horticultural Society's GARDEN TOUR -SUNDAY, JULY 13, 2OO3,- Stngle S7,20 Family 51000 Buy 00cr tickets ai the June 21 si Flower show (Milton Mail) aitrhe Spice O'Lite (254 Main Street East) or al either of the' Jo Leen's locations (224 Main Street East and in the Milton Mai>. Tickets will also ha on sale July 13th at the Town Hall Gardes. For more detaila call 905) 878-6904 for LANI I4ANSON êKANt HEMSON Ut JuI11, lpA-am IONS HALL, ~thompso Armai FUPIESNACKS, CAMES. $0TICKETS AALBEAT DOOR $$$$ - Wanted - ail china, culver, cryctal, tea csps, Royal I3cu)fon, Saarovski, glass, îeaai)ery, 014 tops, colaectîbies, ectales. Cali John/Tracy, 905-331-2477, FREE fa a good home,5 peur aid spada Lacp- Acpho. Needs loIc cf love! Cal (905) 878-863 affar 5 Pm. REMEMBRANCES in the (urss cf danations ta The Milton District Hospital Faundatian ara appraciatad DIXON, LAURA a Peacefally, sarrcanded hy Set tamîly at Eden Hosse, Edes Milîs os Sasday Jaly 8th, 2003. Lacra Barbara Dîsos (Oeea Pmdham) cf Mlton in har 97th year. Belovad wife cf the laf e Lorne E. Dicos. Lovisg mothar cf Ruth and Set hashand Don Taylor and Ro- bant and hic aile Pat Dîson cf RR#2 Mlton. Lauta al ha greatly mîssed hy her grandchîldren Heathar, Jason, Lacra and John Dîsos and Valase Westwood. Dear sis- far-in-law cf Evelys Pradham cf Toronto and Lloyd Aitkîn cf Edmonton. Predeceased hy htcthers and sîsteas Hon. George Paudham PC., Harvey Paudham, Anna Caîms and JasaI Atkîn. Grasdnîece cf Lassa Secord. Alsa survivad hby masy sîecac, sephews asd coasins. Restîsg a01the McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main St. Milton (905) 878-4452 f rom 2-4 & 7-9 pm. Wednesday, July 8fh, 2003. Fanerai serv- ice Thvadcay Jcly 91fr, 2003 sf 11:00 am. I termant Bethel Pioneer Cemefery DWORNIK, MILORED jAf the Milon Dstrict Hospital os Monday, Jaly 71h, 2003. Mldred Dwomîik cf Mlon, bel oved wile cf Jerry Dwomik. Lovîng mother of Gerald Dwcmik of Toronto and Glana wife lreecf Scarhoroagh and Stalle Donald cf London. Racfng isgthte MoKersie- Kocher FuneraI Home, 114 Main St. Miton 905-878-4452 f rom 2-4 & 7-9 pm. on Taesday, Jaly 8th. Fanasal Service wrll ha held Wedoacday, July 9th, 2003sf t 1'SOpm GILLIES, MARGARET Af the Oakoîlle Trafalgar Memonal Hospital on Fnday, July 41 h 2003. Margaret Gîllîes (nea Murray) of Mlon, heloved aile cf the fate William Gllies. Lovîsg mother of Mar- garet and har hschand Cad Stather cf Guelph, William and hic wife Julia of Mlton, Mur- ray and hic wfe Cindy cf Camhridge and JasaI and Ses hschand Lea Astsrong of Camhridge. Dean cîcler of Cecil and hic wîfe Wîssie Murray and Orval and hic wîfe Ll- lias Mrray of Thedford and Mark and hic wîfe Frances Murray cf Guelph. Prade- ceased hy a brothar SetS Marray. Loved hy 15 grasdchildren and 4 great grandchîl- dren. Famîly and fsasnds visifed aI the McKeraie-Kocher Funerai Home 11 4 Main St. Miton 905-878-4452. The fanerai service ailha heid aI the New Apostolic Church os Delhi Sf. is Guelph os Taecday, Jsly 8fh 2003 aI 11:00 arr lofassent aI Milon Ever- grean Cemefery. Memonai donations tv the Heart and Stroka Foandafion wosld ha appraciafed. ivîvn aooCABURN, Michael (Mike) trilovng emry f MkeClayham, who passed away Jaly 10, 199W An Angal ailS nea ainga Scasng free everyday Ramînded cf yca by anything n each and evary day An ange) once agaîn, f0 wach ovar us ai) Feeling ya're sclii era aifh us Whes poure name we coul 00e cherioh ai) car memnes As pear affer pear has passed Bp rememharnsg pou arîhis car hearda Yef ae sf111 ohen cry 00e gaze aI al the stara A cruie deep aithîn our Searts As yosr liteac takes Tac nea osas have acstart Our speciai love ail) alaays grca Oves thcugh aa are miles apart Your lite ail) alaays corry on Living in out Seafls Love Mom & Dad Tracy & Steve, Paul & Paula, Jesae & Korey Rent it, Seli it, Buy it today in the Canabian Cbampïon 1 il

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