2-The Canadian Championl, TueSday, JuIy 8, 2003 P ose Up to 7b r e oexercise requrd urnte E. T e a c h e r s ' u i n p n i t 1 the pulbie bho, hob î saleend Juy 1/03ETFO asks new educators flot 2003-04 school year. sal en s uly11 03"The majority of our hiring for Adale, to apply for work at board September is donc. But for vacan- lisa Buines O nercies that corne up ini the fail, there ig colTahrBy ROBB SWYBROUS "On June 5, elementary public cudb a problem," she ad Special to The Champion school teachers voted 95.8 per cent Thbodaysihshrd14 TheEleentry eacers in favour of strike action. We are new teachers for September, mayny Fedraton of ntaio demanding improvements to our of whom accepted positions alter salres and working conditions,' interviews throughout June. (ETFO) is pink listing the M.Wibre ad Ms Beckett-Morton said there Halton District School "We have been very patient. 'Me will likely he only a handful of Board, effectively asking board has settled with aIl its other positions that nced filling in the teachers from across employee groups. Since Halton fal. Canda lotto ppî toany hires new elementary teachers dur- The board lists its job openings Caaantt pl oay ing July and August, ETFO's piink o s e ieadi urn eahing positions in Halton listing will continue to focus atten- isWbst ndi urnl utilfuterntie tion on our issues." tn accepting applications for eight Emil Nolepresden of ETFO Halton represents the positions. Emil Nolepresden ofregins le- Four arc full-time jobs, while the 1,600 teachers in the einsle EtFo, se the ct ion jmpsta on- mentary public achools who teach other four are part-time positions. Ad leIottracte thatkction t u ator- roughly 29,000 public elemcntary The board says it currcnsly Ad i o t rc alsbten tadth or. students. employs 1,592 teachers. As for I-latons clementary school teach- There arc 65,000 public elernen- contract negotiations, Ms Beckett- Als ot22 pounds and ers have been without a contract tary achool teachers and education Morton said the board has a written since last Auguat and the two ides workers in Ontario who are mem- offer on the table for ita elementary 1 14 poundsl dress sizOS have yes to agree on a new deal. bers of ETFO, making it thc largest teachers, but has yet to hear back "(The pink listing) just tells teachers' federation in Canada out- from the union. teahea aroa anaa hattha ide of Quebec. Its up in thc air. We hope to Sboard has outatanding contract hissues and not to apply there for thc Move won't have immediate have a deal in place by September J j timc heing," Mr. Noble said. effect, says board officiai but we'll sec," ahe said. "We're hoping Uis will bring Uic Dawn Beckett-Morton, the The board already has agree- Welht angemnt ndNutitin entestwo sides back to thc table." boards lcad negotiator for contract ments in place for ita secondary Welht anaemet aélNU"riin CnîtesMaurcen Weinberger, president issues, said Uic pink listing won't achool teachers, office and clerical ask for the impossible. it's our specîoliy of ETFO Halton, said Uic regions necessarily have an immediate workers and professional student ~ U1~?i Qo<.,wwhrblmglcysemsco 90*63*994 elementary achool seachera are effect on Uic board, sine ithas aservassice w abits educational aniu ogtwa hywud hrdalmostalft haeait a ew mploy conaîder a fair deal in place. it will need for Uic beginning of Uic ment contract.