~ ~ 7 td4s aV O 4~ e C n awi.tthiSue Haringa 9 irurisaar. irrro DOM nad 5ursrsrririiyaiiis. oîspîap srarîog Imo great goalsad fi e Mareos. Chuog adVardor Daalao nasr rîrrr.aa -..-w1111l u ulM luU@ Headys 4 TK.S Capentry 1dim O Goals maso from Casoandra Travisoos, Katrion ccasIons and 2 by Jessica Gonraloos on tho Hadys toam. Cathermne DeSilva as goalie for TISfSola tho iraI hait. Sardenati Greenhouses 3 Headys i Thiogo sors heatea uponirthe field for sa rdeaal Grooshosoos and Hoady'o girls aI thio gamo. Great goal ieopiag by Megan Saliba (Sasdooafl Groonhooses) and Cassandra (Hadysf abs playod ia sot for bath halvas, Goal ocorers for Saîdosafi Gasoohoosos more Alcia Carey o 2 and Rachat Harrso A graat goal by Katrior as the Headys toam. Vanter Inorance 4 Sardeneli Greenhounes 5 Aica lCarays are o als as sher' r goals mare srored hp Brandon Zomas, Danîi Babro and Aothoy Sgra Bath teamo shomed earsotiooai goolteadîng, Soars goafîs mas Biaise Harveyand Choaig and Vaoder DOa goalîs Ricbard baboaros Sparial mention goas fa Daniel Srhartner, Maîthew Mîsahais oadLois Heodersan for a stroog effort and oxrellent dîsplay oaf sjlisý Campbeloille Equine 5 Milton-Sears 3 As anrîtîog gama as Milton Sears lad stngiy sn tbefirot bail mrtb a greaf bat trics by pomeshoase icisasbaDani Scbertzas. bst Campbellsîlle Egoîae Sersîces gaîiskly aasea bacs aîth srsgle goals ha David Gaul. Brrac Pagiri, Arrbao Bhaadarî aad Taylor Biurgess mîtb 2 goals. Tha lirai score for Ibese mail satched teams mas 5S-3 for Campheliisriqia gîe Sersîras, Sardosoli Grerohooses oîctory a er U i e 3 £ 14 Vaoilssuaaoroio as aocitiog gama.U é è . 3 l r Bittaay Scrader aisooocorod far Computer Brou. Sardosaif Asooelîso tsibaîat-oo or d 3 Milton Jaycees 3 goalo for Vaoias wth Victoria Sclrsmbr Samaotba Stocisaif lad the Mltor addîog asothor Spocial mention goas Jaycoos ta a 3 t irtory rn the seat ta Mgar Salîba, Bira Wado andarosas Compotar Bros aîth 2 aarly goals Megbar Greasa aI Sarasooili Vantr isn the îrot Sait Jassica Spancar Ambar Croninanad Gîsa Saobs piayod a rasposasa awith a singls goal ta pol tog gama Computar Bras. ta sîthîr sas. bat Briapsa Kuge gaI tho insorasca mîaaay kstbrosgb tho seond hall tao saithe sic- tory Strosg team piay y Nirole 2 For i Pizza 4 & strosa deferra frais Assis Murray & Campbelloille Eqoîne 2 Ifrystal Passas for LampaItas Bras kopt If mas a boastîfai Satarday maraîag for fis gasa sasy risse & aacitiag ta a soccas gama The 2 For f Pissa Boys rsatcb ard the Campbalisîia eEgira Boys ail piayed a great dama ampoellilîiî The bouis 2 Egoîsa epiayed aritot ary soibs asd ail A Doîlgooros Tooch 2 ai the playars asrisadsextra bard tofends A graat fast pacar] gasi ayayd Oy Sofa off 2 For t Aaron MillesRichbard Maris teamas asoldavasathsagbf sas sassa Nchlas Gascia adAsaroas Bacon aacb alreaay s tha lay-aff thaeoay tba girls scosas for tba 2 for 1ffassi Whiis f3 asasa yîayisg boafias for salir saosss Moffat ara Taylor Burgess gaitriae goals sassa bae strargi atlase gais goalias for the Camyballoilla Egarsa teaos for taestsgoes i aasaSisarilia Vaiiio Makisrg somo stsrsrrg ssas 1 sinetfrait Gabrielle Sears ara goalias for The Campoelilîlfo Egarra mas Fric Sbrilla faons assa Michella Pascels ara Sherry Domaoîc Pasgsalnoo mas aissays os tha 555i Wit5 sscb a sfrosg dsfassisa mao makisrg some groat plays loi gama tba goal scorars ssaiiy aorissd for Campbaliillia Ogoîra la goal las 2lforf1 iaaf bey gaI besigner s gisais asie mess Cady Mobbs asd Pbiîp Rousseau scosasi by Jesssica Cosisos ssnd Carolirne Groat game for bath teams arA the boys Shaws Deanl s goal scosers ois eFssa soasiaal ho prasaaI baeis aeffo' Siosoar adSarab Nikalicli A strosg Thasis o tathe rolereas. defenirrr ame wr,,,, nnlýpi vTn Lindsay McLaren -Remnao 0 Cbong & ander Doeleo Eny ItA i The heat pisysA a bSîg raeins tOrs gamne, anla Asdrea Brivîs las Remara isund the may bo theorage seltabeeRîchard Osborestapped mas aIofseRoman chalengas. A ttali ffarara sbosy iFsh seconsd bal ahas IFs Vndar boaes beas ras ot aI gos osa peneA the Aorss lathe Romara foraards. Cameras Chambers aith (3) goals, Asdsea Brarsîs mtb is second of the gamai. Mavarisk McLares, Matthom Campbell osA Michael Harioga arth osle each mode IFs scorrrg a iis Irasoc500050for waaltbO Voodor bolostaam sbsmad os tbe fried. Milton-Sears 4 Cbung and ander Dolan Egineoring Ltd 31 Miltas Seors rameolt abeaA rat Chorg) & Vader boalos Faig. ha ascore aI 4i pots la 3. Scarîng 2 goals for Searsr waso Tyler Grrord oadprcisg ra osn- Tiomans for She beau s Raiobow Group 3 Computer Brou 2 Bonbsa Gsaup ara Compoter Bross Sotbiad arA la endcrsriraousiy tbraugbootthe ibagOl KaeMoarîbor oa Brîfaaiy EFis-Cauwsabrsd IFs set mîsArsg for RG moisîg sonne braab i takisîg savsaon mosy graI satmpîs by the opposient. irais CassîioadAsbiey Pore id bOa some for Compotes Bras. prrvdrrg IbeirsboommtF some Aausrig goalu tandiig soas. Koyfo Hrst oa rystai Kennedy rastîsosd Iboîs scarsg streois raffrng f goaleaoch, aSile Emma Lamis scored theo hast goal aI bar soc- cor corser5 Compotes Bras Madsoa Brem adMeaorCassiar eocb rrave in f goal laoisaep thoir abom iosty trirsg the eosrtuoi mnrars.Ranosa Coapà meicramed Vanessa Mciais wpapiysdF o larrîffrtl ama at rîF ba rom a-s matesoadspacîilmeonsgoos ou o t Amosdo VedaîeisirarA Sab rhsgdrart Tic Haton's 3 DBirdre and Friendu Fouedatinn 3 JîllirsPasosvdsposed the Rame mitV tara goals fIrs is Hostrars. Trm Horion's hala ranIs IFslead ortrilKala Moiloîs scored for thea boudas anA Frîsodo Foondatîiolta in the fîsst hall. DossAiseoadFresds came on strorg in tbe second halA mrth las goals ha Kaîllyr Shovero JusI ahes fis Hortrars tbsugbt a defeal coold Se issmrag, Stepharra Tasachi 5sIaA a final galfri br tbas tae Orhesocore aI 3-3. Goalkeapers Bebecca Sînclaîiroa Alna Fargosor aI Tîs Radros a Caroline Bradford anA Vataiyo Brbosies of barreaisdsAFrîsods Fasndcatîoa dis- pioyed excellent sili anA contrasaIofsh game. Goudlue Fitness 3 Aainbow Oroup 2 A sasy seriny maîrbed anA eocitrrg game Coolies for F010 Ieams piayad or impressîse game is Fsoprg She scorîsg bo a arrimas. Goodife Frraess 1ooF the eaA sn thes hast bail ailS las goals Oy Slocay bavid Rarsbsm Groap oddad oosa sir aîrwamo a ogoal ha Kala Hîrsi. Midway tFrasgb the secondbaill Brysiol Kennedy scared la lis lhs Rose ai Issa Tsars osase lots ut chances ai haiS anAs bot il osas Beissy Visser aI CaoAlite Firess wos assed the gaise osînrsas mtO less thon 3 minutes toa y. Unhioî,ý13 Boys Lindsay McLareo's Reman 8 furîglf s gosse osas a seai sîsad iîa5555 liteaiy yDaniel csaadsoasi Sgas She scrsîg lvi Brureflîs s oil fassîrases Joii Salins sud Broui Page yraysiîg ths bolai ls say UVi lAea Biebes sari Grsg Mouaiîrs Suppiyiiig ifus VeasJacoa Casse fsionll sdilOIia gal Wif assibar goal vs a penalty uis ba Brasas oýCirs Casis .Ras an teforîse Jaros Maierininsiseda y ,vilS pusasselul icsîrioviateaslasIod ramusel Golusen.Hesa Bransah.andi Mihael Prysolois nalled vasîfanarir; ba aisr fus Orussilo s, sasyîsgtSe Sal i sais iras baeisraietsuas ytoigagoal- esder Mail Russell e/as ssady foran rrgq baisota McLares ton Reascras riusA bis assoira icsîrthie Ressa latanise silO Luar Pavas and Jamesr Tousias craairrsîagto sais 10e Sal baîssisavs for isasmata Misa CrAosr s tae tbîrgs sa Foot more iîrig bîga a hads assarîbbiterhOaodrrg 10e bailt or iooirgtetheesissas the Sali y amaîsied orilorse tas o siROîfirasipart t ofth barose, Greg Brookss scored gains a [yloi Romax n athe second hbo it î oa alors goal by banîilLeaodoasiiof iroila s VilS prassus re olOinr sams. Roman s Vins bîglîssards anA a- aile Hall bela the ailoa miAfialA, as Aid t ranlio s Mise Miller. Losey Lîgbbhait g san baar Tbompson, but aI goal tas a Remn Maris Andrade scored or aithasfi de rat teammates Grog Orsaiss Imo sais. Thîs mas fralomea ba Remoaxs B oia goal for the aerîsig by Maris A Adrade, if Lidsey McLaren -Remnao 3 1p Zako Pharioacy 3 s emon, once ogors came oui aI the R orting blockssin bîgb geai masrbsng aocg aeredoos assoofi ogaîsb bOaopposi- J ai1n Gregory Brookss pubtason a aziîg g Hall ah o osveiteda aperfartly oascstad anA aatrh Bemoo's fhîrd goal. Fan Paao, Bao Karghf 0100 parfasmed admrrablp sn the froot lias. The mîdfid support Iras Matîhea Borain, Aiea Sîshan anA Michael Gadosîr mas a isey fartaso ntbaesucres of the formard lise. Tho secondbaif oawa adetesmînsd oa dîscîplîsed gamae fras Zai'sPbasmary they rafosea ta golf aad boorced bacs mîth goals frnm Jaramy Prîra Mortt Clans anA TylasBartris. The fart that the last goal mas fias the penalty spot diel rofhîng ta daspea fhe spirits aI Mars Anrade osho aid assis thîog is bis powes b stop 2sF s fias breairg fbe fia. A sperrai sention bas ta go tbe Reaas deleadarsrnotabiy baisota Mccaren, Michael Forlong oadthe odosîitable NiV insbgîiaasdo, sho despîla injuries, îosîsfad on gaog Saris os ta tbe field ta bsip out bis teas- mates, A specrai tbaiksfa Scost Stases abs daspîte beîog sîdelirea Iras the stadt of tbe season dse taelissar bas basa mîth bis Resaa coacbes con tbe sîdelîre las 5555v gamne.,oadbas belpea sout noend Soothoiew Dental 5 La Roua Bakery 3 Thîs osas a sery aarrfîng gama Iras staOt ta finisb, charactrtasîssay bserai sîssea cbanras os barhsisdes La Rosa assaI ahsad mîtb an aariy goal ara Scullsîss asied thescsassanos long aller Play sssssg bars ana lods ssîtbh barS faams piayrrg sonne Oafitinsoc- r La Rosa scosea ro mors goals ara tbe bailf esaa 3-fin f5eîs fassa OnatSa sasospf as Sosfbsism appiies fraineas nus presss radosereva rssasaa asr 4 rosarsfîse goals ca Rosa aiso yrsssd lbars sn afrarisasda isbsea 55- siai assyyfaprtasii 55 5scsresJas a Singlnissoal aifor Bsf bavisasiabih off sassa firais sosssa sibumesecs aira baill.seassaiI ras yoint biasisrasngo Srorrsg flashe ifsossrs asis eJobs Rusasel l (2)Brott bis sors B.yla Basa aria Maris Llanos Rspyiî or a La Rosa osase C la Fsris Alexander, andMail basa Frat a rca geai Pasqualino's Bistro & Cale 3 triant Asto Repair & Tire 3 Pasgaiao s Tîrsroiy Vînrentf brssatIb yarrig goal rsrsairg a rross frais Lias Hope ttakaisnasearly bad Brianss Auo Repais and Tira s Maîbe lais anrsîsas gscisly fying tbe gama ai ose i pîsca, Pasgsaiso s TravssCosples. rolseysa a bail tram openfisola teta faF bhe oead bsadîag isto the bailf raîn s Asto ReparandaTfrscama ast goîcsiy ia ths second bail anda oss eaadea ssstb aSoastrîsi goal lias Cbase Bell ta sors agais lis tbe game A bandballin rthe crease gave Pasgsaioo s Lias Hope a bosnco ta arcs agoîn taise the iead * and he defîsased, mrth a mati piaced bail ta Voe cosses r. roos Asto Repar anA Tire's Thea Vllieneove scosed la tbe dyîrg minoras aI theloh ta end Pars vmailr asught match at 3 a proce f Brunetton Obiturante 8 f *pple Auto Glaus 6 Ithese aas oa ay ta doîrre abat sacr as Ibis gama aas il. Fsery play bhat aas aossîble seemea Ir a bppan thîs sasîrog Appio's MatI Casssnpst ia a goaa effort tryîag ta geltVh bail past the ouins masemants of Basasilo's ployer absn boics and aas cboiieogod hyf aie Mise Milles Wlh the ootors ho linA..Irl9 TeamsIIites i Lss piesPopin lts Teams Games W iabLoss 7e oit 1nei Boyse r.'IIII ilILiIilhI rgc -95 -7 -,e72 -e - twmitonmagc.co Barsospase Osair Or. aga ia Carra Orady s Maila conssractng cia Bernas as Fasik Sais adSassa Sardarel rerbousss 505 S.caapastiy tis Vanir Iasorarca Wright s Coloris Rstarants Girls 000cr 13 Bras s duo rBpar & Tira Comparer Bras. CarrisdreadFrado sForaarîa Gooalîfa Ftreos Catra MirasnJaycaas aissas Oîosp Lcia 5aslar Irosiasce ils Ondor f5 V Designrsr oscb OsiansAsosis Ppas & Tr Maila ronractin05 cia Nassagaoaya Vsas cas Osa Oasls s is os for Cran Gavas startod tbe scos- ing las Brosolla's follomsd hp toammafe 1Danrol Loadoasiss m goals. Whrle rThomas Kelly and John Gobai castroloe thîngo dofosdrsg thoîr sot, Mask Thompsos scosod bis lîrst rof Ibra goals for Applaeo White Applos' Jordan Coalsîglia and David BrochaIt masosu soîod tho hall aaay fsam thoîr nef and goaltondas Richard Woimsley, Heena Sasarrab anA Michael Prslas rouler and hoaded the baillao protact Bronalfo's set. Hoasoos, mrlh Ibres goîcsgoals by Apple's BrrrVasdasWeffrioy boise, oa Mars Thompsos Bronallios as or the aiea .Wîth o superS poss roa Jobs boulcs bDanîilLeaodoasioiatîssa bis scosîog streak is aît ogoal. Branailo'r goalteadar Cameras Freeman dose ana lompod for the Sali as the opposition rartsraed ta isepIFshe al airbosse aîtf oussandrrg icisg.Mars Thompsos and Jordan Hoggort for Apple mode las aI thosa icsscssrt. airha ogoal sacs. Samsel Gantasand BasaI Page shirt the bail ail arosaid the field tomards Appla s goal ta gise Coin Govîr a goal. Castîavrrg Ors sacrspromass, bras Gosia mode the sient shot rosat Iras s penalty isîiskand thon agoa Is om a posa fros Mas Rassell. coorsoîng Ois ast- standing play dvsrog ths goma, Brsaeilo's Casay Lîghtaîbli seaiad Vis osînwit arIao dtarmîrra marearrg aIf bab all oandaia basae Diables 3 Deoils 7 Tas basîls stîscs aii onasosase greot rsses ho issas Lisuoadfîssa Bînrsas Sarah Baasîs oad aristys Nî5darsisiîpiayed slsrg dateras for the bsîils Magas Lassa piaysdanas soep- tional garas ls or hebessin sdatarsa aid riafîsîs Lvsssa Sisalt scores a ais aI goals for lhs biabios irthseconrsd hltoi nrîssasha scorseandKelly Walliismoadsessis gîsassass intbe seconsalbailtasfos heDibîsos Magas Jososton oadMichelie Casais dia tira assri eslaforbassils Nassagewaga Beterian 3 Brian's Auto Repaîr and Tire 5 bussrossîg goal isaspîrg for Nassogeaga S; Cssstsoy FiaIt Moiîg B issy hast bailtsssa s esp bas teasi sinbahega SoSby Poila oa Lassor Franis pioyad sfsorg fosard tas Vassagsaaoombîaîsig for lîsst fao goals. Broois Harpes scossa Ibea tOnrd goal ro glus Vassageaaoao3-2 load but the subiess Nassogemago tîsad ogaîrsl a sI sang arna Shanona Laing scoîad a Sol tains piayrng oggsessîse midlield For Brion s Auta Bîrsîsa Mussa5 pfoyad good Ssii castrai offense tram the flas yard positîson Mausagaweya Vet Lob 1 Tbe Deoilo 5 Laura Fions playsd o stsang tosmard scorîsg os a solo effort loi dassagaaaya, Sara Vscisolrch piapedaa atrosg mîdfreid for tho Osoîls.Frira ofrishorst dîd an amosoma job piayîng centre formord for IFs Vossagamepa Val Labs. Goaliseopars Robarra bpassham and Lia bematîrous Aid a great job againaI Fiora Sîsobar goal stopprrg 5i0 saisI bions shots b Fkesp the game aI 2- saIsti the tisai tassmalats. daiella Contractieg 0 4. wnmj r-Alara Saroda oadSarah Brain, Orabios Oe golas. Fxcaloent gamo ha Sarah AeKri n Alxnra Mcbofcheoaslas bk er iscredîbla penalty goal. Maielas ae Tlirsa champasa for bas persistance oa sn a lot af close goals. Georgea Broikss J-Harpras d osACsrtsoy Cosiombe aa- ýdsome goal tondrdas, Y Boys U12 Rep 's Wedneoday, June 18, 2003 Rotary n Orangeoille O 10 brargouile's localisnatorHghaay 9 e.must base OaAt somethîsg ta do mltb sbrorgevrlle o ultimata score. EFhrîha h 1or the osas orange jesesys the tbas asioe mîghl houe sagatrseiy dazaled sur acbops, la tact sas goalîs Asdrea sWiisîsor s psecîsoly sOadeA oranoge ersey coloor provad 10 be sur taams sanmosîs aber sonne confuss orsii fas ta abasm as friasd oas bs aI the oet. sa enxcllent passes anA kickrs by RyaBurgess oadRosa dfanssîso baod rsg by Aaron Cases Ryso Bisas, Maris Wilson adKias Hermoanserved ap loudobie aosempîs aI goals, Alan Cssa tsoaroted sonna bosotîful long dîstanres aasdurîrg the vpesîrg aI 1he sacond boit Burgess anlodsa ilS prawer ta spare aI Sae ballas aI the boit AiIsougb sol idais s. e scored bîgO ia brargassila s syesaos tSasperlatars sass a a srA oners Suesrsoroag crasîs aI heha saittisa furdroîsîsg les- lîsîtias Ail Miltas passats laItth1e field suvifS rsssysîmerfary saaats Wednesday, Jane 25, 2003 Lions Soutb Milton O St. Catharinos Concord 5 O a soseterrsng bol sony sommai esrrîrg Mlton pioyed o lîrsl ciass gome, Ths opanrrg miaules mtsessed AaonasCaser oadMoOthea Strobtan play a mal tissAdferce Shone VWaller mas unosrainareiy stapped trnîs trocissia hîs OOOsmpf b Aeivrooa oMlon goal fias O superlative POsS by Curtis Cromiey aI the saloOtnrate cati aI aRf-siAs ha the other tbas s banco Baie Caraco valsat- lya sOompted Ior rpiay IFs effort misotes abfer. SicVolas Wiliams onacuted a mail-pioced corser inis 1h01 oearlyfira- sbeona the sîght sida of the goal lire. Andrea Wilkinson piayad assrdsoosiy sn miA frid. Ardy Coarorcii sed bis tbrgh ta gond affocl an Aolioctîog a Concord snislosght. tiansolAlan Cosse bAdbis share a ofsxecîsa. csliatrsg is a mrarulous sa n the sconadbal. Cases moosd sp the fried iFshesecond hoif oadshone brrliatfymwhie Strooosn mas earellent is the sasepers sale ha lterailyussrrg is boad. A gome Ira a prrad raf by alinsaffasaoncoi fassars Carois Scost s Car Cana Lnday McLarn-ar as MuitansOars Locipos toc Campssuioiia OqoîinsSariir 241 Pissa Mitas K9Obnodisaca Cbusg B 505der oSaon Fagineering LIa Nu Tenh taîso gSrvices nder 13 Bnys baCs Phosmany La BaseIaliuas Osakry Lnrsa5McLaaan-Beao Oins Oto Bayartand Tira PasquaioO s Caséas Oira oulsîsa ODeatal Ciîsc OppleAuo Oass Brusalostassss iOdnr lBBoys Somina s Pissa Millowna caulsas Scost Basrncbsis brne Clos Noriagais Famss 4 Ile'.. y The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 4, 2003-23 1 1 Flu 1 UVtIIUtUý PdYt lb d paiu duveriisemeni oy trie Milton Youth Soccer Club.