12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 4, 2003 Dozens of E.C. prom-goers stricken with E. Coli 0 romI E. COLI on page 1 Symptoms usually show Up two to eight days after exposure, with most people experiencing s;vmptoinh"~ . Jenna Ito, 17. said she began feeling il last Friday. "I feit fine the day after prom, but Friday moming 1 woke Up with tenible somach pains and the worst diarrhea in the world," Ms Ito said. At first she said she thought it was the stomach Ou but when it continued to worsen, she began 10 panic. She wenî 10 sfie emergency departmeni Sunday moming and saw someone site knevv front school wîth the same snptoms. 'Thats wheîi 1 knew" she 'aid. Her doctor conirmed ifiat il ssas E. Coliht- Ii] A young man, who was also an avîd golter, found himself with a few hours 10 spare one aftemoon. So he decided 10 gel in nine fioles before he had 10 head home. Just as he was about 10 tee off, an old gentleman walked onto the tee and asked if he could accompany the young man for a twosome. Not being able 10 say no, he allowed the old man 10 join hian. To his surprise, the old man played fairly quickly. He didn't bit the bail far, but plodded along consistently and didn't wasîe much lune. St. George's Anqican Church, Lowville 7051 0MW LIiN, jaut th o01DoM y RhW Sunday, JuIy 6, 2003 - TRINITY 3 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Sermon: A Question from Pharisees Mark 1214 Nursery and Sunday School provîded For more inormation cail 905-878-1363 Visit our Webstes www.stgeorgeslowville.org and www.rflweb.com 82e HO P N. ., MILTO - e 11 *m*ouh fDeryRod Chiidren Assistant/Worship Yauth/Outreach nv., Dan Rouge Mrs. Natalie Rogo Mrs. Esther Kessier Mr. TIrn Stevens 9 a. m. - Early Worship Service 930 arnm - Sunday School for MI Ages 1045 a. m. Second Worship Service TWEL VE 091I- NAKY MEN 6:30 p. m. Sunday Night Li VE Supervised Nursery & Dynamic Cidrens Programs availabie during ail services! 5UMMER rIP'& CAMP Go4' 25iq FIcturé" Mornin0e3 of Auouet l18 - 22 Website: www.newlie-miton.orp IG NAG YOR I *L OF OE days later. Since then, Ms Ito said shes been iying in bed, unable 10 eat anything. Shes, losi about 10) :i 'aid. ad a big beach day ail planned.- The meai served at Triilium Banquet Hall and Convention Centre consisted of saiad, mini roasted potaînes, pasta, chicken and an ice cream cake. Ms ito said she didn'i notice anything unusuai wiîh the food and thougbt t tasted fine- except for the saiad, which several siudents commenîed on. "Tbe salad iasted weird. The salad dressing was pink. and we asked the waiter whaît issas. He satd i was the flouse specially. It was like nothîng i've ever iasted,' sfic saîd. Graduating stUdeni Stephanie Siiekers said "Others said it was gross and it wasn't tasty." The Peel Region"Heaith Departmnent is cor- rentlvisetn'th îrî' and Convention Centre twice titis past week, and spoke with a manager namned Helen and an employee named George - both of whom declined 10 give their iast names and refused to discuss the issue. "The healîfi department came and fond noth- ing," Helen said yesterday afiemoon. "They don't have noîhing 10 go on.- Dr. Nosal said health officiais are also investi- gating other places the studenîs may have visiîed prior lii the graduation dinner. Josh Fredricks. 18, said fie ssas sent home m ire Sim s eis said the cflcken Iooked pink. other studenîs Wednesday rnoming aller the- With files from Jason Mîsner X- à VVW- Wi- health department called the store. Mr. Fredricks said because he "wasn't really i; ig îa,t, O ateî ien tcne scaiiapilg ,overilIte Canada Day weekend. He said fies upset aI losing work hours. "I'm not happy. 1 spent $150 (for graduation) 10 gel sick," Mr. Fredricks said. Doug Bothwell, vice principal aI E.C. Drury, said the incident is unfortunate. "Certainly the school- and the teachers who were there non - s sorry this event had 10 take place." Mr. Bothwell said. Hallon averages 10 E. Coli cases per year. Step/ianie Tlîie.ç.en (-it bî'u'aîJed ai [1Wj(ibAKRE ALWAYS CHANGING Finally. they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself wiîh a îougb shot. There was a large pie tree right in front of his baîl and directly between bis hall and the green. After several minutes of debating bow 10 bit the shot, the old man fmnally said, "You know, when 1 was your age, I'd hit the hall rigbt over that tree." Wth that challenge placed before him, the youngsîer swung hard, bit the hall up. right smack into the top of the tree trunk and it You're Invîted to.. Milton Bible 1 Church! 1f4 Sundays @ 10:00OAM Milton District H-igh School 395 Williams Ave. jir @ Milton BibleChurch.ca www MlltonBibleChurch.ca 876-3243 Making Disciples who Make a Difference! SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2850 DERRY RD. Pli«>ne 878-5664 10:00 ss.SRI Notii WISEMAN' \FiOM iCtîPASIî' O\îîCANADA plus "Adventureland" f') it îîs rd 3 fi> (i,îde 6, iii irser 'car rî I'î ru i ge 2 Southsides's Image X Youth Mlinistries! - havi' fit>i ished for thse siilsier lut sîjilrusiiiu' auffit iii Sepieiniler!. Cail] now tb register for Higb Power Soccer Camp Aîîguat I)-IStIi, 2003 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E.,\iltonî the Churcli on the lli Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-:3005 www,ý,A.gr-acechurchrniilton.com Rev. Dr. Mark McDernaott Rev. Amy Cousineau SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 )ain - IloîR Comnmnion 10:00) sin - Sunîg Eucbsrist Cîitireli Sebiotl & Coffee Hîrr THURSDAY 10:00 arn Hly lComniion WVlîeelclîair.Access Tlîroiîglî Parkinig Loi Doors tbudded back on the ground not a foot from where il had originally lay. 'Me old man offered one more comment, "0f course, when 1 was your age. that pine tree was; only six feet tall." Tbings are consîanîly changing! Wfiile not compromising on the age-old message, the churcb 's metbods must embrace the needs of a contemporary society. Itl is not easy! yet, il is essential 10 success! Things have changed! lhe message is still sacred but some churches have mncorporated S MILTON EVE~NTH-DAY 2L CnURCH llugi Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milion FREE ilBILE SCHOOL urIEi[l hç e,rc r 1 [1'i li iii )nr, N11 R J it i li: ai«rru MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of aur taith Hebrews 12.2 We welcome you to... ST. PAULeS UNTED CHURCH (4123 Main St. E., Milton \) STSun. JuIy 6 9:30 a.m. WORSHIP supparted by music fram the St. Paul's Worship Band Zoom Zoom Vacation Bible School July 7-11l Reu. John Benham & Resu. Gerry Hofsteiter S Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.sipaulsmiiion.org "You'Il always find a friend aI Gracpwas," ifresh methods. Make plans to visit a local church this week! Consult the Religious Directory helow for service times and loca- tions! And folow through on a commitmnent 10 attend - you will neyer regret it! Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Paster of Mdton's New Life Church KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Minister - The Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Summer Sunday Sehool (Ages 3-8) Vacation Bible School JuIy 21-25, 9-12 noon To register cail Amy at (905) 878-9873 "Called to Serve the Lord" EUWheeichair access and washroomns provided so that ail may corne and worship. BAHA'I FAITH Devotional Meetings in Milton Homes: Ernbracing ail religions and cultures' "The Golden Rule in World Religions" Devotions and Tea: Sun. July 6, 2-3pm Multi-faith Devotions and Discussion 8pmn Wednesdlay, JuIy 16 Alternate Tuesdays: JuIy 15 & 29 - 8pmn Embracing Diversity Summer Class: Ages 9-11 Aug - Tues./Thurs. mornings: Register: 905-693-9615 For locations or information: 905-875-2923 Recorded Message: 1-800-433-3284M .e ÇRACEWAY 'APTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street ,~'W! ' 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 a.m. Family Bible Hour il :00 a.m. Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer I MÉO"