ZAK'S PHARMACY Mitofs Independent Pharmacy *Free Delivery 10t%Seniors Dsc,,,t Ail Dug Pans Accepled *Wnllnen Duinf normation Avalabln drhYeeke1Jn 'Usig Cmmuicaionto BildBptpr -nmiLJfý lll A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 144 No. 30 Friday, June 27, 2003 48 Pages $ 0 GTicue "UsinQ ommuniction$t1.0u0IdGSTf in'lud..-. hotos by GRAHAm PAINE I~ \X Qjuarry expansion gets go-ahead By JASON MISNER The Champion Halton politicians offlcially approved Dufferin Aggregate 's controversial pro- posai to expand its quarry in north Haiton despite a last-ditch effort from some residents who strongly oppose the move. On Wednesday night, council overwhelmingiy approved 20-1 Dufferins proposai to add two quarries, totaiiing 82 hectares, to its current 496- hectare site. It wiii provide for the total extraction of 62 mil- lion tonnes of stone, starting in 2007. It wouid take the quarrys lifespan from its current eight years to between 18 and 20 years. There are stili a number of other approvals that Dufferin musi receive before a single minerai cari be extracted from the two quarries. (The Region) is a key approval and we're pieased there was a strong vote endorsing it," said Sarah Lowe, Dufferis resource and property manager, after the late meeting. But a haif-dozen concemed residents and envi- ronmentalists pleaded with council one iast time to rejeet the proposai. Jason Thome, executive director of Coalition on the Niagara Escarpuient (CONE), said approving Duffenin's expansion wiil further fragment the much-valued escarpment lands. "Development pressures on the escarpment have been reientless," he said. 'Thirty years of success- fui escarpment protection demand on a definitive no (to the proposai>." Halton His resident Marion McMeeken told council she's worried about truck traffic and its potential impact on well water. "Are ail of the trucks and equipment being used in the quan-y ieak proofT- she askcd. Specifically, there are a host of components to the approval set out by the Region that address two contentious issues- water management and pro- tection of environmentaliy-sensitive lands. The approval cails for Conservation Halton (CH) to be the water manager, which would mon- itor an intricate recharge system created by Dufferin to fi the two quarries with water once they've been exhausted of aggregate. Once those quarries have been ftlied with water - a process expected to take years- they wili be tumed over to the public for recreationai uses. In addition to the water management plan, Dufferin wiil have to agree to the Adaptive Environmenîai Management and Protection Plan (AMP). its a detailed plan of requirements, checks and balances that would monitor the quality of the groundwater and its impact on wetlands that sur- round the Dufferin site. see ENVIRONMENT on page 16 H ~ D Comment .....6-7 Lit estyles......8 Sports.....23-26 Classified .... .30-33 Dateine ..... B l *Frtday, June 27. * P*Shoppere DOmo Mr* -Zllrr* " CristeIIn% VIlite rke* Food Basc* " Canadien Tire e Forileos* Home Doer 0 Aclon Gardon Martte Sobey'r *e Future Shop* * Sears* *Selecled aieas anly -à À