Empîoyees of Toronto Brick Works work hard to mînîmîze the damagie of Iate-nîqht fîre; Tinie Cap)sules aie geais afifirt;niatian e.stravu'd fia,ipas issîu'.s af The C/hampiaon anidailier puh/iv.aaan.ta p)rio- vide aa ilidaw ia oMl/tans ipast. Exp/anatarv vaomment is sanietinîes pro- îided ta p/ace t/lestuatian ini vantevt, JuIV 1900 The wbistle at Toronto Brick Works sounded an alarmn of ire on Sunday nigbt between 9 and 10 p.m. The employees wbo live near the building tumed out and witb pails of waîer exîinguisbed the tiames, that originated on the rouf of the large frame building over a buming kiln. By tbe beat from the Uins and the dry weatber, the roof was rendered very inflammable and a spark did the rest. Some two hours after the fuîst alarmn, a second was sounded and the men bad considerable difflculty in putîing out the fire, that had stanted afresb over the kiln. Tbe roof was damaged 10 some extent, but will not cause any delay in brnck making. A contest in wbich the local agents for binder twine were inieresied took place on the farm of Messrs. Walker Bros.. near Milton. heîween Deering 2nd grade. Plymouth 2nd grade and Brantford "Red Star" twiîîcs. It was demonstrated beyond a sbadow of a doubt that the Deering îwines are way abead of aIl other makes. Yesterday the Canadian Carpet Co. had fifteen bands weaving carpets. and more will be put to work as soon as the looms are ready for tbem. The factory will be running witb its full force very shortly. Twelve fam- ilies have come 10 town from Port Hope already and two are expecied in a few days. Coud dwellings are in demand ai fair rentaIs and a subsiantial increase in the val- ues of real estate may he expected. The Milton Pressed Brick Co. bas been awarded the bronze medal ai the World's Fair ai Paris. Mr. MeCannell. managing director of the cumpany. sent an exhibit of brick 10 Paris lasi faîl, witb the resuli thai tbe firm bas been awarded ibis prize in competîtion wib the world. As popular as the M.P.B. Co.'s bricks are already. the demand will no douhi be consîderably increased by being brought. in ibis manner. 50 prominenily hefore the public. The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 20, 2003-7 *OUR READERS WRITE TH AAI MI.ON rol i,£ DJ~(e dtYLu Header agrees with letter writer that veterans Mihi, li , deserve far more recognition for their efforts Time Capsules The tbunder storm whicb was over Milton on Tuesday afternoon was the heaviest experienced here for a long ime. Wm. His residence in the South ward was struck by lightning, wbicb damaged the chimney and roof slightly. About a dozen trees in tbe woods easi of tbe town were struck. One of them, an elm about three feet in diameter, on the McCartney faim, was knocked into, splin- ters. John B. Scott found one of bis horses dead in the middle of a field jusi outside of Milton. The animal bad been bumt on one side. evidently by lightning. The stormn was accompanied by bail, but il didn't do much damage bere. August 1900 Haltons aged poor stili go to the Milton jail. there being no other place of accom- modation for them. Constable Sumner, of Oakville. broughî John ingrani. an old man, committed as a vagrant. Io jaîl a few days ago. Ingram's brother. somewhat younger. followed on foot and wanted Jailer Vanallen to take him in too, but the jailer ssas inhospitable and retused. Botb the lngrams had been in jail before as vagrants. On Monday night a sîreet lamp in front of the hotel was the cause of a little excite- ment. Its humer apparenîly hadn'î heen properly cleaneri and the refuse in il caught fire from the wsick and there seemed to be danger of an explosion. Landlord Guyett removed the lamp and in doing so spilled some of the buming oil on the bare head of bis hostler. wbo stood below bîm. The mans hair began 10 blaze and he rushed frantically for the pump. shouting "Pump. pump." Mr. Guyett ran afier bim. pulled bis coat from bebind over bis head and put out the ire. The man lost bis bair and bis eye- brows, but wasn't badly hunecl. Thi.s niaterial i s asse;nb/ed on h/aafo the Milton Hiçiaricali avu'eb v.fini Di. ki-ho can 6e ieav/ied hs-niai/ ai idi/lIsCidii-, evr( oii. Dear Edifor: l'm writing in reply ta Ron Bezant's leiter in lasi Frday's Champion regarding the lack of' newspaper coverage of the D-Day anniversary celebrations and the opening of the new D-Daty memo- rial in France. The one newspaper ibat he faîled 10 mention was tbe National Post, which feaîured a large colour pho- tograph of a veleran and Iwo arti- cles on the front page. 1 fully agree with Mx. Bezant that wbat ibese soldiers did was impor- tant and sbould be remembered. Many of our veterans and those wbo died fougbt under appalling conditions and againsi incredible odds. The lack of support f rom our led- eral government for veterans and suldiers sets the toue for the media. Wben the minister of defense fails 10 know the difference beiween Vichy -ibe French govemment ihat collaboraîed wiîb the Germans -and the Firsi World War batîle of Vimy Ridge, the mosti mportant Canadian victory in ils history 10 îhaî point, il's indeed a sad day for our country. Many historians believe thai Canada became a true nation on the Vimy Ridge bantlefield. We're very fortunate 10 have men like Burlingion's Garth Webb, a soldier wbo stIfl stands up and figbts for wbaî's rigbi. Il's amazing that il bas laken 59 years for the soldiers of D-Day te, be recognized with a memorial centre. No Canadian govemment bas boîhered to do so, and the presei govemment bas offered minimal support Io our veterans. The D-Day Centre is a far more important legacy iban Prime Minisier Jean Cretien will ever achieve. Il was the dreamn of a determined Mi. Webb, wbo's nei- ther powerful nor wealtby. We sbould be proud and inspired by sucb men, as they are su few. Men and women are judged nul by their words but by ibeir actions. A wise man once said, "Beiter love bath nu man iban be wbo laid down bis life for bis friends." T1hese men lefi some very deep bouts lu fdll. Are we equal lu the challenge? Sophie Cheney Milton Region deserves credit for Iayîng charges against those who cut down hardwood trees, says reader Dear Ediior: I was gratified 10 sec Jason Misner's front-page arti cIe in lasi Fniday's Champion about the tree-cutîing charges laid. and I applaud the action taken by lawyer Mark Meneray on behaîf of the Region andl the people of Haion. Let's hope ibat as ibis malter proceeds îbrough the courts. the tree-cutîîng hylaw dues indeed have teeth capable of a real bite- and not jusi false teeîh. Il there's any substance lu Oakville Regional Councillor Allan Elgar*s concemn about Halion's OfficiaI Plan proîecîing Environmenîally Sensitive Areas (ESA). then those concerrus should be addressed. A simîlar concem Io me is the protection 0f proper- lics and buildings of bîstorîcal significance. There have been incidents like ibis f oresi sshere bistorical buildings have heen demolished witbout a permîit and as Mr. Elgar says, "The damage bas heen dune.' Fim encouraged ibai the Region is asking for a re-planîing order. and I would hope that the courts would grant ibis. Fines have iheir place, but if developmenî of ibis property is allowed tu go forward the fines will jusi be cansidered a cusi uf duing businiess. Il seems lu me ibat the mosi effective deterrent in cases like ibis, and with the destruction of historical buildings. is the permanent refusalIol grant a develop- ment permit for su much as a parking lot. I live in an 1846 log bouse in a 13-acre foresi thaî's part of a 1.000-acre ESA. l'm nul againsi property rigbîs, but 1 am againsi prîîperty owners iaking the law into ibeir own bauds. I d like lu thank The Champion for punting the story on the front page. I hope îbaî other newspapers tbiougb- oui the Region have dune tbe same. This substantial message needs lu gel oui and be beard loud and clear. As a folloss up. il ssuuld be inîeresîing lu know bow the ossuers of neighbouring pruperties feli. Were tbey appalled ai the actions of ibeir neigbbour or are îbey enîertaining simîlar actions witb an eye lu potential development? Gordon Galbraith Milton Thanks to ail who helped out wîth triathlon: organizer Dear Editor: I would jusi like lu express my sincere appreciation to ibe volun- teers îhaî helped make tbe annuail Milton triatblon such a hîîge suc- cess ai Kelso Conservation Area June I. This year we had close lu 200 volunteers. the mosi ever for the local event. lits great lu live in a community where peuple take lime lu belp oui. Tbanks again. Harry Bernes co-ordinator, Milton Triathlon COMPETITIVE BY NATURE. SUPERIOR BY DESIGN. 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