Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jun 2003, p. 32

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32-The Canadien Champion, Friday, June 20, 2003 tonCLASSIFED HOMMJE: 905-875-3300 CL4SSJFED HOURS: Monday to Frday. 9:00 amn- 5:00 prn maCUiltoc anhil-rnco BIRTHDAY 16tlî nirthda;, HaPPy ,ýuîeet 16 Smnier - k (IL0 159 Robînmooti Cres, 3 plus 1 etroom bungalow, Uptiatet i ktchen, wîntiows, pool anti mors 905-693- 3567. NO AGENTS. 619 Lons Court, 4BR brick hoase, large backyarti, pool andti 01tub 905-876-2947 BU VERS Fînti properies no agent miii show pouata www.openhousenews.comn sellera pap 0r% commission. 416-YES-SOLD. MILTON, New semi-tie- tachsti, l600sgh11, 3 beti- room. a'c, treptaceup- pitances. prîoate sale $236.900. 905-693-8285. $$ Govemment Fandis $$ Grants anti sans informa- ion ta start anti sopanti yoar business or faim. $$ 100% 1ist, 2nti anti 3rti Morgages. Bati cretO K Cati Ontario Oie, 1-888-307-7799. avaitubie Jaty Park-tîke set- tng, 3 appliances, 1.5 baths Ose oulsie parking. Near schoots, shoppng, 905-333-1190. CAMPBELLVILLE, 2 beti- roomn apaniment, avaîtabie immetitateti, $825 plus shured tialiies. For ap- poînimeni, cati 905-854- 2022. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Miton We are nom accepting applications for 2 betiroomn apanimenis. For Augusi or ltaer For more information andlfor ta make an appointment, Please caf f 905-878-5375 Buifding Managers Leonard & Penny MAIN STREET Apariment for rent June 1. 3 betirooms, 1-1/2 baths, nlo appiances, $1000 plus atluies 905- 875-2468. ACTON 2 betiroom, $775/mosih plus tîltîtes. 519-853-5080/519-853- 5352. MILISI DE TOWER 82 MILLStDE DRIVE 10&2 Bedroom Apis. Close ta Downiown, Bus stop ai Front Door /905) 876-1249 wwm reattarca ROCKWOOOby park 15&2 bstiroom apariments, in- cîsties attii ire /a p plia nce s/parkin g also commerial/office space Neseti main- tenance persan. 519-856- 4900. ROCKWOOO Op ny t edraom a rîgOl est-in kit, claties ttlties/ es/parking. aisa ciai aflîce space. 4900ý ROCKWOOD bOp ny 1-etroom a rîgOt eatin kit, claties uailtesý es/parking. Also ciat/offîce space. 4900 ROCKWOOD,l betiroom aparimi main floor 400sq.fh. comme space Maînteni soaa reqaîreti 4900 EXTRA... EXTRA.-- CLASSUFIED WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Eifher învolved mît h prnning and'pubfish- ing or dependanf upon promotion and pubficity or delivery to homes in area. lnferested in business clearing more than $200.000 in annuaf profit. Af f inquiries freated in confidence. Pfease formard information fo: Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON 16SK M5 RETIREMENT A BC 123 AB8Cl12 3 B i/r' î,îî20 i r . A CMrs. Crosslev 1 -s 2 retiring!! 1 3 2 A memt i liI) ahi B ()Cn I1oi.'ec> A C S-rt' /iw21. 200.1 2-- plli 2 lhgh 1osier lili 3 /c/i hv lu i /2 A BC 123 A BC 123 185 For Rent Mîtari A C.aaînatiaean arge onareaj yaii 2 ai parking Frstlasi, reterena, es. uytlst, StOOO -i s/ u tîlties (905) 878-6097. 4 Bedraam, t Sathroate hanse Clase ta schot and parka No srrckîagpets St1 300 +it!tities 905 876- 2h21 q? A new two story semi- detacheti Creenpark 1500 do we. sgit Orice home. 3 ea ro is3 ashriam, 5ap- 1) lcances, air candtitonîîg, 1! îfrepiace anti garage Minutes ta ga Train..S$1500 +uairlies, Na petsnan- - smoking Avaîtabte Aagast 1.t 905-332-6375. COUNTRY 3n2 8 R sie splît. Saath ai Steeles. park sus- St 400/montS -Jatp 15, apariment, Santiy Dallas, 905 845- chen. in-4267. applîan- FOR RENT- 3btirm, i bath, 519-856- omati hoasein tiowniown aiea of Mltas. Aoaiiabte Jl lti 734-944-7632. parksarr Main fevef s 4 bedroom chen, in-spoiless acksplît Tîmber- /appirnc- lea 2 bath, large kidhen, commer- DRîLR/FR fireptace. co 519-856- ereti teck, panking aor 2 cars, utcc/o 5 appliances, appros 1850sq f8 $1450o iaoary l- no smoking/pets, Open nt, prîvate hoase Jane 21, 10 am - entrance. 2pm. Cati for tietaîls 416- rciat/office 832-3072 iance per- 519 856- MATTAMY SEMI' - Mlon - 410 Lins anti Derry 5 ap- I ptîances/3betirooms/2-1/2 bath. Aaîtable Jute 1/03. $1450.00 plus utîltries. Cati 905-854-3435. Witt nego- hiale for long ierm iesos - MATTAMY TOWNHOUSE, 3 betirooms, 2 bathrooms, open concept, near park anti ponti, famity neighboar- hooti, $1300+ uailtesu, no pets/nio smoking. Aailable July 21st. 905-203-0170 MLTON- Wilson & Woodi- warti 3 betiroom, famiip room, 4 uppiances, niear GO, oulsie parking, $1275/mo. Plus utîltiten. Aaiabie îmmetiîafety905- 803-9267 MILTON 3 & 4 betirooms avaitabte îmmetiîaisly, pieuse cati 905-876-2581. 192 Rooms Available !Wanted FURNlSHED iii,ý,c- - rj( ia ,rri Oa/ti- naa-ar (905) 878-0882. LARGE -iý -i antin rew ceî ,Ltisa crisse Avaîl ablia iiiraedteltay 555000 nCuLsoc PCail SOaVii 905- i875-44319 LARGE Roun rivîate a.' trîgerator ana athroom shareta ti(cen ana raandry $125week, lrsi ana last, terrale preterrea 905-876- 0620 194 Acomwmodation CAMP8ELLVILLE iarm- hoase FaIIy turnîshedti t share ilS tiritapersan Na smakîngipers $500 Lall 905-854-0959 COUNTRYSI DE FARMHOUSE, 19 acres, 3 betiroam. sharet i wth one persan, ca- Oie TV anti parking incatieti $550 monihtp plas bitta (905) 893-0344. THtRD Persan ta share new hoase Mlon, mintes 401 anti GO, 15 mnutes Mssissaaga, Oukvîlle Bar- tîngiton. 905-693-8012. Campfeeaabbitooy andi refineing serviesn 155 Niouing Rd., 90)878-2721 237 237 Z72 Craft Shows Craft Shows Daycare Garden Craft & Antiques Show Sait, June 21 ~' 1lOam - 4pmn 138 Wilson Drive 245 245 Births Brths CHIODENTON prnsRyan r jSherly r byRhys Kenneth c c2320 eighirg 8hos Jac randGoriaVanNekeeeMar and Peeritiy Spe- a thak o DrAdgettiand nuses aO0TMH PETRILLI -sIano and Efena together with parents Faussi & Franca Bruno and Domenico & Rosa Petrilli are pleasedt t annouc.ce the binih ai iheir daughter & lt grandchitti Eva Frances Maire, weighîng 9 Obs. 1 oz, in Brampton Hospital on June 8th, 2003. A beauti fut reti haired litie bantile oi joy wiih angel wrngs, PROUD parents Lis & Ryan are thriliedIto annoance th brt o tei bbygir Madson Emma Maxwell, OC Jue3,203 eghig 8 pantis,3 ounces. We woudlk c hn Dr.GlnHnerandthe Obstrcs nreaiMi onDisrc osia orhepng brin90v prd n o notewordsaleanti soand SKERRITT, Brian & Dianna are pieased to an- nournce the bîrth oi their son Nathan Douglas, weîghîng 5f bs., 2ozs, six weeks eariy ai McMas- ter Hospital on May 19, 2003. New brother 10, Teagan anti Logan. Proud grantiparents are Doug anti Jean Skennitt of Beiwood anti Gerad anti Janine Barbaient of Scarborough. Speciai thanks foi Dr. Hunier. Brennan & Francis anti ail the staff on Macs 4C. Nathan is srnait, but per- feci thanks tb them. LOST Gray anti white cal, LOOKING for Karnie Lee Laurier anti Bronfe, lis pet Ritiies, bons 1962, Lon- naine Lotiy 905-878-0082.tion, ON. Mother Edtui WHIT reoîs oy irpane, Sîthfather Douglas WHIT reote oy irplneJames Ritiiens, sster Oen- grey wings, whife fuselage, tiy Ruth contact Dariene sticki botiy, #76. Cali 905- 905-693-1l172. 878-1483. Plck e,, yeur copy leday. lEbe Calnabian C(bampion_ j'ý BABYSITTER AVAILAB LE! r r i ., ,j 'v , i ,, , , rý,r- DAVOARE availareic a ir aC , if r. ' iaa FUI l 'me ,a, t'nie aie n -cari. avalabIa- 1ýrot O D& 'PP ee ýparks ait 5c.cir P'e.'o.',ail (905) 339-8854 SPACES IaU,,T A - c criI Jar rir 310 For Sale 15Fr ibergias osri der a clent condition, AI oea caocro tieavraa Gary tileic jRp ohnson ra , seis 6 Mas e S4i 500,oba 905-659-3821 eaenings 1988 PONTIAC Sunbird certiiied & E testeaý St.850 00, Krry Intiastrial vacuum cleaner wiih acces. sories. $250,OR Hap racks Ste 00 each Oootstovein- sert witir blower. S175 00 Wootislove branti newt. $60.00. Heai & gl0w gas in- sert S750 00. Loveseat sa- tabeti S75.0O. Cati 905- 878-8309 aler h p m. A inig Pilowtop Ma0tress Set New rn plastic. Çost S1600 Sacrifice $45000 905-567-9459 cas teitver APPLIANCES Frige, 2 tioor' Stove; Mayiag au- 10mai10 ashen, tinyer, Aiso, apariment sel. Untier War- raniy. Fînancîng avaîtabie. 905-637-8328. BAD CREDtT? Bankrupts? No probiemi Branti Narre Prodticsi Guaranleeti Cretiti Approvali! 2500 Unsecareti repapmeni iermsi Affortiabie Monîhiy Paymenis. No inieresi' Cati Nowi 1-800-803-3349 or www.BrandsNOWcom BED, Amazing bargaîn. qusen orihopetito piitomtop set. New in plastic, warranty $150 905-567-4042 miii titîer. BEOROOM set. 8pce cher- rymooti 954, chent, tiress- er, miror. nighi stantis, Dovetaîl construction. Nev- er openeti. Cool $8000. Sacrifice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET t hase seserai 1,000 pitis. of new Staîn- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wtt) tio ivingroom & hall for $389. Inctuties carpel, pati & installation (30 yartis) Steve, 905-639-2902 DINING ROOM i3pce. Cherry, 8 chairs, buffet, hatch, semver, tiovetail con- struct ion. SItil n boxes. Cont $11,000. Sacrihice $3,000. 905-567-9459 FOR SALE: 100 Galion fîsh aquarium incluties, ail hsh anti pump heater rocks anti wooten cabinet stanti $6e0OBOeo905-693-1517. CONGRATULATIONS BIRTHDAY Guess who '11 *.50 The bees love you and so d Happy 5Oth Mike. Mi

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