Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jun 2003, p. 14

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14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 20, 2003 Town of Milton to pick up anti-littering initiatives By JASON MISNER The Champion At last week's community services committee meeting, councillors were informed that staff over the next few months will work on home ini- tiatives to denounce littering. In one initiative, staff will include anti-littering messages in Town of Milton publications like the community services guide that's issued twice a year, said the Town's director of community services Jennifer Reynolds. The call for increased anti-litter awareness Wording of the messages is still beitte w<rked came týsI rnoîîhtiSer 'îîîilîîBu people that it's everybtady's responsibility ta reduce litter," she said in an interview after the meeting, acknowledging the seless efforts of community groups in town that pick up trash every year. Ms Reynolds said staff wilt look at next year's budget to sec if an anti-littering prograru specif- c ta Milton could be created. tle ('11Y t II INtStctga SN ,tlitte r Ci c alpigil might prove beneficial to Milton. Mr. Lee said he's disgusted ai the unsightly trash he's seen strewn around Milton, especially in the rural parts. "is been a chronic probleru for years," he said. H-e said he's happy Town staff arc going ta do something ta heighten anti-littcring awareness. One shing Mr. Lee hoped for was the possibil- ity that town fines for littering could be 10, - tZ . f peuple ta stop lîttering. Ms Reynolds said there is no intention ta change the littering charge. "We'd have ta take a look at what we've got, what's enforceabte, and we haven't gotten to that point." Jason Misner van bce reathed at jnliisner@q'nzil- toneaîtadiancltampion tant. - db' di~ -~ _ 1. A MEMO FROM GOD1 t ant God. Ioday, i wîll Kt handling al îîlyosr prtlbletttN. Please remneinKr thit t do nul nced your help. If lite happens iiî deiver a situatioîn 10 yîîu tayîu canut handle, do nul aienîpî Ito esolve tl. Kîudly put il ni te SFGTI)sîtntetltng for Ccxl tdol hon. AIl situations nîlI be resolvi-d, butitt My lime, nul ytturs. Once the imater is placed inia te boxon.o(t b1ol(]îînîîî il hy worrying about il. tusteali. loess on ali te wonderlul lhltgs ibat are present in your lite now. if yoa mid yourseLll suck in traffie dont(tiespair! There are peopleein tiis \Norld tr whomn drtvtng isan urîhe' d ol pris St. Georges Anglican Church, Lowville 7051 QfhflhUns, mt mth et1DM"I'y o" Sunday, June 22, 2003 TRINITY 1 8:30 arn. - Morning Prayer 10:30 arn. - Morning Prayer Holy Communion 10:30 Family Service in the auditorium Nursery and Sunday School provided 7 p.m. Service of Prayer for Healing Rector:- The Reverend Canon Charlie Masters For more information cail 905-878-1363 Visit sur Websites www.stgeoraeslowville.org and www.rflweb.com 1 - -ý N EW L-e -E- Senior vastor Nov. Dan Rogue ChIldren Mra. Ntallo Rouge Assisoanl/Worship Mro. Esthor Kessier Youth/Outreach Mr. Tlm Stavens 9 a. m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for AilAes 10:45 a. m. - Second Worship Service FA MIL Y MA 7ME95 6:30 p. m. Kids' Praise Choir Presents Free Admission ~ for the Whole Familyl Supervised Nursery & Dynamîr Chlliren's PrsgramusuailubIe durîng ail services! C c TOIN RVIE O Webuite: www.newlife-milton.org "ELRE. * CRE O LVE lege. Sltittld yîîu hatve a had day aI nxîrk - hiS iloIte ttin Àhî Sas Seen lut îîl niîrk 1îor veaIrs Shiiuld yîîu iespattr lver a relatiîtshtp gîîue had -îtînk il 1the persîlunîtti hLtcsever Snîîny hit rils liSe Iolovueuand Ke lîîed îin retum. iSlîîuld y lu grieve lite p.tsttg ilf.utother \Neekettd ttk îof ithe wnin lii Ire suat,. nîîrkin twIelve Itia LiN .1 ,.ecet clys a1 week (o teed herc clildrett Shîtulcl yîur car break dîlîîrin leavtttg yui hles ,înas toîi ýtssIc - tîtk il the paraplcgic ih n iîlî lovelicthe Youre lnvited ta... Milton Bible Church! Sundays @ 11:00 AM Milton District High Sohool 395 Williams Ave. wwwMiltonBibleChurchca 876-3243 Making Disciples who Make a Difference! SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH1 2850 D10ERRY RD. Ph«ncne878-5664 10:00 A.Ni. SisRxUCI Ross t(RN pluîs "Adventureland" Itir ktis ager>:3 ii gradle 6, Ittrsers rare prîticlectfotiîp 1<> age 2 Soutbsides's Image X Youth Ministries! - have tit- isheci for the suinîtîter tit %ell resoîtte agatît it Seîteîtîlter! Cail now tu register for High Powier Soccer Camp Augut i -1.51h, 2003! Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E.,Milton tire Chrirch on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3(X)5 wNww.gracechtirchmilton.coi Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Bey. Amy Cousineau SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00(1aui - Suîng Etichai-ist (ltrîrch Schîttl & (Xîffc-e lluîîr THURSDAY 1(0:00 ain HoIy Coîmunion oplopinnty Io (âke bat tiltiS Sliould you notice a nen% gray haîr lIle ilrirrir- llrlIîk ni th, cwicer paient in ccheîîtîiÀ ho %%n cshe hlai hair III esun Slliiîilil i(lu in ttil usell il a Ioiîss nul pidening t isIlle aIl at iîtsking -Wbaîît y îîurp-îse Sthaukîil. Titerc areý thiise \h n'~t lîve long eîtiîiehti Let te ippillti- Shiîulil youIilittd \t ritsilthe victin ll t uier f pIc'le\bitter- tes. tjgllirtrce sittAlless ior ifsei.urities -rernither. tbttîgs cîîuld lie %nîlvseYîîu cîîîîld Se ite il themi M ILTON 'S I:IN'I'i-l1) AY C( 11 UR( :I Hugh Fitr HaLll, 43 BromSt.Mitn N i(l, l. 5 iýo FREF BIBILE SCHOOI and d .i, iL lp , 1 1 Ri BIBI 1 1 1 ý1, )N I,, it, îiI( 1i i )il [Il, IN 11 k,1 NllsN ' -',l' il i MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.rn. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Jesus said, 1 ar n ot corne ta cali the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5.32 We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S - UNITED CHURCH XT)' 123 Main St. E., Milton Sat. June 21 - Bake Sale at the Milton Farmers' Market 7-11 a.m. See you there! Sun. June 22 9 a.m. WORSHIP supported by music tram the St. Pauls Worship Band 10:30 anm. WORSHIP supported by music tram the St. Pauls' Choir Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter S Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org ADVERTORIAL A Mlton Communîty Christian Elementary School 4i j-î Milton Bo fist Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Worship is at 10 arn. followecl by Church Picnic at Lowville Park AU au »tumei Rev. Goeg Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Minister - The Rex'. Joseph Gray Dîrector of Music Mînîsîrtes - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Summer Sunday School (Ages 3-8) Vacation Bible School July 21-25, 9-12 noon To register cali Amy at 1905> 878-9873 "CaIled to Serve the Lord" lUWheelchair access and washroomns rovided so (ha( ail mav corne and worsh p. off %- 1,9 BAHA'I FAITH Multifaith Devotions & Brunch Sunday, July 13 lOarni - l2pm Bi-Weekly Devotional Meetings: Tuesday, June 24 - 7:30pm Weekly Devotional Meetings Wednesdays at 7:3Opm, June 25 & JuIy 1 For local information, regarding locations for meetings above: 905-875-2923 Recording 1-800-433-3284 ÇRACEWAY CBAPTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street c*> 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'II1 always fmnd a friend at Graceway"' A nucleus of interested Christian people will be hold- ing a meeting on Wednesday June 25th at 7:00 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, 170 Main St. E. Please use the Mary St. enfrance at the rear of the building. The director of support services from the Ontario Alliance of Christian Schools wil> be chairing this exciting evening. Now is the time f0 come together as fellow Christians fa pray, discuss and dialogue with each other about how God is moving among us f0 initiate the estab- lishment of our own Christian school. Principal Lorna Keith f(rom John Knox Christian School in Oakville, as well as others f(rom surrounding area schools, will be n attendance to share their successes and stories of overflowing classrooms! OASC literature and hand- outs wilI be made available sharing how (o live out biblical principles in education. Every-square inch of thîs universe is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and our young people must be educated "through the spectacles of seripture!" Ploase RSVP bo: Jeff or Sara Bergsma 905-878-6541, Jeff@bergs- rnuslorndaoro Pastor Jim DeMarsh 905-876-3586, jim@miltonbiblechurch.ca Jim or Ellen Hughes 905-878-7529, hughesjv@net- com.ca "I IL am

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