June 17, 2003 System Service 95 Inciades: Drain coi;n systera - Instail up to 5 litres et Mpar 4-Seasan Antifreee/Clnr Inspect raidiatar, bets anti hases Len-hfn natifs-... ig"k q6g 4ý,Brakes Service and Report $ 59 95 Insistes: Cleen dabris and corrosien fs-ensbreke systens -Clen anti tabrinete dine brake nliper/iider . Lashinta anti adjunt braka shees (it applinable) - Roud test anti repert 4j<Automatic Transmission Servce À. dmb ý-% am Inciades: Drain and fil transmission fllid - Remave andi .f <"oie iller and gaskef andi make ail nncessary bond Dseu cyns-ntsif I-~r t-d" Su mmer IMaintenance Service Inldda Up te 5 litre$ et Mqser 011 epepr Oil Fttr.Lube (mtes-n appcbel).* Rotation of 4tires Tp-peof -asher ftsid -Ieoe of Mnd Inspection f ai nis stete, cil fRid le- ais, entrenin batte- test, frent-ond-reor brstke systenna.ehoust systetn.suspension systeat Psride wmUtena repart onfindfiuig Protect your investment with this camprehensive service that's specially designed ta maintain the performance of your hard-working 4x4 system. 4x4 Service ' Wth parcirase ofSuSmmer Service Specal, Expres Jane 30, 2003. While qaanttes lest $2995~ 299 FIVE STAR Inludes: rnneai et FRONT and REAR differentinl cvr Cenin and ina of viibile ensponents. ,, Re-enu nti lint ofFRONT nti R AR d2lfrstilsaine q Fluid:a t d dUtte. Dreisi.gand rnfilliis ef trans rase.- Rend tnit fer preper eperation Jeep is a registered trademark of Daim erChrpsler Corporation aSed unide lcence by DaimlerChysler Canada nc. Extended hours for your convenience. Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tues. 8:00 arn. to 8:00 p.m. Wed. 8:00 arn. ta 5:00 p.m. Thur. 8:00 arn. ta 8:00 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.rn. ta 12:00 p.m. non m SE RV 1 (-" E mmmâhm