uiui miue po'/1 i/'ail d,/ 0/////r//// it dl/a r/cPiLI ndr//a Cr phone Inpufing of informrationri 010Our comrputer bl/iîog ysfem, and other dlires re- quired, To qualify for tis position you musr possessý gava communicatio kllis goo 904yping skilis wifh accoracy *koowedge of computer sysfvm and software ability f0 work to deadirnes some sales experience would be arr asser Ofi/p fhooe applicaofs cirosan for an inerrevifl be conractr]d No phone cais please Fao.orail or dliioer pour rsume to Weody McNab Adoxrisng irecror Milfon Canadian Champion 191 Main Sf. E. Box 248 Milfon. ON. L9T 4N9 Fax 905-876-2364 FULL-TIME OFFICE CLERK Rergirxd îmmadîafafp for busp Mlon office Muft be well organized and abeto aur-k uîrder pressure on mxxi deadlines, Responsîbîlîfres inciode Order Enfrp. Innoîcrng. Civmo and other dafres as rxqurad. Knvwixdge of COI and Business Visions nciuding A/R and A/P an assai. Repip iv. Box 1001 c/v The Canadran Champion 191 Main Sreet EMlono ON LOT 4N9 Lxîdixw Carriers Van LP ix a large fr-ckivad carrier lo cafea vatide Guelph oxar the 401 We have an imme- viale openîng for a- Receptionist/Clerk Rexponsîble for sicaboard dues, the saccesoful can- ddafte wll posoxss sfrvng rofer-personal skiffs, an ex- cellent felephone manner- as xxii as rofrmedraf e Ecet skillo Ovualifixa. înferesfed appfîcanf s shouid submîf a rexame ASAP ti: Lxîdfaw Carriers Van LP 45 Kerr Crescant, R R. #3 Gvelph, Ontariv NlH 6H9 OR emaildaxa @ arlaw ca Advertising Sales: Special Prolects We are cOJefhly accepting 4resuef/I1roi/ru vdu oe fi, poitions offoufSpor 4/Projecl' Tar- The desîred candidate ir 56 highipPotiioalhd and dmbi1 ous aîfh a creafîsh mncod 0frldruho dispos0ifion Your responsibilities wold include: "*posciOhhig 404 boilding relaf onships wl poihohral clients " sett Oing400 adh/0/vci/ 4 adve/isin10 cîrenl or 1s peical prodmtadfe iaures " pfhpdfrng fora /lhil400 oSi/djl //fh/hO/aiùn " /OhliOg 4ani oxceeO 14 4/sori/aihucdgl *deveopi g Cra1,00 40/clis 1 lipris an ioign,4f/ * Sidl/ tfg /i/Palî/'rjl 0% 0/ '1eý1 !) /0/ii4and l/ c rs îîrîlrd/ prrihuin i Your qualifications: *a k(ppp desi rÜ fI S 1e00 ad/r/ ai P dbllr r0r dSEr flIior: qlx r1- cP *lac1/rn1 '/a/ i,!v si 121/0 off ipi î r 0 a ! Moit have a rp ýabp icle vdiidsoi/o r as riijnou r /0ul//a/Ch Atractiveue /0P0410/ir/Gilrdir sala/p car allow- 4//ch Comul 00,0/r 400 Mar i //I 0ppolunf rO Repty in confidence ta: Ted Anderson c/o The Burlingtorr Post 5040 Mainway. Unit 1 Burlington, Ontario 171 7G5 ara iilsapplîcaîls ru 444/y /41 Fuiltime Receptionist App/rîan/î bull SP proficeol /0 MS Ofice Please ormard esf/aI/ hr@hayden mccatty.cooi COTTAGE COVE a lad/en casua clxfhîrg retilef, is loxkîrg for o F/T Salesperson /25-30 hrs akI, muof have keyhxld- er exp. Brîog reoume 10: Cottage Cane, Buringtan Mal SALES RER. for 1/rr400r a o îeîrurîlp arücClrr1/ h//pr//PI & olwirkiroo Würd & Daahase Maoagern rI www.deatech systems.com 1 M A G E S Oakville Wheae seng i alerfird feam memiohîs ICAREER OPPOR- TU NITIES For infa cxali Barb 0f at905-338-3333 or fax reaumne 905-338-9561 RPNs With Meds Senr /me Oc DOC 5314 Lakeshore Rd Burlington L71 6L0 Fax: 905-333-31033 The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, dune 17, 2003-25 Georgetown Honda Brandi New State Of The Art DeatershipMoigSl Movng a- Looiinfý To Improve Vour Incorne Taie A Look At This!! Saurs icct euîscd 2214river last flear Looking For 2 Experienced SALESPERSONS " Muot have valid driver's licence " liard working " (I.M.V.I.C. Certified We o ffe r. avrr i îerageircormmraissionir îlarî L* t.sfî lot rinc * ) Il t fri ir l c lmiaria herieft is * uif niaxnapenrenf supportf t0îr Crînfidenfrat titrferiews' at f Dave Deacon Sales Manager 905-873-1818 Fax: 905-873-8246 National Marketing company ix laokîng for Top Performina Sales Peenle tor a nery auccesatul direct marketing campaîgn. " Excellent grawth pafential! advancement apportusnty " Selling feadîng brando *Commission and banUs " Must be able ta mark enenînga & weekenda " Eacellent communication & preaentatîan akiflas " Studenta melcame " Traning pravided Fax resumne Io Sharon ai 416-352-1989 or e-mail Io resume@tmwx.com WANTED Mlfon Toyoftaa i ookîng for 2 succass-orrenfed indvidu- ais in saarch of a satisfying carcearin sales to round oui our iaam of sales professînnais Wx proorde tha prodoor aod ail onithe fraining yna need f0 be on fracir o earn weii aboax aaerage income. Wa aiso prnaîda an rocome guaraxiax during pour firsi fac mnnfhs of empinymeof white poLi deoeiop poar repeaf and referrai business. Ail peu need is a sincera dasîre to succeed. he wiiog- niess to t6e rihe ima iv earo and Oeinlp tha naGes- sary ski//s, anadfiha self-discipline tf fakes f0 work and reacir pour goals Fax pour reSUrme to Chrns Gorman ai (905) 875-1516 or by9e-mail rurompoarren0eioronoynfta om SPEAK ENGLUSH? NO EXP ALL -GES 1 -800-344-6579 www.teach andravelces Ad$ in fthe classif ieds have the potential t.alue seen by 30,000 People You Need Some ~/1 Extra Cash? Then seli some of your unwanted goodsf Ca)) Classit ieds today to place your ad! 905-878-2341 MUVINLI sale Saturday, June 21, 8am - 12 moan 3075 3rd Side Rd, Campbellville East ef Gue/ph Line Lace tracter, wading pool, 16' boat/traiter, clothes, GRAFF skates, skils, golf bag, lays £ moch more. Yard Sale Saturday, dune 21. 1:3Opm 755 Frobisher Blvd Books, comics, chitdren's toys, dlo/bing, one camper traiter Garage Sale Saturday, dune 21.- 8am - 1 pm Lot 23 on Alexander Cres. Teke Sinclair (l Etlock cent ot James Snow Pkwy on Main SI.4 LITTLE TYKES, hoosehotd gonds, teys, clething, Co s & cellectibles I 1-urniture Lawn Sale Rain or Shine SatJune 2lth. 9am-3pm 11998 Winston Churchill Blvd., Georgetown 1 1/2 Miles N. of May- tield.Rd./River Dr., Georgetown Nom readp f0 finish hancrafted furoivre: Harnest table, dresser-s, sîgili fables, ar- moires. wardrobesOrandfafher cdodo, sofa fables, coffee & end fables, p/anf stands, bonicases, TV armoire, Tv/Voi stands. sfereo cabinef, hurcil & buffet, desks, cor- er cabinets, china cabinets, dry sink, wash- stands. pxnfry, leiiy cabinets, mrcrowave stand, deacon benches, biankef boxes, qaif racks, cur-ro cabinet, magazine racks, mag- azine fables, mîrrors and mach, much more! ftring a TRUJCK and take it wtth youl Orders welcome. 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