22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 17, 2003 Hart Jr. victorjous in return engagement bout SScores split decision wiin overseasoned rival But Hart Jr. seemedto connect with a lit- By SaTFVE LeIBLANG The Champion Victory is always sweet, but especiaily so when it cornes in the forrn ol pay-back. Matt Hart Jr. cao certainly attest to that. alter celivering a littie in-ring revenge car- ier this nonth at 1-anilon's Regency Boxing Club. F.ssser to square his record ssîlt titnie tationsal chsamipon Ailan I lututMlto it ' 2'i-year-old boxer botb absýorbed aînd adinîinistercdtl pui sIlsmell nt uimses I s o on th(, way 5 aIo ssinig va spii t dccis itli. -Ths f eels igreai.' said Ile localpgis. ssiI hoosted bis ireicirdto 12-2 v ils tise Juise 7 \ icsîry I -l as sery fsussry for suis ressiateis. part sculariv since 1 leit Id vois oui t irst figlisi. soI'ns reail y lapps 5 ii Hutton Hart Jr. Il leatured a drop dowss from the igbt middleweigbt to welter- weigli ranks. But a trimmer mass dîdn'i seem tIo affect tbe up-and-corning boxer's pLuncbing powser. Allter weaîhersssg a couple of initial sisots alrlmsssimimnediately, Hart Jr. matclsed lus moi<re sezisosned adversary blow l'osr bhîss for tise seisaindes cif tbe brce-riundci ash --wbicis as urnes isole clsselv resemibied a su fsiL gisi tisais a sechical boxing sboss Rec alled \1 issus s s utly kiiissnactiv se boxes.,.'*fi as is i l-uiisns) hiîieios n andc lus, çso%\ ci. ss 1 kisessliess as gussng so sry iiiur itîîî ssp iforitssmise. Vue tracfed shoi s ires iy gousd ini siere andc really explus.ed on eacii cuber a lessiîis rivai's speeci- and rockcd Hution wsîb a couple oîf rigbt jab, lefi book combinations in the waning moments osf theomatchs. -l banged away ai bis cîsesi a lit and be e as stuîabling ai ibe end" said ibees'sctsr. TFise returti -engage ment sein was nuo doubi the bîggesi sînce H art Jr. ss îtcled oset to the Branialea Boxsng Club. asîd ,sboffid icias a mnintiuii busicr tuor Liser sbis ycar ---beîi ilte local boxer piasis is suris Pro. But beforse iliat isaipeîs. c ou Id srea figi lais lie treaied li a HutisusiHan is. liibreaker? Suire l'm gasise.-seniasked Hlai Jr.An sIo ig t s;obusv."« Slee cLe'lloiîu <lii ' eolied aos îk' Ilani (a j /isean <cl h.( ii Dancing Smartly into US hall offame Mail Hart Jr. earned a pay-back win over two-time national champ Allan Hutton in Hamiton June 7. HOOPS camp back The HOOPS Alil-Stars baskeîball camp iss badiisg back so M'iltosn. The weil-knossn surner prograsa vii reîum \vitb aisssib er- week of day-long instruction ai Samn Sherrait Scbosl Iroi July 21 I0 25. Thai sarne wcek. tbe program seul malce ils fOrsi sppear- ance in Campbeilviile. bolding court at Brooks'iiic Public Scbool. The camps are open to boys and girls beisecen tise ages ol seven and 12, with daiiy activities, running beisecen 9 arn. and 4 p.m. lncluded sitb a player's $131) registraton fee are a Rapiors jersey and tickets to watcb Toronios NBA tearn practice at tbe Air Canada Centre. To regisier. or for more information, eaul Sherif Wabiby ai (905) 50)7-9687, or vssit wwsw.boopsail1stars.coni. - . Ut'thappy with the performance of your current portfolio? You sbould consideî a FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW After we have evaiuated your Roirtfolio objectives. we wiiI provide you with a wrîtteni revîew o f the strengtbs and weaknesses of your current investmerit holdings wîth recommendlations foi- improvement. Doug Riding BA, CFP (905)-876-2400 r i driding@ipcc.org Your portfoîlio deserves a second opinion. IsuxsestntP!ýassq(iws5ssel Shue <s asgirl poss ci 'persýossil cd a s esias kabie Caiiadsasi s lui sec ciii saddecf asiosiselr IhallOf'i Inisse ssdCtiilosî iiilci Crd- BLus so any sne ast acl sî iiouiIi biî'd liorse sacirsucs. Danîce Siiiiils O \a'; insicii tmore tli.anii155 a chiamipion. Alicad', a nîeribcs <sf tue Canada 1-brse Raciiig Hall oil Vaine,. [ansce Sisiartils oss ned by Nijioni's Sam-Sussi Fami -ss as recenily seiecied l'or inductioisi iitise N atioinal NIuscssm <fRaciisg's Hall of' Fainc. fucatec in Saratoga Springs, Newi York.. For Tammy Samuel Balaz. ssbîs eads Sans-Son Pari on bebal'if ber lanîiy. any csppurtunîîy iii speak <il tbhe<nly llly ics eser eam Canada's [riple Crcîssn s inss sselcsnîe. 'Sise ruly cpisosîsîes selat isur breeclîng prsigri asîs ail abssu."said Sasisel-Balaz ofi Dasnce Sniartly. lisecf ii Cansada lis lier f'lh i th e iclise creaFrie Sasuel.î-1 'i essi Daîl ssasere Ioi scesuis Heci beses pis Ru t. sbeatesi as a ilis ee-y car-osici. [ance Sisiailv a ,raiii(idtLuii-Ier <if laisec Please fax your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at (905) 878-4943. I C',isadiais chiampsion Nortiiersi [asîcci carssed SsecgsAs, ast,ýisisi tbe bree-scar- sld f sily and l Hs se <if sue Year caictiorses su 1 91]. Sise also swon ais Eclpse Avsard lie t '. S. equs salcsst oi a Sîss rcigsî suai sansie s car. iJespite licriipressîsc r.îcing resusîse. Sarnicel Balai olfers uss as nîucb praise <il the ciitassgisscr of D[anzig's,; îîning persosi aliiy. "Vse base îîutscec l iîssier fouis sliare st bai se cail sue 'Dance Srnartly atiitude' raved Saiiiuel-B.ilaz. She bas a special looik in lier cye sncf seessîs to bîsic court ssben you secelber. She knoos s iat sue's special and ss',e're okay seuls thai. Sbe's earned i.' Dance Sinas'sly is cîsrrently 15 years olcI snd sjilittissg lcr finîie beimses Haliosaîsd Kentuck\. Of ail Dansce Sniils s successes. iso sisssiesiils isi iss. Ssssssîel Balazitsassisii te i1991 îBreeclers' Clip iisiaf f ai Chus cuill Dus insu Kentiucky as onue of lier lirosidcst niosienis. '-il .1 a tlsrsll Iolssce people s)asing ('asatfsan f]tîgs ini flic stanids asicf ic knîîss usai sbhe baci ecoîsîe Canatliasfis:' sfihe sai oif use îbrilliîg siciory ouer sîp-rîsîikeLd Qtseiia. Is <vas ais foniiur iiishîre lier sifs the ctiunirV. Dad ss as a]î\,\ ays a lironci Canicliasi. so is1 meant a lotIoici ini andtfotin taiisly." '«bile Dasnce Sisiuls 's incductionsi iîo tue Naticonal Museumu of' Rtcsng's Hall of' Farne is sa Jor acccsrplisbrnentin ii sL tbe encinniiy os' ihe boîour îsssî luisi loi ssnyoiie associaied siib Sarn-Sîin Fansi. Saîd Sainsel Balaz. "«e as Canîdstsns know bose competiîise our race borses arse. butî bopefully ibis v su belp otbers Io ssep up and take notîice tmo. hit inductson)iss scsneting sec are extremely prousci of." Dasnce Snsartly wson 12 of 17 carcer siails oser tbree years for lifetime earnings of $3.263ý836. Sbe sias thee Orsi brosdîntîre iii isial back-iîi-back Qucen 's Plaiessiîir -- s sibt Sc.iiter The Gcsld assd Dsîiiecirutbedass% n pres aîlsîîg sn 20001 anti 20011 respeetîs civ. Thee inductsosi cereinons vvil I i.ke place iii August. Sr. Red Sox rained out - again For \Iilicii's seisor basebali seains.tis spriîîg bas been a resu seashout- liierally. Tbe Red Sîîx aiready bise close to a dozen rnake-up garnes due to near certainss seekend dosenpours wbieb put tbe kibosb on scbeduled competition for botb Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. Needless to say, July and Assgusi are going to be awfuily beetic around COBAs senior circles. Said Milton manager George Moore, "Tbere's talk that sec rnay bave to go to a weekencl iournament format jusi to get ail the games ini." His i-5 Red Sox have been particulariy idie at borne, witb four of their lasi Oive Saturday afternoon games doused by Moiber Nature. And as cancellations continue to mouni, so ton, does Moore's frustration- since a lack of play is severing affecting bis young îeam*s developrneni. 'We can't seem to brîng it ail togetiser. and ibat*s pariially beettuse sse cait seens uo gel on any kind of a com- petitis e roll,- lie fsireci. In Burlingion Wednesday nigbt, the Red Sox sbossec i enty of ill effeets front lseir sporadie spning play- causing seven errors and faliing to tbe power- bouse Brants 6-3. A raîber quiet five-bit performance cornbined with a sbaky inf-ield unit for tbe Ioss, wbicb carne jusi four days after the local lads delivered tbeir ftrst league vie- tory over Dundas. Milton overcarne a couple of early deficits. but surrendered tbree runs in the bottorn of the seventb. Only two Burlington mons were earned. Dwayne Johnson,. Todd Devlin and Pat Mastro recorded the RBI. The Red Sox iravel Io Dundas tonigbt aînd tben bead to Etobicoke Friday. Tennis club shines in Mississauga The Milton Tennis Club*s Division 1 team ran rougbsbod over Mississaugas Ontario Racquet Club June 9, prevailing 10-2. The decisive victory was due in large pant to a sweep by tbe local men, wbile rixed doubles pariners Belinder Kuipers and Bob Edwards gutied out a buge tiebreaker win tb aid in tbe overali îrîurnpb. Tracey Morgan and Sarab Stanley also contributed witb split sets. Tbe Division I team uisired ils attention 10 Burlingion Central yes- terday. Resuhts seere not available ai press ltte. Meanwbile, Milton's Majors would corne oui on top June 10 witb a 5-I decision over bosi Brampton. his pusbed tbe tearn's record Io 2-1-2 and foliowed a 4-2 sein over Unionville June 3. On tbe lriendly confines of Bronte Meadows, Cbris Boyd and Jeif Trnswell took anotber ibree-set tbrilled 7-5, 5-7, 7-6 (7-5) to bigb- ligbi thse overail win, wbile Jef Boycbuk and Bruce Smitb pre- vailed 7-6, 6-3 10 furiher fuel the locals. Woelng (lb ie s os Air Liquide 310A Steeles Ave., Milton 1905-693-11211 4 WhIlie quanitities last. Participating locationis only AIR LIlUir>E Indlustrmi gammwwarlqad.o ~~~~ eo-WaIdIng produats aiqud.m