Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2003, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 13, 2003 EARyBIRD SPECIL[~ws(ilcli il tii- ((d l jATTENTIN iEPR Former OPA E PR 211l'Kayak POOlS wiîh deck aira lence $49>95.(X 1-800-668-754 Need a Computer? Dont Have Cash? IBM, Gatewuy& compact PCs, As Low as $1 a Dapi No Money Dowo! Cali BrandsNOWi 1-8()06-8369 fe§ ww.dolaradaco Solld oak bedroom set, qaeen sîze wth mattress, head- board, foothoard and mirror, $800 o.bo, please leave mes- sage for Lisa, 905-702-7416 SUPER Sale. Custom upholsterîng, No tOSTi Savîngo up ta 30% on decorator fabrico. Sofas wtb fabrîc f ram $788. Chairs with fabic from $249. Feds Furntore & Fabria, 9- 9 daîly: 905-875-4427. $=$- Wanted - ait china, slver, crystai, tea caps, Rayai Doalton, 5warovski, glana, teweilery, aid toyo, callectîbles, estates. Cali John/Trac. 905-331-2477 WANTEO: Lcenaed ftruck and trater mechania for omail truckîng company in Mlton, fatltime, henefts avalable, 905. 699-7850 AUCTION SALE For Paut & Pal Lonergan of Milton plus additions Tuesday, June 17, 2003 al :00 p.mi. aI Humes Auclion Farms 9313 4th LUne, Miton, ON Sale canisstîng of Ouaiity Modern Furnture, Antiques. Glass, China, Cllectîbles & Hoosehaid Items. Paul and Paf have been long tîme resîdents of Milton and are setrîng ta Eastern Ontario. Ths s a large offer- ing wth somethîng of infereot ta everyone. Prevîew from 400 p m, day 0f soie & lunch uvalable Dahertys Auction Service 9051 878-9802 (905) 854-3577 Auctioneer. Patrick A. Daherty [ieod wlbe eebaig is 83rAnnieary on RMOyM un 1t 0 m. hsyer utmn Staq &IPoe for Daryl Heroux Julie Zwolman Amumoueîce your Stag aiid Poe ini j /~ISO~ I~ 1ar~iIi On ' uilfiiî lob îîî i, l dIo5nî ii cip uîîncclchr,îs. oui Fdrnand 01hAnîîîvernary of The Holy Rvnner ('uthotic 4 m a Wvîîîco Lcgue. Jim Fay TAKO S alud Guard - The famliy of the laie lane Guard wsh ta, ex- Julie 14, 1003 presother sicere appreciaf ion for the ovewhelmng @:9O pm pressions of sympathy during her ilineos and recent be- reavement, Thank yau ta aur many speciai frends, Yahooz musilc * Ci-lU1 some of who traveied thousands of miles ta be with us, 121 Chlshol Drive wha hought treats, visited, and cared for her ever need, bath at the haspîfai and ut home. The care and Tickets availlable service wie received at the Mlton District Hospital, Ha- at the door $1O. miton Cancer Center, and ram Hatoo Homecare Serv- éamie Mnze Food yane cauld want. Thank yoo to the Feheruard staff, Dr Schacfer, ourse Judy Kerwio, Rex. Gerry Hafftetter, and the McKerie Kcher Funeral Home S tia, & ID oe The familles af Cita Ana Phillîpo wish ta thaok relatives and frienda for floral trîhutes, donations and expres- for sions of oympathy in Mom's memary A special fhank Sa d a T y o you t, the nursng staff and caregîsems at Alendale, Sang a Tay o specîfîcalyTrafalgar osfrthidecaonFuhr SS y 1 tanks ta, The Scott Fanerai Home, Renerend John D avid M ~ale The Phîllîpo and rw Fmle St. june 14 @ 7:30 pm Irhe Dicken's Pub 11487 L aure-r Ave., Milton 878-2881 BAI<ES: Elly Anna Abter a long and waonderfui lite ai 87 yeosa on Jane r1r 2003. liy passed away ai Tonsley Woods C TC F n Burlingion. Retired employee of Admirai Canado and member ai Che former ohuille Germas Canaduan Club, Predeceasesi by ber Susband oI 50 years Fritz, Forever remembered by ber son Fred and wîfe sonde ai Milton and daugbter Inga Bakes ai Gakuile. Wil be mssed by ber groodchîldren Cornne Laughton andi Steve, Marlon Jackson and Km, Nadine Camnruotîd Gave and Gar- y[ Bakes and Tanya, Cherîsbed grmai Cmi ta Stephanie, Lndsay, Krîtîe, Kyle, Kellen. Heather and Jacob, Wrli be mssed by fomiy and riendsi n Canada, Germany ad the USA Speciol thanks ta Dr Ciras of Branle and the staff of Tansley Woods n portîcular the staffîng ai Nelson Hanse for iCeur compassion and kîdness, Friendo wil be receuved ai the J. SCOT EARLY FUJ- NERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton, (905) 878-2669 on Frîday, June i3tC from 79 PM and on Solurday f rom 12 PM ustîlthIe ime 0f tCe Service ut t PM heîd ram the Fuverol Home ChapeL Cremaruon ta 0110ow n lieu of flowers, donations ta the Azeimer Association or tbe Alendale Foundcatian woid be opprecuated by the famîly GRIMWOOD, DORIS REGIS At Atendale. Miltos on Sunday June 8tb 2003. Beioved wife ai Che laie Carroll Jobs Grîmwood, ovîng moiher of Susan Jeanne predeceosed 19431, Alan IMureeni of Sarnia, Peter iMrlese) of Rockwooct Mchael Judyl of Mlton and Ans (lAtn Wilson) of Tronto. Chershed groodmoiber 0f Jonathan, Chrstopher, Geoffrey (Becky), Lue, Bryan. Rober, Ann.Chrîsîîne, Patrck, Mark, an and Katberune. Doris was a teocher in thee Windsor and Sandwich Cool Public Scboois, Thee Cathedrol Schoi0of St. Mary, Garden City, Long Istand, NY, and North Country Sceocul, Lake Piacîd. NY as wetI as Art Consultant for the Windsor Separate Sehooto, She wos pool preodent of the Windsor unit ai Che Fed- eratuas aif000mev Teachers' Associations ut Ontario ans ai the Esseo and Ontario Societies for Cducatuon thrvuge Art. She wao a long ime tîember and pool cbarman ut the Acquisition Cummî8tee of the Art Gal- ler af Windsor and former member ot ils Board. A tam- t uny service bas taluen place, foitowed by csemalion. Tbere wiil be a service a St. Marys Anglican Chureh 1983 St. Marys Gate, Windsor, Ontario on Salurday, unie 21s1 2003 af 2:00 p.m. foîtowed by interment. If desîred, donations ta a cbarity of pour choîce woutd be apprecîoted. Fanerai arrangements enfrasted toi the MeKerale-Kocher Funerai Home 114 Main St. Miton 905-878-4452. jPHELPSr IRENE Peacefuiiy, wth ber family by ber sîde af Mlton District Hospital on Tueodlay, June 10, 2003. Irene Pherps of Mlton af the age 0f 80. Beiaaed wfe of Melin Pheipo for 55 nears. Lovîng maSser 0f Claudette and ses hus- band Doue, Omyneth and her hushand Pat. John and Sîs wfe Meogan and Darieve and her hushavd Jîm. Predeceasesi by ses Saughier Brenda Jane. rene wîll be sodly mssed by her grasdcbrldren Jaînne, Gong, Adam. Shawn, Jasas, Gavid, Katian and Mackenzie. Frîends were recenned ai the J. Scott Eariy Funerai Home, 21 James St., Milton, (905) 978-2669 yester- day A Fuserai Service wîll be ela from the Fuserai Home Chape] as Frîday, June 131h lioday) ait1 O0 PM. Intermear tai fllow ai Cergrees emes0 Inluoof flamers, doaotions moy benmode ta Knox Preobyterian Chvrch ROBERTS, BAZIL Peacefuliy ai the Mltoan District Hospitalons Tueuaay June 3rd 2003 Bazîr Roberts of Mlon. beloved hon- bond of Aice Roberts, Lovng fther ni Joanne ans et Cusbond Robert Hepburn. Aeuander ana ia wîfe Car- ni Roberts, Saron RaSerîs Sîtuersînne and set Sus- bandi Harry ad Patrick Roberts, Bazîl wîli Ce mîssed by nus grondchidren Joatahan, David, Mary ChrîstnyCer. Daniel ans Scott Gear brtheî nf Geneuneve sHall Farniy andi friends vîsîlvO ai the McKersie-Kocher Fu- neral Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452. The Funerai Service sas field un Frîdoy. June 6h 2003 ai 1i Oam n tCe Fuserai Home Chopel, Iniermeni otli- ow ut tCe Miton Cuergreen Cemeîery As expressions ni sympotvy, memaoriar donations ru Che Cnrsian Cnuîd- reos Funsi wauiO be apyreciated. ISANDLES, PATRICIA (nee Blair) IDiesi Thursdoy, June 5, 2003 oi Freepori HeaitC Centre of Grand River Hospitor, Ktceoer at the age of 67. For IfuriCer informatuon cati Che Henrey Walser Fanerai Homte, 507 Fredeiua St, Ktcener 15191 749-8467, Visif wwobui tcanui 021 for Pts memariot NOTICE TO CREOITORS N THC CSTATC 0f LOIS ALLGOOD WITMCR, lofe of the Town of Mlton, in the Regionai Municipaltty of Hal- tan. Ail persoos havung dlaims agaînsi ftCe ahane Ctat are reqaîresi ta send fuir partuculars of such dlîastaiCe un- Oersîgned on or before Che1tltiC day oi Jaty 2003, alter whîch dte the Ettes assets wil be dstrbuted Cavîvg regard onin ta danms that Cave Chen been receîved. Bornaby ee Henderson, Covoutar by Hutchnssn, Thampuan, Henderson & Maot, Bar- risters & Solctors, 264 Main Street ., Mlton, ON L9T tPS 96,OOOkms, 7 pasuenger 6cyl. air, stereo, like new, Cerf /C-teoted. Stesuor Mo- tara, Milton 19051 875-5010 iy 1998 Ford Ccort Sport, 2 r, dr, 4cyl., AM/FM sterea, iv low kms, $4,995. CeriS/E- - ested, Stessor Mtors, Mit- I1994 OMC OYNASTY CONVERSION VAN 4captalo seats, rear electrîc beoch/bed, oeer- head TV, dealer maiofaîned mith records. No Iexpense spared as fo maintenance. Askîng j$9 000. No reasonable oer refa sed. Milon So Place Your Ad Today! 905-693-9247. Cali 905-875-3300 j agaîning [Unit, oîelnbe rr.,ee Halton District School Board Requires 20 Re: Clanica LTD Plan A rvr IMembers and Demutualization AZn DrersTA 1.- You were a member of the Office Personnel Association Bargaining Minimum Unit (now the Ontario Secondary 2 years experience School Teachers' Federation OCT Cnd us Bargaining Unit) between the years CandRus n 1992 and 1997, andUSRnad 2. You participated in the Clarica Local Work. LTD (Long Term Disability) Plan FT & PT for members of this bargaining unit by paying premiuma to Clarica bet- Cali ween 1992 and 1997, THEN you 186-9 81 should attend the following meeting: 1-86-Fax61 june 23, 2003 o a 5:30 pmn 905-799-2049 Galaxy Club 475 N. Service Road Oakville, ON Drivers / Owner The purpose of the meeting ir. Operators L. To identify persons who partici- paled in the Clc LTD (Longi Term Disability) Plan for members of this bargaining unit by paying Needed Immediafelyl premîoms f0 Clarica between 1992 ' 76/mi (US) and 51997, e 2200-3000 mîr/week 2. To vote on o resolution for dis- * a îutur ase plafe & tribution of the monies generated by permîls demutualization of this LTD Plan to e Ail bridge foios paîdi those who paid premiumns into this '06 or aewer w/Tan- plan. dem avie lîacloî w! For furîher information contact: sleeper req' Debbie Majka at majkad@&hdsb.ca (800)467-6016 18W EXECUTIVE appartanîty tc 1997 Bonneville Se, green. fatly laaded, eocellent condition, create wealth, proven busi- certîfied, oner 8500.(905) 876-1483 ness structure, fast ROI, ex- cellent support ystemn, 1. Jeep Liberty iîîe Edtian 2002, 41,00kmn, Sapphire 86-5&24 www.eoecu- Blue, fuily ioaded, $29,995.0 (905) 854-2515 tieincamnefarallcom DILINGUAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE Are VOL lîenl .n Fnghsn and French? Do ycs enjoy ca ivunfg' l you do masnrmis may be the ypoti o ou SaletyCare Inc 5 VOannatar aicoany wh ch produces and 7sributes ils Sun rarge cf Salety Train ing VOVidonl anc 1wals W. 'k rg ou! of cui br Brgon Onar c ofie CV o proViaecn ipar.ieV irougouilCanaus v 10 Ojal ly ainorto heip traisn h ir ail n heatO aild salety Thisiso a sou PV iOn The uCCessol applicants re-sp osulbiiiiy oi on IVnevelop 5ev buViness, Ociosively rine Quebec market Ail the sales acrivityiy 5005 over the poone Tse poison wn are liViig loi dos on end specilîc qualifications bol should be able o cemonstrale a stable h.i or0lh a pon obs iness backgrond mat inaîcares per- sîsionce and derermisation We oller a basic saîary. pus comrmissions and Onils enelîts with poienfiai lrsi eai aing nofo$30.000-$ 40 000 Il lis position inleresis vVV please ,ait Es Aasman ai SAFETYCARE INC. 905-631 -6070 eV a mciateoperings for: Own.r I Opoators a compffy lntmstommlAZ Drfivers Oumurmndcude P«$iMAttiude and App.ea M6nkmuOne YeExerence CleanOnsing Record Appiy with a conrrent abstract to. Woodcock Brodih.rsTransportatio Group P.O.SBox 100 SebrngvlNeOrealo F4TEFITI>I ~ Email: dlanneb@woodcockbrothers.cern h 1-800-565-5557 -1

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