The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 13, 2003-25 CL4SSIFED HOTLINE: 905U75-3300I " ? i CLASSIFE» HOURS: Monday ta Fiday' 9:00 amn- 5:00 pin 9 NUSI0 i iiapea a ww itncna ianhmion Io DIX 1i H UAl nu $$ MONEY $$ 100% (is, 2nd and 3rd PROPERTY FOR SALE Morigages. Bad cedit OK, - Traiter ocated in Port Severn - Vldwsod bp the Severn CuitOntario Wîde, (Port Severn Cumpers Association> 1-888-307-T799. - Properiy owned- lot approoîmatetp 50 x 0 loi which sn- cludes: -1979, 35 foot, Giendeff e Traiter C(assif(ed Hours ose tîp oui Monday to Frîday -steepo 6-7 8-x12 barn shed 9 am to 5pm -ait inclusive, meebership ives lor 2003 puîd .'-- dock îsctuded i Aokîng $25.900.00, oh.o Cati (905) 632-8264 <~( i/o is MHUIl - l I(M UNT 90TH BIRTHDAY Leonard AlNeil A 9Oth Brthday party wÙi be held at 185 Ontario St. S. on Wednesday lune 18, 2003 at 2.:OOpm. Leonard and Helen m~vay be reached at 905-878-2117 15a Mobinwood ures., 3 plan 1 bedroom bungalow. Updated kitdhen, windows, pool and more 905-693- 3567. - NO AGENTS. P sd prspartes no Iagent w Il show pou ai Iwwwsopenhouel 55 lers pay 416 VES-SOLO. FOR RENT: Att brick 3 hed- room house and o 2 bed- room api. to rest. Please cuit Jock McCuddes Re- max Bluv Sprngs Rvality Illallonl Curp. or turlhvr detuils, 905-878-7777. MLTON, one yvui ohm 2tOOsq Il , dvloched, 4 hedroum, 3 bathroom. 2nd floor tuundry, a/c, ceramico ihrsughout, $299.000. (905(693-1150 4 bedroom detadhed hsuse, garage, gardes. M- on area, UK lumilp required immediatelp, companp rnIs- cation, up 10 $3000 per month. (905) 847-1000, roors 602. Inlsduuial unit for ent i Mt- ion, 2400 sq. fi, asailabie Augusi 1lst/03, $1200/month. Cai Peggp e (905) 845-4835 APPROX. 2400su fitand t hû5sg t of prmv ivtai and office space in down- lown M/lton, Hgh traffic ocotions. Cati Aebra @ Century 21 Reulty Proiessionuls t 905-875- 1110 est. 247. MILTON, protessionul office space, irsi clase locution, ptentp of parking, elevator servîced. Contact ScottB. Prior, Re/Max Blue Sprngs IHatonI, Corp. 905-878- 7777 Local machînery mosîng csmpusp requires one ex- perîvnced Tilt & Load Driver wîth tractor-traîter esperi- ence a ose licesed Mill- wrighi Ofed *sg competitîve wages and benelit pack- age Fax resumne 10 905- 878-608. WANTED: Oualîhied dis- SeItfda (nl patcher required, colt Ae- ies ttda nt andra ut 905-979-6224 Canabian Cljt»p $5Govaroment Funda 5 Grants und lsans inormation to uiart and eupasd pour buuiness or are. 11-800-505-8866. the Àon GURADUAION Al1lbe Nay 3018 convocation, Craig ONeil gradualionJtom Lauren/ian I'niversz/r 1in .udburt il'bhan Honouro ldachelor of Commerce l)egree-Spors Administration. Craig wau also a member nfibte luentian Voyageurs ens'Baske/ball Te an compleed an 8 month internsp ît LtC, in Toron/o. Congratulations Craig, fmom Mom. Dad. ý-Kple and Graeme NEEO a break rom grass cutting and weedîng gar- denss? CuIt CRU-CUT (9051 690-9601. Reason- able rates and reliable. Your Lawn isOuri Lawn. ORGANIZERS We orgasize closets, ktch- ens, drawees, papees, cabi- nets and mscellaseous. cleanîng services alss asailable (905) 875-1228 1 bedroors apt., Mais Street abone store - asl in- clusive. Avalable Augusi lti, 2003, $725. (905) 878-3643 i bedrom Downtown Mil- ton. Newly renosated. Stove, rîdge, A/C. Available Jul lst 905-7-3636 2 bedroom apartment in large bouse, 2 tennis, sery brîght. $950.00/mosth in- cluse. Aailabe July lot 905-875-4886 2 bedroom basersent api. Wisston churchill/steeis area, lsng/dining, kitchen wth irdge and stsse, laun- dry wîth washer and dryer bathrom wîth tub. Sepa. rate entrance. $575,00/mo includes hydro, easy park- ng, nunsmoker -no pets. (905) 878-4986. 3 bedroore, t t12 bath- ro 0, nappliancesStOSO plus stilities. Avalable Juiy t st 905-875-2468 afler s ACTON 2 rscsoorn, 5,75'month piujs ut lties 519-853-5080,519-853- 5352 BURLINGTON 2 bedrosmr avuitable July Purk-like sel- tng. 3 appliances, t.5 buthu Ose oulsde parking. Neur schooîs, shopping. 905-333-1190. CAMPBELLVILLE. Spa- cious, 1 hedroom upari- ment, eut-in ktchen, large living room wih walkoui 10 deck. Avait. Augustistt., $925 icludes heai & hydro, Jean Snowden, Re/Ma (905) 878-7777 MILIETOWER 1t&2 BedrnAps Cloeîo Dowsîisesl Bu tpai (905) 976-1249 wwwreaistarce Ne ountry irùùy- ose bedroois aparment. Avait. able July t Reterences, nlo smoking or pets. $800 sn- ctusive. 905-979-6437 RO6CKWOOD by park i & 2 bedrose apariments, is- cludes utiti- ties/apptanceo/pa rking, atso commercial/office space. Needed main- tenance pemson. 519-856- 4900. ROCKWOOD by park susi- 59 i bedroom apartment, brîght eatin ktchen, si- cludes utilies/applasc- es/parking. aiso commer- cialiofice space. 5t19-856- 4900. ROCKWOOD by park, sus- ny t-bedroom aparimeni, bright eatin ktchen, sn- dodues utlies/applasc- es/parking. Amy commer- cial/office apace, 519-856- 4900 ROCKWOOD, luoury t- bedroomn aparimeni, priame main fllsr enirance. 400sq.h. commerciat/ollice opace. Maintenance per- son requîred, 519-856- 4900 BROCI< - Satari Road area -charmîng 4 bedrosm tfarm bouse, miro. to Burîington, Hamilton & major ighwuys. Totally esovted interor, au.. ample parking, sus smokvrsipeis. StASO mu uilitîvs. 905-628-8861. LAURIER and luomptun Large 4 bvdroom i, ishvd basvmvont, double car go- rage, 5 uppliances, backu osto quiet park, close lu ail amenîties. Avaîtuble Augusi lti St950ieonth + utlteso (416) 248-9981. Main leveis 4 bedroore spailesu backsplit Tîmber- ea 2 bath, large kitchen, DR/LR/FR lreptace, os. ered deck, parking for 2 I carm, a/c, c/s, 5 appiasces, approx. l9SOsq f1. $1450+ no0 smoking/pets. Open bouse Jase 21, 10 am - 2pm. caIî for detaits 416- 832-3072 MAKE THE MOVE TO BEAUTIFUL MILTON. New two sîory semi-de- tached Greenpark (500 sq/t brick home, 3 bed- roue, 3 washroom. 5 ap- pliances, air conditioning, irepiace and garage. M/suies lo go Train, St1,500 + ulilîbes. No pets, son- smoking. Ave/table July t. 905-332-6375. f0lai MISs Toelnha'S ForeMni lilal [vent 601. 5-7, 2083 * Itereateoil Cente, Aipi Niai NamneI 1yPostal Code___________ . Wedding Date ____________________ 1FxEmnail __________ 1 1 Send to: National Bridai Shows g a s a c/o Premier Consumer Shows i ' * ' ' 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON 1I " 6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 i.- A DIVISION 0F METescAND PeINTING, pueLISCING & DISTRIBUTNG o e Don't forget topick U your copy ofW 9DNBLLS Mgazine on newsstands July l5th Milton, Masn 100 rbungalow cleas brghtner fridge/stove, dishwasher, aundry ac, 3 edrooms, arge pard, nîce quiet lamîlp area. No smoking/pets. Firsbiasi. Releresces. Avaitable immediateiy $1100 + 50% utilifinu (416) 312-9229 or 9051 693-1419. NEW 2 bedroom, 1200uq 9., bungalow, in Drury Park Aduh Community, garage, central air, 5 appliances, $1350/month + ufilties. Ns smoking pieuse, seuil pet welcomed. Avaîl- able Julp le, (905) 878-7474. Office apaco for rent, 55Ouq h., und 80Osq 9t., in Milon. Cat Gary Thomas a Rema Blue prings 905)7-7777. 'MATTAMY SEMI - Milione-41h Lise and Derry. 5 upptiunc- es/3bedrooms/2-1/2 bath. Asuituhie Jutp 1/03. $145000 plus utliies. Cati 905-854-3435. Wiii segoliate for long tere lease.- MATTAMY TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrsoms, spes concept, fleur park and pond, family neighbosrtiood, $1300+ utilites, ns pets/no smoking. Asailabe JuIp 2lst. 905-203-0170 1 bedroora tor rent, single temale to shure ktchen and bathrosm, ns smoking/pets, (9051 975-1137 bordg ba otelmaepsed ito anounce bigbthe l ahr and Aettan0fiasnd e G d bftan Grrsd ta onA Dr.0003ingthneB saf l Oz llfea s also welcomed b prsud geandparensu res and Ri key Lemire and Lod Vandehaar Thanka to the Hal- ton community Midwses (ail of pou!> and Dr. Linke. [Boy? or Girl? f eil yoour fdrreîly & friends' Lout Bell and Howell 35mm pocket camera, Saiurday, Juse 7/03 ai approuimaiely 3 p. behînd Dr. Huniers office se Mill Street. Valu- able pîctures of grand- daughter on toit. Please coîl (905) 878-9387. BABYSFMTR AVAILABLEI 13 peur old girl wdb babysit- tiîg enpenience available to babysit duning the semmer, aller schooi and se wee- kendu. t am registered in an Iniant and chîld Fimit Aid and CPR course. Reter- esce available. Sarah - (9051976-4927. Live-oul Nanny durig uum- mer Mature, enihusiasbic, background in recreation, Firsl AID & CPR, bilngual, some ASL. Prepare meals, plan games/sporto, setîngu. Josee (905) 876-2644 APPLIANiC5 1ridge, 2 duor,' Stovv. Moyiag ou- toic washer. ryr Also, apartmvnt set. Undvî War- iant/ Fnancîng uvailobiv. 905-637-8328 SAD CREDIT? Oankrupts? No pioblvm! Brand Name Prducts' Cuaranîvvd Credit Approvatl $2,500 Ussecured rvpopmenn lermol Affordable Monthty Popmests. No inieresti'Cati Nswi t1-900-803-3349 or BOLENS Riding Mower, 18HP hpdostatic drive, 42' mower deck, 38" 2-stage sno-blower; tire chaîns, wheel weighis, excellent condition. (905) 854-9959 BUY/SELL siair lifts, wheet- chair liftu, hospiial beds, Scooters, etc. CuIt Silver Cross 905-847-5504. CARPET I haveseeýrul 1,000 prds. of new Siain- muuier & 100% nplon car- pet. Wiil do lîingroom & hall for $389. Indludes corpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 Sel ittoay n the1 Caain Cbapion ENGAGEMENT Mîkke!sen - Cuthbertson Kahirine and Date Puljord of(Casphe'livilli'. Denis and Muggie Mi/alelien of Guelph and Susie and Lee Cutlhrrîsos <>1Guelph aie pti'ased iii annousîre ihi' iengagement <f t/oirc hitdrn Kimberly Elaine Mikkelsen aind Rryan Graydon Cuthbereson W'e/ding tii talai plaue Augusi 200S WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either insolved with printing and publish- ing or dependant upon promotion and publicity or delivery to homes in ares. Inierested in business clearing more than $200000 in annuel profit. AIl inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. DakviIIe, ON M M3S