Girl's testimony conflicts with other people's testimonv: defence lawver t fram MAN on page 2 year old was capable of." Mr. Logan said Mr. Zarate received tbe confirmation be needed that sbe was telling the truth about herseif wben be pboned ber and found ta uhapro did exist. ta ubapro And when tbe pair met. tbe girl looked older iban 13, furtber putting Mr. Zaraic\s mind at ease, Mr. Logan said. He said tbe girl could bave told someone on-lI e tbat she was 13, as sbc issi i fied. But tbat person wasn't Mr. Zarate. Mr, Logan said wben tbe girl first began talk- îng witb Mr. Zarate in tbe on-line chai- room, sbe acied like they bad talkcd betore. leaving Mr. Zarate puzAied. Mr. Logan argued tbat the girl could bave told bier age to somnebody else wbo was usirrg tbe same on-line nickniamc Mr. Zarate laier did. "Mr. Zarate got into tbe conversation rnidstream," Mr. Logan said. He added that Mr. Zarate was in El Salvador ai tbe urne tbe girl said tibeir on- mie conversations began. Tbe tact ibat Mr. Zarate may bave relor- matted bis bard drive aller the incident witb the girl means noibing, Mr. Logan said. becaiise its somneibing Mr. Zarate saiid be does periodically. Mr. Logan argued i's the girl, ont Mr. Zarate, wbo's a liar. He gave several exam- pIes of stateitients in ber testimony ibai conflicted witb wbaî otbers iestified. He also reminded court tbaî sbe admitted ti lytng to the police about bow she met Mr. Zarate. "Overal, her evîdence is unreliable." Mr. Lîîgan saîd iberes no evîdence to support Ms Essotîs tbeory ibat Mr Larate "luistatter ysiung girls." The trial will continue in Brampton July 30 fior tbe judgment. .S"uii(liî' T/ii'.î.4'4'n e Nî îac/i<d ut The Canadian Champion, Frday June i 3, 2003-21 Who Does It... UEservice MIL TON WUE 0LMfED centre Specializingin... ,FUEL INJECTION , AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING SYSTEMS - DELCO BATTERIES *TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE * AUTO AIR CONDITIONINO * SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 8787221_ CENTENNIAi For each day in June, you could ~(OW~ I.uvaid ui iwhneor lem PluslOOt Centennial Edition Ford jackets will bo given away fore See your local Ford Dealer ' for.-aBuit f r lfe n O taio' W'qeuYRsRstTtLtALcPt . . , 4-t 4.4. û 4 S%%44 4-4and 444e Do 4 SV 44-d, ! , 'O. 5 1 b .,' a"'"'"44'-...'.j' ,',nsSqte' 4î,, lale.a 4--Ï , "a~ ,"444'nu 44n q ,,4t 44'4rn'4t.4.a.',,rq4'4,44, e , rid 3f ' a 444a di a4nd ch 4'Ste4a '4-4,",44 4 , 't '4 "',,,'4-,'444444a45r4'44'v'rje,"q~4'~ ~' e~ 44e4'4ea4444'4,,e,'-4î,444,,,,e D dose 44a44 Ford444y444444444t4 44 . , ,, n , ah 4 l'. 4 44 ' 4 ', . - ' T'44,4- in t, 4- areý iýrceýlqii ý ejae 44'e vlfeae't 3 phon44e al] ,t ,4me 'no Cell "4.4444 H4 f Lire4444444454 Prisai4444444tme 4,4r444DI ,4u et4003 ' f l44904a4m4ES ,444'4 :c !le '4- '4Iàn44 '4" t'"' 4'4444coi 44' 444 , Di'4' or44"4t44e4'oit'444or '44445Xt"44 0'ro iiFr nd enesrl hcenclj4444ai 44 icdi Te v4 anes ofe 4N44 5 4 Cati Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East, Mlton, ON (905) 810-1116 AUO SaxyERVa~ICE GoodWrend SALES HOIJAS SERVICE HOUAS 644 ',44 84".6pr 4-444 tan.5 4444ray g3444 mSapn ".v am-2p RICUARDSON (Jr 3 n îton Fo HY25 S AT DERRY RD. MILTON SIENTINIEL AUTO MOTIVIE Major & Mnor Repairs -Tune Ups -Ai Condionng.-Brakes Engines - Exhaust 4x4 - Safety Inspectioans- Towing - Marine Repairs Emson Repsi & Pretestng '4q '-'ch Service u4'th fd-fIashnonec( Val-ue 342 Dronte St. South, Unltu 12 & 13, Milton BOCHMilton lmport SERJCE car Centre Speciaiizing in ail import vehicies Voikswagens* Fuel Inection & Diesels GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton AUT SOUiD FORA* YUR ARi IO EESi --l 1 a 1 1