20-The Canacian Champion, Friday, June 13, 2003 - e i e 8 Fle$14."aims to fight " rilt-tension ati ustmentSI e yj t " Built n lumbar support 1 i c - Assembly required Black 680-119a n ci r By STEPHANIE THIESSEN DEPOTThe Champion Elizabeth Carmichael doesn't mince DE 10Twords. "We ail have biases within ourselves. The one who says he doesn't is the biggest liar in the world,' said the representative of the North Halton Cultural Awareness Council. Ms Carmichael was speaking at the recent launch of the Haiton District Sehool Board's newest weapon against racism and stereotypes --a video called Faces of Islam. The s'ideo was made with the help of students at Halton public high schools, including those at E.C. Drury High School. sshere the video launch took place May 23. The vidco looks ai sonne of thc myths surroLinding Mvusînin sorncn, using scg- mients of acting hy, fic students as wei1 as intervieu, v, îîh police. Ms Carmichael and others iii tihe comrnunity fighting racisrn on the front lites. Ms Carmichael said the video is a response to fice stereotypes that arose ()57towsard the Muslini community after the 74 ~September Il 2001 terrori si attacks in the Each $ 3 =11U.S. Suzanne Muir the Flalton District Sehool Board's diversity consultant, said the tim- ing of the video is particularly relevant with Multon's quickly expanding popula- tion - because with the growth will corne a greater diversity. "Ifs critical that we help eve ryone under- stand (different cultures) and break down SAUDER the stereotypes," Ms Muir said. HERITAGE HILL The video's creation relied on the school EXECUTIVE DESK MAILANO board's partnerships with the North Haltun "Classic English look higtsiîghted by trcieba LEATHE HI-BACK Cultural Awareness Council, Federation of finishi hardware EXECUTIVE CMAR Muslim Women, COGECO 23 and Halton " Full extension file drawers - One-toucu seat-heigut adjustment " 29-11 H x 65-/W W x 31 -/9' D antit-tension adjustrment Regional Police. " Assembly required - Thick seat anti back foamn supports The video will be used as a teaching tooil Classic Cherry 576-868 - Assembty requireti in Halton classrooms. Bethel Cherry 428-586 Black 231-528 Whîie quantities last. Miriamn Bhabha of thse Federation of Muslim Women said: '(We) needed an educational tool 10 couinter the stereotyping Eue Em:hof marginal communities, counter 1104'*156 " 0Isiamophobia and promnote social justice within a Canadian cnntext." Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline said Milton bas its share of racist thinking. 'We have a wonderful cornmunity, but in each (community) there are hurts and lintle ugly spots. We're trying 10 overcome that," she said, adding. "I also experienced j stereotyping as I grew up, so t understand the importance of starting at an early age to TRADIllONAL HIRSH 2-DRAWER FILES rdctthsiea. BOOKCASES - Holtis letter- or legai s se folsierserdctthsiea. - Assembiy requ reti - includes tactory-instalesi lock E.C. I)t-ury students Katie Klein and Kim Lift Cherry 309-243 with 2 tseys Hester are two of thse video's stars. Pamper Mahogany 309 320 - 24-V/ H s 14-'4 W x 18' D Both students said they haven't seen too Cherry Hill Piank 309-397 Putty 253-921 much racism in their school and suspect Wainut 309-452 Graphite 655-939 that's because there isnI too, much diversi- 1 ILI "We live in a umaîl community with o 1 X « Fum eire Purc cb-.u 1 as much diversity, so it's good for us te, AN Fu1ue r r n s meet people who corne frorn other (cotan- 1 $of efl 99o More! 1 tries)," said Kimn, a grade 10 suet 1 the video. $50 cOU avi ns ufer goud wit ANY Pv n v e Pv Shase of $399.99 or mure. Pesent ths cupon ai mroe of pr Sase. Limi one cupon pr utomrn e r n tfes n e So.y uo ufef n uai fo cotac cusbomers " h u h tw s an a eon x ei 1 r fou purchaes frm Tec D epo Psutncopies and mnSanal reproucos vaae est vaid Coupon is not taserabe andA nu for resale WeresenuetSe rihtolmi sua er e exieau e52l3 Coupon is souS for one-lime use " h u h t w s a w s m x e 1 CIfcemROTCoupon Code 13217674 1 ence. I had s0 rnuch fun." 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Funding for the video was provided by !IILn 1 a .- -the Ontario Trilliurn Foundation, an agency ffl iiof the Ministry of Culture. ýù " d' àThe public can borrous, the video frorn prc 406/4 Hatton public tihrarics, StepIhîaeo T/îiesen u hee e auir o /ie'r i'î(s îîltser îîidvîîv /îeeîp oui su