14-The Canadian Champion, Fniday June 13, 2003 ThonUUItA IT j m fissThs Snda is Most important day of year Ir.iOa'in, Fatber's Day is the most important day of the vear i,ýer (es en tînflroindlk i Oâtox ivyou should -Ive until I huoIS when selecting presents for your tather. Spare no expense. Take out a loan if neces- saiy. Antiq.ue! !LLV'[tii] Sal Monaes ne16* I 1030 .m Preview from 9:00 ar. At thie Agnicultural Hall Milton Fairgrounds - Robert St., Milton Feaituring: Quality antique furnishings, lighting, paintings, glass, china, sterling silver, decoratives, and much more. For full listing go to www.auconsfind.com/medley i o ,l lio a i ' i c:r Lifeslyles second Fniday. Iiked havinp the c ird l'Il have to square tbings with my own hîrthday present 1 gave hirn cotinîs lor both, but there's nothing wrong with his memoiy or bis saniîy. When 1 told him il was the only lime be'd be exactly twice îny age, be commenîed: -Yeah, and still twice as smnart." 1 can't even argue wilb bim. My perfect Faîher's Day is to sit in front of the televîsion when the U.S. Open final round comes on and nol gel up until il's finished. l'd like 10 have chieken wings on one side of me and barbeeued ribs on the other side, with a pitcher of cold beer in the mid- die. And l'd like the phone not 10 ring once and nobody 10 bother me. Naturally, lbîngs won't work ouI as 1 like because they neyer do. l've got some dead- ines to take care of and l'Il probably be working moat of the day, after b go see my father in the moming. l'Il check on the golf toumament from lime 10 lime and during the final boles Fl plug myseif down and probably chew on a piece of celery with a couple of bottled waters. If Mike Weir is in contention, l'Il save the work until the loumament is over and then stay up half the night to finish it. Not being married, 1 can pretty much do what 1 want when 1 want, but there isn't a lot of extra joy in that. lt's more fun to think you're getting away with something, or getting something you can't get normal- ly. Since 1 can do what 1 want any time 1 wanî, 1 neyer do. lt's kind of like when 1 was married and had a card from American Airlines that allowed me to fly anywbere in the world that 1 wanted for free. A drearn come truc. righî> I1 neyer went anywhere, but 1 still VîpiceREMNANTS SKIDS & SKIDS & ROLIS & ROILS 0F LAMINATES, CERAMI TILES & PAINT, VINYL! AIL FIRST QUALITY MATERIALS! STARt4MR Rlhmoncf Gulistan carpetS, AR N .IL" »tielemans âfo S[uM LE Li in te rio rs m&%u tO ouusulliy eîîd Up havîjg [1)go (oUt loi dinner or cook on the barbecue or do some- thing other than what you really want. And many of us have our own dads 10 think about, so il'sflot rea]ly a day for us because we abso have to worry about somebody else. 1 really believe the ideal Father's Day for most men is 10 do absoluîely nothing, froin the lime they wake up until they go 10 bed. And for nobody 10 make them feel guilîy about il. That's flot t0 say we don't like presenîs that have monetary value. 1 used 10 just wait and see what 1 gol, but I've gotten sinarter with age. Mighî as webl gel some- thing 1 wanî, which makes me feel good and them féee good for getting il. 'Mis year, 1 asked for one of Ibose chairs that come in a bag and has a drink holder on tliem 10 take 10 basebali and football gaines. They cost less than $20, wbich makes me wonder why 1 neyer got one for myself before. Maybe thaî's the key 10 Faher's Day gift giving. Get hlm sometbing that be would- n'î normalîy buy for himself because he considers il a waste of money. Not that you think is a wasîe of money, but that be îhinks is a wastc of money. That means you don't have 10 gel any- tbing for golf, bis worksbop or the car because he doesn't consîder those wasîes of money. Socks, lies and underwear are certainly a waste of money, but he doesn 't want those. Big screen TVs, however, might filt mb that eategory. Thia is whaî he wants for Father's Day and if you don'î believe me, ask him. He wants you 10 go out for the day, take the kids with you and flot come baek until il's dark. ~il mq 1 1 1 1