The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 10, 2003-27 510I A 5" 525 u 530 . 5m O2 m WWvF à%%,,W.DoU RIRUG~ Individuals Needed Sa1eles/Mak et ingPosfit ion"' CL 0 Saftlpare xnc E . Facility Operator Transley Woods Community Centre Pars &Receaion cotr ItJuy 03 eoAp i/4 We are seeking a proactive and dedicated individual to provide effective customer service and maintain a dlean and sale facilily Your dutiex w il nlude tanitoriai services, monitoring mechanical equipment through computer installation, pooi aperations, roomn set-up, minoir maintenance repairs, and input ta budget preparation. Self-motivated, organîzed, and flexible, yau have excellent communication skîlis and the capabîlity and enthusiasm ta respond ta the needs of aur community. Certitied in pool operation, CPR. and tîrst aid (or training must be campleted withîn two manths of empiayment at pour expense), you îdealiy have formai training in HVAC, energy management, electrîcai, plumbing, building contrais, WHMIS, and server intervention. Preferabiy, you have 3 yearx' experience in a physical plant and exposure toas mulfi-use facilîty. This ix a varied mark week that includes evenings and weekends. The hourly rate for this position is $1553 to $1 9.41. tf youre interested in îoinîng aur team, we invite you ta appiy by June i 9th, 2003, quating Job #PR 38-03, taý HR Department, 426 Brant Sftreef, PO. Box 5013, Burlingfon, Ontario LUR 3Z6 e-mail: We thank aliap0C iaan cti o,, iofV thoscc o iei.n C0e itew Is Currently Looking for School Bus Ibrivers Train now for Sepl'ember (905) 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit is an Equal Opportunity Employer SEARS CARRIERS NEEDED For door f0 door catalogue delivery n the Milfon area Cail 905-873-0103 leave message with address JOBS AVAILABLE Production work n the MILTON ares. Hair $1 1-$i2/hr. s Ait shifts avalabie. tyIists Fax resemne tb Sartstsyling NOW HCR MILTONu 416-622-7258 or PREIIM PA Y Tel: 1-888-411-1660 STARTINGAT$9.25/HR -r-.r, n Bu P- TIME + 1/2 SUN. *Ev. beetIns package a*Paîd 1ctnst Ives *Advanctd training *Egsipmenl proorded *No clîtntvtt regurred caîl 905-308-6118 à . Welcome... to a world of choice 514 514 salonMalrst>lst alnHartyl roakrilelargs nos lgatpriîate/i vianped .a O pi.Da'i,. d -Bo que ia cîtati îPen. Lctd i heOk il Eirraiimexi Ccsîrarn. WnsoChrhl & teQ.E.W. We air lîiîking fo aeid proesioals tcjin usr ieamt Experienced Hairstylists Receptionist Customer Service Rep Nail Technicias Estheticians We offer beveflts, educatioa, tranng, incentives and mach more! Please fax resumes to (905) 829-0112 ------C--- -- - -- - HAIRSTYLISTS '% ePREMIUM PAY Starting @ *Exo. betttits pkg Comm. & oue le Pard 1lctnst ttts *Ns clîtntete reguîred *Advaned raning Equîpment proorded MANAGERS GREAToppoR7uNrry! At oar new Fairview St. Briagîfa location Cali Taday 905-815-3217 rENIC WANEO ICas A Mechanoic n eeded for auoo repaîti s hop ix Mlon. j 1905-462-00451 CasSIfoEDSry sis $kWd Help Positions available for our expandinq Burlington location Licensee for Sears HomeCentrai " Gas Fitiers/AC Mech, " Air Duct Cleaning Technicians & Helpers We serve Bud & Oak. Fax: 905-681-8300 Att: Mr. Browne ®R L icensed for use In Canada by Sears Canada Inc MIDAS Auto Service Experts Class "A" Mechanic/Lube Technician Cppu tunitufor a se fmotiva ti exprenced indivia- ual whu evnjys as kng with tablic Wt otvr an exveelent startng saary grosp btnttri package avd ongoiog training avalabte, Drop otf esamne Attetion frm Midas Avto Service Experts, 17Gaelph St. meorgeown, ON L7G 4A1 Iii- *Varces conîparer zoo a croi, îîrg prîrrrains and a solird onderstaridrng ot a/r a/p paproti recor ciia tron of accoarrts and Jai costrrg *Prr.paratioiorrCtFrrancrar Stamrents *Srorrg workirrnî koCaiedge Ct ait gos ornent trtrîg rei ireineuits rctCinqGCSPPSTpprriat and cor porate ax reteros. T4Asano 5s " Olice Cigarirnatinnal skiin receptior tidCominis trato skiffs " KosaedgectfLoui.s Conel Wordperfeten ii t Excel Ils apply loc Jack A. Blzan, C.A. 315-2289 Fairview Street, Burliaglan, ON. L7R ME Cnly thoe persans oetected for arr rnter- vew wrtt be contacted, 53053 Sales Hslp Sal% o lp Our MIL TON Store is Hiringl v NURSERY SALES i Horttcîtîrrat knniatvdge regr im VSHOWROOMI DRY GOODOS SALES un905-690-8410 Attn: Marketing Grads INSIDE SALES The Burlington Post Milton Canadian Champion MEtrolandcci cerni'mrpNewsýparsers Excitirig opporrc.u tA for seir motroat- OCi ndrvidoals Creatio Tp ,n tn atten- tion to Cetailana excellent cemmuor- car oc sk,îis necesnanp Cood gram- ecar, spelIhng, rerepi oct and coFnrmuor caner sk llis absoluire]yennntiai Forwvand OLipeaue m rrrap Attn: S. Wilson, Fax: 905-632-8165 SEVERAL BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES Or clients, busy in50und cati centres in Stoney Creek Borlîngron are iookîng for blînguat (Engiish French) Customer Service Representatîves wîth good communication skiffs. Workîng knowledge nf Windows. Bankrng knowt- edgx would be an asset. Candidates must f5 able 1o work rotatîng shrfts oetwex 7:TT arn tT O:0 pim and eoery niher wtekend. MUST HAVE OWN TRAINSPORTATION. If you are interested in applying for this position. please FAX your resumne ta 905-528-0014 or E-MAIL your resumne f0 the attent ion of Julia at Need A Job? BILINGUAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE Are pos tisent in Englîsh and French? o yO Oentoy a challenge? Il CCC dC, han thi nîao he tht position for AOC SaletyCare lac is an international campaop ahîch produces and dîstrîhotts ilCaown ange ot Sattty raioing ideotapes and mansals.hhore rrg out of oor Tarling cACelnro ottice se prouîdt comparnes throiigi sut Canada arn psuality arAs It hep train their stafflin healte and satety Tnis is a nta position Tee sîîccestcl applîcaots re SPninsrhiity eMil he Io0 Aetî nea husinesexclu- sîvel pin the Qsehec market. Al. tht sales actîvîty os dlore ouer tPe phone Thc person we are lookîng toi dots rlot notd specît c gualifications Tut shCslC he ahle ro demorîstratt a stabehihstorh wîth a personal or husineshackgrournd tmat indîcaten pristtnct and ettîmînatron, Wt utter s hasic salary, plus commissions atd health hevetîls, arth pslxntîal tîrst ysar earnîngs of $3T,000T-$ 40.000. Iftirs position înlerests Axa please cati Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. 905-631 -6070 The Position involses sellirrg Car prodocte tu eistîr g cnstc mPrs as Was a.developirrg es business Ail he sales actA C Cs dnorCtht telephCne The successtCI applicanit must he motiCater tut achrpee hCth compariy and persCnal goa s and he tCCkiCg IC seCnre long term nisplCymenit Arr excOI rt salary/cemoission package [s Cthrreo PC discuss the ACCitiCC lorthtr please contact Ed Aasman 9OS-631-6070 SALES ASSOCIATES, Flexible part- time for Fabricland Gakville. Friendly, courteous hard workers:, out-gofing, energetic and people oriented,' sewîng and drapery experieoce do asset. loterested applicants please apply in person with resume to Store Manager ai: Fabricland 140 Rebecca St., Oakvîlle. HALTON Region * * Paediatric RN's, PT's, ~ARRPLUx OTs, RPN~s " FExcellent psy rtes " Ftexible schedutes " Specralrzed & indiidaalrzed training " Professional Practîce Leader ta proorde hards-on support and guidance To be A Part of the #1 Fastest Growing Communify Paediafric Team: Caîl (905)306-0202 fax resume f0 (905)306-1709 or emi Ne can change trves in the cammunrty for the better i a E-f/ n * CY CL) W à-~ CL, CD HoI Monday te Friday 9am - 5pm 50 Place Your Ad Today! Caili905-875-3300 Lor drop by at 191 Main Street! Monday to Friday 9 arn - 5 prn Thi weksGarage Sales are on page 32 1 fin ry