Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 3, 2003 SCOMUMENT Prime Mînister Jean Chretien has long been rumoured to stifle loose cannons in bis caucus. But now, with his retirement looming, he appears to be the loosest of them ail. The prime minister's egotistical desire to leave a legacy has brought Canada- U.S. relations 10 a modem-day low. That Canadian businesses will bc barmed by his reckless disregard for coinnioii diplomacy - not to mention courtes%, -is undeniable. Yet he show s no siens of stopping. In the most recent emibarrassinent, Chretien used bis presence aî the G8 summit in France 10 deride US. President George W. Bush's economic policy, inciuding the admiîtedly mmid- boggling deficit the country is ntnning Up. As usual, the prime minister used the defence of 'sovereignly" as his excuse for the astonishingly gratuilous com- mentary, wbich also criticized Bush for his views on social issues. He then went on to praise former President Bill Clinton. Canadians often define themselves through the differences witb Ibeir sprawiing neigbbour, an unhappy prac- lice that no truc patriol has any need of. But Cbretien's niusings are particular- ly unwelconc when Alberta's miad cow scare, Toronto's SARS situation and the L.iberal plan îo decriminaliie marijuana have rnadc bordcr issues morc lense tbcui ever. Canada needs the United Statcs lu keep ils border opcn for trade. Il needs American lourisîs lu come and spend their money in this nation. Il doesn'î need an ouîgoing prime miniter on an ego trip shoîîing off aI the mnouth and putting Canadian businesses aI an ever-incrcasing risk of cconomic reprisai. Chretien appears 10 pay no heed 10 the consequences of his arrogance. Similar lu bis slow crawl lu retire- ment, bis timing bere is iamentabiy off. O UR READERS WRITE Reader says women's recent letter is exam pie of how some people unnecessarîly thrust their concerns onto others Dear Editor: i wasn'î impressed by the altitude expressed by Lynn Shire in her May 23 let- ter 10 the editor. As a teacher, Ms Sbire took exception 10 a pbotograpb of studenîs in a sebool library, wbicb appeared in your paper in an adver- tisement by Halton MPP Ted Chudieigb. She was upsel that there were weli- ordered sheives and bealîby plants because, she dlaims, in ber sehool such tings don't exist as there are no staff members 10, do tbem. i suggest, however, îbaî ai whalever scbooi s in tbe phoîograph, tbe staff cared enougb 10 re-sheive books and water plants, even if il mneant sîaying a few min- utes longer than required. AI that sebool, union ruies didn't gel in the way of providing a better experience for studenîs. l'm sure Ms Shire would agree that her concems are only for the children. Sbe was aiso upsel wiîb a photo in tbe same advertisement laken in a heaiîb care faciliiy. She called il a privale clinie +THE CAzvAÏxvu CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main Si.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate PBblîsher itl Davis Editor-in-Chzef Karen Smith Ednnor Wendy MeNab Adsertising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Cotes Product ion Muanaoger The Canadian Champion, published every luesday and Friday if 191 Main Si E. Milon, SOit, L9T 4N9 (Box 248),. s one of The Mefroand Prinfiiig, Publshing & Disiribufing [id, group of suburbani comparues which jlcludes Aax/Pckering News Asveriser, Allision Herald/Couren Barrie Adoance, Barrys Bay This Weeli, Bolien Enfeeprise, Brampton Goardian, Burlinglon Post, Baningon Shopping News, Ciiy Parent, Ciny of York Goardian, Colingwood/Wasaga Connfeciion, East York Mirnon, Erin Aiioocaie/Cooniny Boutes, Fiobîcoke Goandian, Flamborough Post, Foneoer Young, Georgeown lniiependentJAcion Free Press, Ballon Business Tmes, Hronia Business Times, Kingson This Week, Lindsay This Week, Manlihamn Economisi & Sun, Mdand/Peneiangushene Mîron, Miion Shopping News, Mssissauga Business Times, Missîssauga News, Napanee Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmarkei]Aurona Ena-Banner, Nonthumbenland News, NortS Yonk Mrre, Oakoîgle Beaoen GOakolle Shopping News, Oldtîmens Hockey News, Snllîo Today, OsSawa/Whinby/Clarington/Port Penny This Week, Peterbonoogh This Week, Pîcion Cooniy Guide, Richimond Hlll/TlionhllVaogsan Lîbenal, Scanboroogh Mînron, Sfoolioille/Uxbnîoge Tribuone. Saverisinq is acceplea on the condiion tiSalin the eveni ni a fypo- graphical ernor ihai portion ni the adoeisîngsopace occopîed by the erno- neous itm, ingeihen wih a feasonable allowance ion signature, wll not Se changea fon, bai the balance olfbe advertsemenî wll be paid ior ai the appli- cable raie, The publîshen esennes the ngbf in caiegonîze adventisemenis on a ec lin e %5 Miften Canadian Champones a Reoplable Poduct because il wasn't paid for ssilb public tunds. Given that logic. ever doctor's office in Ontario is a private clinie. Services in tbe faciiîy in wbich tbe photo was taken are fuily funded hy O-IiP and accessed by presenîing an OHIP card. Does she realiy wanî ber tax dollars going lu fuiiy fund every heaiîb care faciliîy? Ms Sbire also compianed about the third photo in the ad, whicb sbowed Mr Cbudieigb presenîing Ballon police witb funding from a provincial program 10 beip cuver tbe cosîs of addiîionai officers. Ballon bas 43 more police on tbe streels because of Ibis program. The funding was made permanent by tbe provincial govemment preciseiy 10 belp municipalities cover tbe cosîs of police. Ms Sbire is fearful that the Province wili pull the funding. lî's my undersîanding ibat tbe Tory campaign platform promises 10 double tbe currenl size of tbis program. Ms Sbire was upset that none of tbe pho- tos were taken in Milton. In facî, Mr Cbudleigb s office confirmed Ibat tbe Pud photo wiîb police was taken aI tbe Milton police station. Aiso. Ms Sbire sbould undersîand that Mr Cbudleigb's riding encompasses a large part of Halton region and some of bis constituenîs ive in areas other tban Milton. Frankly, iî's unfortunale that Ms Sbire wouldn'î vote for Mr. Cbudleigb and the olber PCs. Bowever, in order 10 gel ber voie, tbe Ontario PCs wouid bave to com- mit 10 policies Ibat created tbe near depres- sion of the eariy 1990s, wbicb t believe tbe majority of people in Ontario find abhor- rent and don'î wish 10 retum 10. At my laIe stage, i seidom forget tbe great respect 1 bad for many of my teacb- crs wbo were neyer 100 busy 10 work beyond normal limits and wbo, when prob- lems arose. resolved tbem inîemaily witb- oui fuss. Some of us arent inspired by Ibose wbose concems are tbmusî too ofien unnec- essarily onto otbers. Peter Berry by Steve Nease Letters welcome T h e C an a dia n Champion wel- comes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. You can fax lelters to (905) 878-4943, e- mail them to miltoned@ bal- tonsearch.com or drop them off at The Champion,

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