Dufferin says rare species have settled at rehab site teni, wilich s essentially hinited to the operation of the system of pipes and pumps in Duffenin's proposed Adaptive Management Plan on the assumption that everything goes aceording to Dufferins plans. These plans are in tum based on a great number of assumptions, of which some eritical ones are open to challenge." Milton council, the Niagara Escarpment Commission and CH have given their conditional approval for Duffenin to expand its quarry site, but Dufferin eant pro- eeed with the expansion until it receives fmnal approval as well as approval from the Ministry of Naturai Resources. Dufferins rehabilitation plan for the quairies was another point of contention among attendees, with some saying that Dufferin doesn't environments. "Ifs a cheap way of domng reha- bilitation," said Ms Halsaîl. 'They're not plantmng anything - they make lakes. They're not retumning (thc land) to what it was before. " But Dufferin representative Amie MacMillan highlighted a number of rare species that she said have already settled on the partly-reha- bilitated main quan-y. Land to go to public If the proposed extension gets the green light, Uic land will be handed over for public use after extraction and rehabilitation, according to Dufferin. "lt is a logical next step to trans- fer ownership of the rehabilitated lands," said Sarah Lowe, Dufferins property and resource manager. complement Hilton Falls Conservation Area next door." Ms Lowe said Dufferin fully supports CHs involvement, and added that the AMI' includes rigor- ous procedures to ensure the envi- ronment is protected. At thc end of thc meeting - at nearly midmight - Dufferin repre- sentatives shook hands and con- gratulated each other. "I thought (CH) staff did an excellent job presenting their report. It was a good discussion, and 'm pleased with the outeome," said Tony Crutcher, an engineer and hydrogeologist, who spoke on behaîf of Dufferin. Stephanie Thiessen ('an be reached at s(hïessen@amiltonc-ana- diancharnpion.com. Th Cda hamin usaJn ,20 VACATION WILL YOD BE IN THIS SUMMER? It mnay be time for a cooling system check-up! HAVE YOUR 0 COOLINO SYSTEM iùlnspected & flushed before '~ heading out on that long TREKI!__ Environmentally conscientious DRIVE Ou sdanti-freeze is taken away CLEA to be recycled. Accredited Test Auto f (-) ý 0,'l # ç - 1 - Vi L é--ti Lie> MainSI. D =ryR CHEVRGL6ETGLD0SMOBlE 7829 SHWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON 88 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 3, 2003-5 0% ior 60 moriths oh Ver% 1 tucdiy Cdi zoo 1 inodelsN