14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 3, 2003 w.ntlandwçin.oemN Fireighters slated to run race in bunker lasdcape cotracors gear Sunday in support of local hospital siice 1986 We can help gel your Iawn back ia the lash green il was. Complte soddiog, seeding and hydro seeding depending on your roquiremeols. We service Hamilton, Oakville, Ancaster, Dundas and Kitchener/Waterloo and surrounding areas. Give us a oeIl and vwe wilI wok ogether to traostorm your home and yard lroo our promai paradiso. Cali: 905-689-4654 PO. Box. 965 e Watordwon, ON LOR 2H0 The Champion For the past 20 years, part-time Milton firefighter Don Ronan has been running a challenging 15-kmn marathon in Streetsville. This year will be no different except for the fact that this race will make the past 20 look like a piece of cake. That's because this year, Mr. Ronan and the teamn of Milton firefighters he will mun with wiIl ail bc in bunker gear weighing up to 15 pounds. The race this Sunday will be suitably deemed The Bunker Run. spokesman for thc group. 1 started doing it jusitoe sec if 1 could finish and l've donc it every year without stopping. It's a bard run if you're not a runner." He quickly clarified that he's not, and mun- ning in bunker gear won't be easy. "It's going lu be bard, but ail the lire- fighters are dedicaied. Itîl be a challenge. When you set your mind to something, you do it. It's a conflict between the mind and the body." Mr. Ronan and the Oïve other partici- pants, A full or part-lime Milton firefight- Sses MILTON on page 15 From Ieft, Steve Ramkalawan, Marcel Fournel, Don Ronan, Chad Harper and Jason Pake wiII run a marathon Sunday in Streetsville while wearing bunker gear. Barry Kory (in vehicle) wiII tollow the runners in a support vehi- cie. Tim Roberts, not in the picture, wiII also run. Need Communayserie ServicerRoursfor Seniors Alhendalk ottcrs a greal opportanity for students Iooking to corn ple.w their Coromunits Service Hours. Siudenîs are needed tW asssi st ýaf and resîdents in tis ear*s Summer Student Viiiunteer Program ai Af lendale. We are opening our doors on Jane 7th for an iniformaton session for sîudents. parents and any other comrnunity member who woaid like to vol uneer their ime tis surmmer. To off er informaetion and onsuw I questions regarding tihe summer program. Sat. JUan 7, 2003 at 11:00 amn Aflendale'. Auditorium If you wonld like to attend please cal! Anîhea, Communiiy Resources Co-ordinaior, ai 905-878-4141 #8025 or e-mail Hoarea@®ion.halton.on.ca Look for yoUr coPY 0f BuSfl~ Card Directoî'Y in Today's Issue of ite Canabian Cb~ampion RESIDENTIAL - COMMIERCIM -1 m 9 1