Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 2003, p. 8

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8 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 30, 2003 HJG SCHOOI. REPORT "THE ROYAL REPORT"l Jenna Mascianfonio Meredith Murphy 912911DDPfIl u-ing iuu tnNgu Il - - Il Megan Ca von Steph Creighfon un n * ru iuu uuuum *inuub ..Monday. lhoIPpv doI-ýs; Tuesd ay, Wednesday, lhcippî 'IÎUN D15TRICT MEUH 51 BR Fact of the week: OnIy 12 school days Ieft! diîî.; Thursday, Friday, halpv dcýs... E.C.D.. wvhat a place, " U T NG M S E Cameras flashed and music boomcd as models strut goin al wtee îbtouso! tf on o tDuy n their stuff down Bishop Reding's runway. Yestcrday Lk las hrs oso tf1ongo tDuy n walk around the school and study laces. 1 amid during fifth pcriod. Ms. Halycz fashion arts cîass pro- although everything this past week was taking place inl dif- a camera these nexi few weeks, t0 capture the ni duced heir anual fshion how. Te ferents u na ee paris of the school, each event has been very memo- have been four years in the making. fîve for some. great show. Classes had the opportunity 10 sec a whirl- al.tisco sagruofnvu ies nde wind of fashions from 1900 to 2003. AIl of the decades Monday began the week off a bit siowiy. Drury students corne t0 the bîggesî crossroads oîf our lives. Some s, wer wel rprsened.Als, tudntshadth chnceto were unimpressed that lbey bad Io attend classes on on in post secondary education, stit nîthers wili sta) wer wel rprsened.Ais. tudntshadth chnceto Monday, wbîcb was in contrast to ast wcek's Victoria anoîher semester, aînd the resi of the graduaîîng ciab showcase their own taicnted cdesigns. The fashion show 1)ay. the career world. Wherever we go in lite. we begý was a huge success. It appears that there wiil be numer- Tuesday. despite thc frcak ligbiening anci rain slorm. was made frîends and enernies. and relaîîonshîps ihat a 005 famous designers energing from tbe fashion the day that the E.C Drury Golf toumament îook place at neyer die. department here at BR. Granite Ridge Golf Course. Mr. Keane, and ail of bis other nr a celebration of the Iwo graduaîing classes 1hi The outdoor-ed class set oui ibis Wcdnesday on tee-maies, were undaunted by the flash -dovvitîpour that erai ihîngs availahie in do or bay. There are grad te( their cxpedition t0 Algonquin Park. This four-day afiernoont. But wbîle the oifers acere oui swinging clubs have been on sale in the front hall for $2000 ec excursion would prove t0 be a challenge for înost peo- on the greens, the baskeîbali players acre sbooting hoops sales are finîshed. There are stili chocotate bars bel pie, but not at BR. Our out-trippers are weli prepared to ancd dunkîng in Drury's sports building for a gond cause. $200 10 support prom. Proni aili be the finale of endure the weatber, water, flics and earîy tnornings. The tbree-on-tbree b-bal l ournamenl, also beld on year. and ihe culination of our higb schooi career. The five-kilometer portage should prove to be a -piece Tuesday, raised nioncy for avorthy orgaîi/alions. place on Frîday. June 27th, wbîch is afier ail the exa of cake' for al. There wiii be no separation between Wednesday. E.C Drury's Locker Bay laas lit up aviîb îshed. The prom commiiiee has worked hard to thrcý the weak and the strong. because tbcy are aIl tougb. So future aspiring'. musical stars, as lte Drury Idol conipetilion ai Le Dom in Oakvîlle, and tickets are on sale for$ waîch oui, bcars, moose. and raccoons the BR out-trîp- look place. Siodents sang. rapped andi beal-boxeci for the Jae 9hapNpoeansfor miassihsevneili.nh s pers arc on their way. jam-packed 1t.-Bay. as te on-lookiîîg siodents cbeered on. fas hgaptlenin fr grasvin heirJnex moths By next Friday wc hope the outdoor-cd class bas Thursday. Drury scas tbe proud bosi of the anisual 9.Oani. and the OACs wili have their's the folic Energy Challenge Dav. Studerîts ssiih cballengîng disabili- oiain o aeitra r otdtewe recovercd from their bug bites. No one wants 10 look lies from ail over parlicipaîcd iii games and aclivîties Nome iaetiosfr Veicinue arece psie the noemk like they bave the cbickcn pox for Prom. T a ' i whicb belp pronn le tean aork. personal challenge. cooper - r a f s .T e h al t ilb il d o tt ei the Prom is cxactly seven days away. If you bavent alion. cariîîg aitd sharing. Drury Higb Sehool Siodents aso bekatTnihbloswiibfiedui0dci purcasc yor tiket yc, d il ow!parîcîaîediiiIbi inpîrig dy. eipn oi sberver represeni your class ai commencement nesi fait. Th Ncxt week sbouid be busy for athictes. The grad ibey cotîld. il aas îruiy a day t0 reinember! s bomeld>hefecîsut ah opulsh orb ea.es mass takes place Wedncsday mnorning in the Gym. Frida>, aka. today. although ibere vas no partitular rentedeydurbi flothicompalso>. a xct Later that cvcning the Athietie banquet wili be getîing eveni laking place. nur studenîs acre lucky enougb 10 bask iîîvolxedi ail grades.. Titis scas the Senior Auctionv underway. BR's talenîed athictes wili be acknowicdged in the sali. considering ibat tbe acather is suritacular. Wiîb one coald purchase a person. or groap of peoplet for their exceptional extra-currîcular participation. Be the vaeekend abead. gn-,od iîes are sure Io be had b> ail. siase for a day. Cîîniraîulaîîoîîs lfor ihose ahbob sure t0 pick-up your tickets iii ibe piazza on Ibirci and Andt altbougb tis a eek lias beeti quile fun.,tiexi a'eek senior amidst ail ihe competition. Congrauataions sl fourth lunches. The food sbould be great and tihe coi- looks 10 be 051 as riscling as thîs pasi aeek bas been. The o ici al] the seniors.a lin participaied. iliiiust aviae pany dven better. Congratulations 10 ail atiete.s ibis cramaiic production of 'Motber Tongue.' ssbicli aas scar> ceiiing up ihere aildbecîg judgedl year. .~~a,arcled nuisianding achieverinen inii ail apcso rde This f itîshes ap a great week ssiih onîs several ni lion ailte provincial level. a ill be performing bere in the Nexi fcIl iltere avilI be niea, people aýho have 10 expla "Ask -voursef wtiiecr.vou ie hiioppy ciiicl <i ci.'e' auditorium nexi Tuesclay anci Wcditcscay. Siay pnsied for ici lie Public îhrocîgh tits colamon. 1i llîîît he opp( Io e oîîtcket price information, as tbat detail fias vet 10 be dfeîer- have nts say in the Chamipion, but avish iherni te beý -Joint Siekart Milniii mmd. lintil ifien. read the final articiles and final ilinughis. 1IIUOL IGER"9 lesperate for iemories thai ýWe enîcred iw we have viii continue ay behind for ass wiii enter an here. we wiii fade, bai here are sev- ee-shirts ihai -h but ihose îing sold for )fihe schonl rIl cviiitake (ams are fin- ow ibis bash $70.00 untîl grad break- t rom 8:15- twing day. b efore. and ies ai each le who wili he breakfast year, and is iesent ihai whiere an>- 10 be Iteir îughî iheir .boald also been a litile tore to go. lan MDHS iiiliinity lic si tof' lack ONTARO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRID.T) ~_ ""Honest MortuauepAdvii-coVnuin i,-,,,,~n" Purchases a Pre-approvals Renewals/Jransfiers e Telephonel Refinances On-line applications 3YM Vîsit our NEW OFFICE in, Milton Mail Shopping Centre (905) 875-2333 WWW.OMAC-MORTGAGS.CôM ~O.AC. ATE SUBEOTTO HANG WIHOU NOTCE - - -- -- - -----~.w.HEAD OFFICE 131 WHARNCLIFFE RD' LONDONj i i~. Bob McLeod Manager jim McDowelI 1 *O.A.C. RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE

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