Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion Frîday May 30 2003 SCOMMENT THE CANADIAN CîILvîPION Boux 248, 191Main St. E., Milton, Ont. 1-9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver cAincni i//.h- Jili DavisFciii,(Ji Karen Smith Fdile, Wendy McNab Adierti.ii,g Mana«Ii'i Steve Crozier circulatuion iMaia0ne Teri Casas O/i ie î Tim Coles Pliedciui ilaplia ie The Canaiiian Champion, pubIishpil eoeîy Oesday artid Frina ai 191 Main St E Mlon OdiiL9T 4N9 (Box 248) is nuei of lie Meroitil PrmIning. PiiOIishiiig & Dstribuintiing i oAi ofsbciharconmianues Mc iiiclicden Ajax/Pil)nerini Neiws Adcetiser Allisinloi -erafid/Couie Barrie Advcirce Sain0 s Ba, diis Wek, Borten EIilctiriso Brifin it Iji btiiiliifi Buri(iiiton i Pol Ailiigtn.ii Sîiîpiq ,i, CilyF iiiCil, iof Yor Giirdi l. oli oivmg ni W ia nl,î Lami York l.iiii liiii Ad vocule Couctiii P. ciii [ltic (5eniiiciiai iiii i "Pont Fori C Ooiiqoin ddoi i'l' Fiidîipef, Pit, nociltii iiiic, Tinl,, Fconinit& SCiiiMiilidPiiliciOiMiii i Miloni Slopp iq Ni n Misinsa (jiaBîsîîenn fuiies Mion IS;Jidi Nevonis tipaii Gi! iil i* Na ssa q iie v iN e v ,No l iiiii ai-kie i Ai.Li n .[Ar.iai ii enrN oriLOuniiiri ei ai i l Ne. ný Hockey Ntv 'n duifaüLtîn iod1 dne ii Cliaii loi 'P(,M Pcii. IOn WAeek, Peternorough isonWeik, Pchoci C diiit c Oc(, n ichiwocd HiliC Tionrtill/cli Oidan LclemI i ral iiird rio înSofic ieiceicidie Adondciscnig inaccepied cn tue coniioin tbai n tnheeili Aif a typo- diaphical ennor. tliai pontioniof the adoeiliscnig noacee ccuiOed n 1the enîci neouc ilin o ln8nler wclh a reasoncable auliccecce lorigndaturneOi ont ne charged for bol the balance nifilhe adoînicoimnent wdl bcl, pardi toral Iie ahicli i-dle laiee pe iAsOhen esenono (lield nigh aledorile adceriiemcitts oc dec lin The Mlon aeadiae Champion is a Reoplabie Peodcnî 0 To eaul or flot to cali Does Premier Emie Eves honestiy expect Ontarians bo believe the résurrection of SARS in Toronto and the lockout of 3,500( of the citys Catholic teachers are the reai reasons lie may flot eail an election ibis week? Perhaps he could expiain how it s that these issues preveni politicians from cam- paigning or the publics ability to choose its next provincial govemmeni. Quite simply. he cant, because they dont. According to Torontos associate medical officer of health, the most recent SARS cases are confined to medical institutions and don't represent an outbreak among the general population. As for the teacher lockout, whicb affects some 69,000 Toronto students, the situation appears to play right into the hands of a premier wbo's promising to ban strikes by teachers in his latest series of pre-election television spots. Is it flot entireiy possible that recent polils showing the Tories lagging behind in popu- larity have significantiy more to do witb Eves' suggestion that an election cari wait? The Tory strategy to date has been Iu keep opposing parties, the media and the roughly 60 per cent of registered voters wbo exercise their democratie right, guess- ing as to when the election will come., 1 Logic bas diciaied cubher a June or September eleciion, but a weekend Toronto Star repont bad Eves suggesîing hbsssn inking of etectons rgbî now with SARS and teacher labour strife back n tbe bead- fines. Could il be thai bis commenîs ssere part of the polîticai gamesmansbîp prior to a snap election call? If' an ciection isnit cailed by the end of tbis weck, then il wont bc caiied untithie fui!; that mucb is certain. However, Eves bas not guarantee that SARS is going away anytime soon and he oniy bas until June of next year to make bis partys bid for a third consecutive vtctktry ai the poils. Wbat if SARS lingers througb the lai and mb othe winier'.i VVat ihen, Mr. Premier'? Somewhaî motre believabie is thai party insiders arc ieiiing Eves sending tbe eiec- torute 10 the poilis rîght now wouudnt yicid tbe desired resuit. Shouid the summer pass and the premier stili doesnt bave the sîomarb 10 drop the wriî, perhaps West Nule virus can becoine bis excuse du jour. Cali us cynicai. but we suspect the importance of addressing SARS and teacber labour disputes mighî suddenly wane shouid the Tories experi- ence even the siightest surge in popularity. OUR READERS WRJTE Some dog owners flot cleanîng up after pets Dear Editor: i'm disgusted thai citizens of Mitton. especiaily miy neighbours, don't pick up atier their dogs. In the last isso weeks aisine Vve wsitncssed six occasions when the ttwners ici their dogs do ibeir busi- ness and jusî kept watking. On onie particular day last sseek. I1 siopped and watcbed a lady ici ber dog poop on someone cisc's iawn and waik away. Wbcn i asked ber if sbe was gotng 10 pick i up, she toid me iny dog dido't poop-poop, only pce- pcc. i ssas utteriy dîsgusîcd, especiaiiy afler i saw the dog poop. i aiso bad 10 dlean up a dog mess in my drive- way last week. is', bad cnougb ssîen they bark ail nigbt long. Reader says Pesticide Exchange Week notice hein fui une. Al i know is 1 want my une- year-oid son 10 be able to play oui- side witbout wonrying about gettîng into dog poop. i'm starting 10 reai- ize that others don't ssant îbem cither because they can't ever dlean up after them. i can uniy imagine sshaî their houses look like? Please dlean up after your dogs. Tanya Wedow I)ear Editor: I was happy bo receive in the mai] recently a bulletin regarding the upcoming Pesticide Exchange Week, wben Flton homeowners are inviîed 10 discard tbeir pesticides aI the bazardous waste depot. Congratulations 10 I-laton Region and ils partners, ErikaRtok Ne ver underestimate the Power of a cheerful smile ..ff -- - -- - --- - -.5.%lpes " It's wonderfui bu see Our municipaiities recognizing that tbe bazardous waste depot is indeed where these produets beiong, rather than on our lawns. The bulletin aiso includes a caiendar outiining naturai iawn care techniques. This information is mosî belpfui. Its bappened more than once. 'm on my way lu work une momning and l'm flot in the mont cbeerfui of moods because, weii, ils muming. 1 get off Hwy. 401 and travel aiong Regionai Road 25 as it turus imb Martin Street. lm usuai- iy stopped by a red igbt - "Just my iuck," 1 grumbie - in front of Martin Street Scbooi, ut the corner of Martin Street and Woodward Avenue. And thaïs wben my day is tumed around by the crossing guard wbn's usuaiiy on the last minute or two of ber shift. Ive neyer spoken bu ber, nor even made eye contact. But 1 aiways watcb ber because shes aiways smiiing. And that makes me smile. For some reason, 1 aiways smile in response and then begin îo ponder wbat she migbî be smii- ing about. Is sbe happy because shes aimost dune ber shift?! That mnay be pant of il, but t suspect shes jusî as cbeery at the beginning. Dues she have a Martba Stewart-type busband who wakes up in the wee bours of the muming lu cook ber breakfast in bcd? Dues she bave cbiidren who neyer taik back and sbower ber witb praise each muming? Or maybe she simpiy loves ber job. Maybe she realizes wbat an opportunity she bas tu stant kids' days off un the rigbt fout by greeting theru witb a smiie. It may be any combination of the above - aithougb I suspect the first is bigbiy uniikeiy - that puis that smile on ber face. Or il may be simpiy that she bas learned lu be content nu matter wbat the situation, As my muther used 10 ell me, life isnni about circum- stances, but your attitude. Wbatever causes ber lu amile, 1 suspect il's thse same bug that bit the man wbo i every momning on bis bicycle v the bus wben I worked in Bran Ramn or sbmne, Ibis non-desc wouid invariabiy stop bis pe, enougb lu amile and say 'Hell yOuu? No malter bow depressing tht sbiny and new the cars were that drove by bim, bis smiie didnt waiver. I-e was content witb wbat be bad. If the grumps existed before, lbey were certainiy gone after be wbiried by. Nul lu gel buo sentimental, but ils obvious a .A4rouna! smie is infecîious - a cbain reaction. Once une person receivesa smiîe, she cant help but smiie toivn n retumn. Chances are, someone else is iooking ut that second smiie and feeling a little bappier ail of a sudden. usedto rde b me Il's quite intriguing, actuaiiy. Just huw many vbiie I waiîed for people are affected by une set of upward ipton. stretched lips? ript-iuoking man To the crossing guard aI Mar-tin Street and -ddîiung just long Woodward Avenue, tbanks. t've been reminded lu Io and "How are neyer underestimate the power of a smile. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at îweatber or how sthiessen@miltuncanadianchampion.com.

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