Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 2003, p. 34

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34-The Canadien Champion, Friday, May 30, 2003 CL4SSIFED NOTLINE: 90OU75-3300I CCIasni i fnt IE OUS 4na t da :0 m-5«P -mm7i BIRTHDAY iIapPY Birth'aY* Love Mommy, Daddy and Heather xaxox0 "ENGAGEMENT VILLAGE Parc on the1 Pond, 2 bedroom lusury condo complete cti 5 ap- pliances, sec carpeiing throaghoai, parking, sior- age. $210000.00. Oel 905-6933567. 1,8WOsq. h.ofpnime retaîl & office space in Milton. High traffîc location.Oel Anelora et Oentary 21 Resusy Pro- fessionals Inc. 905-875- 111Oeot. 247. 525 sq. il. prfessiorul office suace, aaaiiabie immedauteiy Busy loction, $700 mn Al inclusive. Cail Gary Thonas, SeMax Blie Springs. 05-878-7777 FOR SENT -2000 su fi Pela/l Unit. Main St. e. ear parking, unit con Se oplîl. Frank, 416-638-2573. MARKET your Business Oppsdaunity f0o er 49 mil- lion adalis in Onarnocih Metroland community Necsapers. Oel ioday for information os ceekty cord ad rates, 416-493-1300, est. 279 Wereothe eb: w $$ Mosey $5. 100% l1sf 2sd and 3rd Motgages. Sud credit OK. Oelil Oniano Wide. 1-888-307-7799. VISAMASTERCARD Lîm- ifs ap f0 $15000. Bad Oredif 0K. 1-866-274- 5005, EsilO0 1 BEDROOM. 224 Mar St., 12 pieu, avaiahie rmmedratly. 5750/monlh ircludes utltes. Nu pets. Pick up applicatian ai Bniysiia'-, Hoineaucon, Downtown Mlton ACTON1 & 2 bedroonm 5550773 nonCi p i atir ins 51t-85 -1i1,/0 519- 853-5352 ACTON 2 bedronm. 5775/monlo plus rtdites, 519-853-5080/519-853- 5352ý ACTON Vctoran Semi 3 bedînomo. $1.000/monts plus. Aso 1 bedroom apait- ment $600/monih plus. 2 bedroom $775/monih plus utilities. Asa Geogetocn Vicorsa 2 bedroosi apail- ment $1 ,000/mosth plus hydro. 519-8&3-5080/519- 853-5352. BIRTHDAY LSamantha Barrow Ha~ppy Istt 3irthday LoiefrussMummi )a#dî,,4tpssNarra Parpa, andmuSaPa andJsrîîé BIRTHDAY ] une 1, 2003 We lov e vou' LoeDad, Mom, Me/odie and . LteNonno & Nonna ~, M ~ ENG AGEMENT UPCOMING MARRIAGE Dennû and Glads Cranfentof Mittun are pteasdIoeanuunoe the ucosig marnage Peter and Debbie McCuaig anduDenie Eliabeh t Date andiLaura Roy are pled to Tmotby REterai, announoe the egagement of their dtstdreri sun ofF4mund and Lmndajanseki leMCel n UeR Y of Mscnsuga, Ontrio.n jen Mcualg ad MikeRoy. e dding lu bskep uS n lî- Wedinplaineiiihefllo2OO. Fbrurl,14,2004 ai GraceAngican CrcJ,~ Weu3gtand r teat ! 04 ,jburP Mille, Ontario BACunLute apt. seciy renoeaied, in Mlton. Aeait. Immediately Close tf0 ail amenîtres, Leaee message ai 519-561-6561. BACHELOR, uery quiet lo- cation, utlties inciaded, near docniocn Mlton, no amokers/pels pleaset $575/month. 416-666-8758 BRIGHT 2 bedroom apart- ment. Analabie Jaly 1/03. $645/mo.r+ utltren Ap- piances. Parking ncluded. Oelil Campbel 905-693- 8791 BURLINGTON 2 Sedroom auaiahie irny Parklike set- tmng. 3 uppiaîrces, 1t O batho One otsroe parking Near schoors. shopping. 905-333-1190 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street, South, Milon We are nom ucceptîng applications for t & 2 Sedroom upari- menis. For Jaiy & Augusi. For mare Information and/or ta matie an 905-U78-5375 Building Mngr Leanard &Penn LARGE 2 bedroosi, Main Street, Mihon. Fridge/stone îscluded. Large master bedroom,liiingroom, ktrct- en.lbaihroom Anailable Juiy lai. Fisthiasi required. $750 plan utlîtres. 905-691-2254, MAIN STREET. Aparlment for test Jane 1. 3 bed- rosms, 1-1/2 battis, no ap- pliances. $1.000 plus atili- tes. 905875-2468. 182 MILLSIDE DRIVE1 1 &2 Bedrsom Apts I Close o Downonl I Sussop a 900)866129 ROCKWOOO by park 1 & 2 bedroom apagimenis.in- dodues otil r es/appî a n ce /purki ng asmo comme rcial/office spuce. Needed mars- tenance persan. 519-856- 4900. ROCKWOOD by park suni- ny 1 bedroom apuilment, bight eai-in ktchen, sn-, ciades uiiies/applîasc- es/parking. iscommer- i cel/office space. 519-&'6- 4900. VILLAGE PARC - 2 bed- rosm lusury condo, parking. ROCKWOOD hy perti.ssas- Anilabie Jaly 1. $1,600 per ny 1 -bedroosm apariment, m onth 905-693-3567. bnigkt eat-în kitchen, sn- ciades utiiiies/applianc- 'MATIAMY SEMI - Mlton - es/parking. Also commer- 41k Lise and Derry. 5 ap- ciat/offîce space. 519-856- piances/3bedrooms/2-1/2 4900 bath. Aailabie Jaiy 1/03. $1,550 plan utltes.Oel SMALL country basemesi 905-854-3435. Wii nego- api for ose. Avalabie end of traie for long îerm lease.- Jane, 5495/month aiiluc- ies. 905-877-4835 A nec two story nemi- To Adve .lse delached Greenpark 1500 so/ft brick home. 3 Sud i ror.3 vwashroorn 5 ap- l n The pliances. arr conditionnng. irepiace aird garage Minutes lo go Train. Sit500 c a s e s ,~ til urss No pets, non- C asfe S smoking Avaîrabie July 1 BROOK/SAFARI Road aiea-chanmrng 4 bedioom faim Saune, minss f0 Sur- lînglan, Hamilton and major hîghcays. ttauly rensvaled rter, c/a, ample parking, non-smakers/pets. $1,650/month + utlties. 905-628-8861. NOUSE for rent. 3 tir., A/O, dlean, no pets/ smoking, f irast lest, references.1 $1.200 +. 416-312-8228.1 Jane 7 3 bedroam tocohoase. Ohîids Or, no garage. Juiy 1/2003, $1.000 pet month. 905-878-9136 effets6 pm. MILTON - Wilson & Wood- card. 3 bedrosa, famîiy rossi, 4 appience, seat GO, outside parking, $1275/mo. Plan atilities. FOR RENT New (2001) 3-bedroom townhouse, kitch- en appliances, A/C, garage, non-smoking, $1,360/mo. + utilities. Cail 905-878-5048 BEDSrMNG room, separate entrasos, bathroom, ktch- en. Steels/James Snoc Piiwy, country settisg. No smok- mng/pets. Cail 905-876-4112 ROOIM, $400/monih, iumished or unfumished, ns smok- ing or pets in hosse, shared facilites. 905-693-0034. DERRY & Thomson. Clean house, uhilîhes included, sapa- rate cashroom. Close f0 GO, quiet person, non-omoker, ns pets, July 1. Firsi/Lasi, $475/mo. 416-254-1519 HUGE quiet secladed aduli modem country home. Large bedroors, shared facilities. maIe preferred 5425/per month 905-854-0359ý Sandy, Ryan and big sister Lauren are pleased to announce the sel e arrivai rof JOHN CHARLES ALWARD, on May 18, 2003 weighing 8lbs, 1lOoz. Proud Grandparents John and Lena Vescotto and happy Great Grandparents John and Margaret Denîch. CHIANTA - Charlie and Elizabeth (ne Wilson) are pleased to announce the birf h of their second daughter ISABELLA ANGELA CHIANTA, born May 20, 2003, ai 1:40 p.m. ceighing llbs, 8.5 oz. Little sister to Alicia Chianroud grandiparents are Vince and Josephine Chianfa of Milton and Irene Wilson of Campbeflvilfe. A second great graflddaughter for Matfeo and Josephine ArgntoandJeanie Kidd of Rockwood. Second niece f0 Thomas Wilson and Angela Chiante. Special thanks f0 Dr. D. Tam and the nurses of Oakville Trafalgar Hospital. @ 7:30 pmn The Dicken's Pub Tickets $15. single or $25. per couple Poor priaes 9- m«nNes. For ilicels cal> Joainne ai (905) 864-9616 or gel them ai lhe doo Rent t today n the Caabian 803-9267edteY 06 DEAINS & IN MEMORIUMS ON PAGE 35 ECE qualif îed home care available. First aid & OPR certifîed. References saau- sble upon raquent. 905- 876-0774. FOR September daycare needed for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 2 children, ose full deys, ose kindergarten 1/2 day with pckup ai St. Peters achool. Oeil 905-878-0887. SUMMER daycare aval- lable and school session. Loing. sale envîrosment, crafts. Police check. 905- 876-0620. suiboard motor. Rans and jlooks like sec. $79500. 905-878-1797 from 9 arn. - A King Pillowiop Mantress Set. New in plastic. Osi $1600 Sacrifice $45000. 905-567-9459 cas delieer. APPLIANCES Fnidge, 2 door; Siove; Maytag as- tomaiic casher, dryer Also, apartment set. Under War- ssniy. Fnancing available. 905-637-8328. BAD OREOIT? Bankrupts? No probieml Brand Name à Prodacit! aaranteed Oredit Approval!l $2.500 Unsecured repayment termor Affordable Monthly Paymenta. No inieresil Oeil Noci 1-800-803-3349 or www.BrandsNOW.comn BED, Amazing bargain, qaeen orthopedic pillociop set. Newcin plastic, carras- ty $150 905-567-4042 c/Il deliver. BEDROOM set. 8pce cher- iYcood. Bed, chesi, dress- er, mirror, sighi stands. Dosetail construction. Nev- er opened.. Osi $8000. Sacrifice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET I hase semeai 1.000 yrda. of sec Stain- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wîll do liisgroom & hall for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639- 2902 DINING ROOM l3pce> Cherry, 8 chairs, buffet, hutcti, semver, douelaîl con- struction, StIli n hases. COsl $11,00.Sacrifice $3,00C 905-567-9459 FOR sale Pîguind poît..se air conditroner. 7500 OTU. auto lrner.rîsed 1season, vos cond S6OS Hoirnes ruom Ian new $40 905-693-8718 FOR sale Tires, (4) size 185-70-14, $40, (4) size 19570-14, $35> Good coný dilion, seseral sec. 905- 876-1751 GOLF membershîp. Fui) 2003 Seasan membeshîp. West Mississaga, Milien, Oaiiville area courme. Valse $1,600, selling $500 080. 905-954-0740 HAYWOOD pool pamp, $4Q. Piffer, $100. 1954 Fer- guso Trecor, $200. Bush- hog, $100. Freezer 4'X 24" x3, $20. 90&-854-2470. pua aIomI - I I ma i i omuIv Charlie andjulie Speck of Milton ajnd0 ý onjuy and Pele Adatwon of Owen Sound r ugbwe are pkmed to annoulme tbe engagement f Ouýe Sou uý ýatto n Peletto ^d M ore oýO«ý 0 MZ'o"" S u o f Jý e t a of lheir daugbier Sibeelley tojason, n n kased 'u ý' b g g Zen andjacô4 son of G en d quié Catio andjosie Catto and Brian Moore of Oujen Sound miamz mu i --,

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