30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 30, 2003 fPreview fro ri m At the Agricultural Hall Milton Fairgrounds Featuring: Furnishings ta include fiat ta waII cupbaard, jam cupbaards, washstands, quarter cut aak sideboard, primitive tables, chairs, etc., Mason's fruit Basket pattern dinner set for twelve, quantity of glass & china, ail lamp, pastcards, primitives, ,,Milton Tennis Club shows Milton Tennis Club's rep) players have delivered some strotîg sbowings recently. lit'ihuitniely, ni ail of« themi have resultedlni victo- ry. Case n point was lie club's ivision [mur sqîîad, which tlropped a narrow decisintot Oakviîle 's W'allace Park May 2 1. Cralty veteratis Iave Adanîs andI Lanry Langero kepi things a lot doser iliat expected- leasing their oppotietts bewildeî-ed luor mîcli ofl te encotinter. I]owever. ie-hicaker lusses by the mixed dlouhlces teai allosved WVal lace Park iii squeak hy 7-5. Miltoti s divistinue contingent was rnuch more successl'ul agaitist Wallace Park Iwo days carlier tnppling, the rival club 9-3oi thei strength of' stellar play hy riiîed doubles pantiers Sue Clarke and Boib Ediouiid. Then one week later the top level group white- washed Erin Milîs 12-0. A standout performance by substitute Regina Devine- filling in for an injured Jodie Rideout fueled the blîîwout viciory, which pushed the team's season record to 2-1. The division one squad will look lii build on that against Mississauga's White Oaks Monday. Meanwhile. Milton Tennis Club's lntercounty Majoîrs dropped a tougb 5-1 decîsion to Aurora's 'Timberlane recenîly. The îîvcrall verdict wastî't quite indicative of the competitîveness of the matches- two of whîch wenî Io three sets betore being won by Timberlane. Eneas Silva and Stacey Arbelter scored the lotte win tor Milton in rnîxed doubles action. E-mail ail your team reports to sleblanc@&haltonsearch. com. WoesI .pBOIESSIONPJ i 8SPECIALTY IlNYI APPLIAN EVC Expert Repair to Central Air Conditioners &ail Major Appliances Central Air Stoves *Fridges e Dishwashers Washers e Dryers Reasonable Rates - 1 Year Warranty No Service Charge with Repair Kilo] 1 1 (,i~/Synergy Solutions (e ý Corporate and Reteieal Comeputer Seieae Nework SettAp & Support PC Saes, Rpairs, & Upgades Point of Sale Systems NServîng H/o Wies Soutions &Th ITA *Matence .Contracts&Th A Website Oelpesent CustomSeofissate Pograeing McootNET Souions Avalaib 905-699-7772 Softate T'aining (o.ne-ot-oe o lasoo info@syssogysoutionsc *O,-ste Consultations www.synergysolutions.ca PE sOIN SITTING, Pet Gi;ot n ifi iithat Speciai Fanoli eme By Donna 892 Edison Court, Miton 905-693-1891 TA ETURN.ERVIC Cati Today 905-878-2168 Evona WINDOWSMlon Otal If you are a new ceaident of Mion in 2002 or 2003, we voll prepare your 2002 Personai Tax Return at a cavinga of 50% and pro vide you with a coupon for 50% off y?,ur next year 's return. 205 Main Street, Suite 303 EXTIORS FREE Estimnates h 905-631-6685II " Replacement Windows " Entrance Systems " *Siding " Soif its " Fascias , Eavestroughs FA$T CA$H REFUND$ S Usually while you wait* Same Day Service4- Mt ~E-file U Ralph Delicata & Associates 905-878-3636 Protessieni ookkeingSccounting services aise aalhe oin etsadweed ppeietments aveilahie. Agonmnspreterred but flot noessary 'So)me restric(tios ueap 190 Main St. E. Open OaiIy 11lam ta 7pm sHO as I THIS SPOT COULD BE YOURS FOR For as CALL CATH ERI NE 905-878-2341 Who Does It... AnUTO McOTEVE SIENTINIEL *Major & Mnor Repairs -Tune Ups -Ai Condtonn - akes Engines - Exhaust 4x4 - Safety Inspections - Tow ng - Marine Repairs Emsson Repai & Pretestng - -*hI ecli Service zwt/I C4dfa.fiwnetf Value 342 Dronte St. South, Units 12 & 13, Milton 878-8066 1- AUT SRIC jBO1SCEMil tan Import Car Centre Speciaiizing in ail impot vehicles Volkswagens * Fuel Injection & Diesels GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton L 4~L 71M INS. EMITN*UI m a , -a 09 1 m -1 1