Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 2003, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 30, 2003-29 Hoy running wild for W.I. Dick Jr. Sox even record Brad Hoy's running rampage continues. racer, hes been particularly prosperous shis sehoot year for the WlI. Dick Witdcats. Monday he added the latess chapser toaa witdly successfuî season, dclivering a three-event sweep as the Ortwin Track and Field Mecs as Oakvilte's troquais Ridge High Sehool Monday. I-is golden performances- in the longer distance races- powercd the Wildcats ta a silver-medal finish in the intermediate boys division and toursb- place honours overaît. This foltows a regional relay-winning effort the previaus week during which he anchored the WlI. Dick 4x t 00m squad ta anc of the school's biggess sporsing moments in recens memory - and the Halson cross-country triumph he secured tast fait. Mirroring last spring's Ortwin Mecs sweep, Hay made significans improve- ments in att shree events. He tumed back att challengers in the 400m (1:02.97), 800m (2:29.65) and 1,500m (5:11) t was wrong. Is wasn's about getting a chance ta do someshing t missed out on 30 years ago. is wasn's about relting my training camp experiences with the Milton Marauders. Is wasn's about gesing ta play in a gamne. t didns know wbat is was until aftcr it was At over and donc. Firsi shough. t have îa tell you about my football debut. Is took me three days untîl t finally start- cd laughing about il, and then 1 couldn't stop. 1 gos my chance mtidsay through the fourtb quarter in the exhibition game against Belleville. It's a game wc could have won because we were the besser team, alshough the final score was 12-9. Quarterback Mass MacPhaîl catled the play in the huddte, the simptesplay in the whote ptaybook. Att t pretty much had ta do was go in a straighst ine and nos keet over. Id pracsiced this play before, and t hadnst fumblcd the baIl for wceks. t kncw whast1 was sup- posed ta do. Once the bail was snapped, t forgos absoltely everyshing. I tooked ahead and saw a huge hale had been apened up by the offensive ine. A tank coutd ges shrough il. 1 started mun- ning toward the hale but forgos anc very important thing- the football, t neyer had contrat of il and Belleville recovered il deep in aur own territory. You canst imagine how badty t fels. t wanted ta telI the coach and my teammases how sonry t was for ltning them down. I fels sick a nc play, anc fumble. Career over. The defense, however, which was unhe- lievabte att game long, ssopped Beleville, and t gos another chance. The onty thing t tboughs about was nos dropping the bail again. t was suppoaed ta foltow fuIltack Sean Fautknor ta the left ide ta a hale he'd lead me tbrough. The next time 1 aaw him was i the dressing room. I gos the bail, held on for dear life and juswcnt forward untfl I gos hammered and knocked ta the ground. t looked down as my banda and the foot- 1* Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Brad Hoy shows off the lirst-place ribbons he secured during a three- race sweep in Oakville Monday. shedding swo, live and six seconds respec- ively off bis 2002 finishes. Age-class teammases Curtis Rashotse and Ryan Williams factored heavily mbt the intermediase Witdcats' silver-medal showing as wett. Rashotse had the best long jump of the '~On the loose hall was stîli there. t had gained one yard. A helmet had smashed inia my hand try- ing to jar the bail laose. and a play laser, t watchcd as a lump the size of a golf hall sprung up onl my hand. and t came out ol' the game. 1tshought it was broken for sure, but i was okay. although there's a suspiciaus- feeling bane stitl sticking Up. I'd say about 95 per cent of the players in the game suffered some kind of injury. tncidentalty, I shoutd clear up a few mis- spettings from previaus cotumns. Dan Johnson is the ighs end, and it's Wilt Gearin, nos Witl Garrett. Even though this whote experience was on my mind for the five weeks of training camp, 1 knew there was someshing missing that t wasn's thinking about. 1 didn't reatize it until the first night t wasn's as praccice. Event though t betieve it was the right decision ta end i.t, was mis- erabte. That's when t realized it wasn's about mec after att, or what I coutd or coutdn't do. Is was about the team. t missed the guys, I missed wasching their progression and accomptishmenss, t missed having someshing usefultot do with people you iked for swo hours a nighs. Their successes were your own successes, sheir pain was your own pain - we were in it togesher. t thoughs about cantinuing ta play, as teast in pracice. but there's a imited time offer on reeapturing your youth. What you can do is enjoy every experi- ence that cames atong ta, the futtest. 1 don't know if that's aomething you tearn with age, but itss omnesbing you can certainly pass on ta younger people if they haven's thought about il. day leýqin5L'4 79 nmeIres mSs 01) aIllie il Icjuiimp 5ti a 9.45in ecfoit. Meanwhile, Wl. Dick's junior girls had the best collective showing as the mecs ousdissancing munners-up E.J. James and Fatgarw,ýood ta sake top honours. This was due in large part ta a two-win day by Jessica Wallace, who shone on bath the track and field with vicsories in the 400m ( 1: 12.13) and triple jump (8:35m). Kaitin Shuvera placed second in the 200m and 400 m, and sîruck bronze in the t00m, whi le masching Iihai silver-medal coui n the fildt- plaving riuner-Up in triple jump and shos-pus was 'ory McCutchcn. Laura Prusha rounded aols the individual- win total for Wl . Dick, tapping the 1 ,500m intermediate girls field. Among the senior girls, Kym Baker showed srongty with second-place efforts in the 100 and 400lm. Fetlow Wildcaîs Mats Clark, Elyse Garbuts, Megan Greaves, Brens Page, Alan Posavad, Jutianne Posavad and Geoff Strank secured sop-three finishes as wett. Older people 100, for thas matter. Tomorrow as 4 p.m. as Milton District Fligh School, the Milton Marauders wilt open their second season and go tor their first victary. lits going ta be he maost saislving \wtn 1 ever had. Mi1ton's Jr Rr-l Sos o îr -1r -,r 0P 61h-' bl ng the RayaIs 12-t1. The defending league and provincial champs - who've been plagued by ramnouts ini recent wccks - scored early and often to brush aside their hasts. They surrcndered just anc measly bit ins the eighth inning. by which time a 6-0) cushion offered litie hope for a lase-gamne turnaraund. flhc Red Sox added insuit to injury with a five-run ninth inning. A pitching-by-commisace campaigas saw Mike Volpe, Mike Grabauakaa, Ryan Hasper and Kevin Cooper ail get in some work and combine ta, lift the Sox ta 1 -1. Reese Davies was exeeptionat at shortstap, while he and fel- low veteran Jordan Jeans had two hits apiece ta lead a bal- anced attack at the plate. Alsa standing out with three runs was sluggcr Nate Perrott. Milon's juniors hope ta compiese cheir season scrica against Guelph Sunday aftemoon, with a double-header at Brian Best Park. Game anc is set ta start at noon. Soccer Development Model Academy is proud ta announce tihe formation of ils Firs? Soccer Academy in the Halton Peel Region. Operating weekly from JuIy 7th to August 29th, 2003. Programs are for ail players agas 6 * ta 12. The camps wilI be fo<used on tihe Soccer Development Modal' Metbodology and curriculum. Pm'gmam Fos Registration Fee $145 per week, includes: T-shirt, mini soccer bail, daily prizes. L aonI., On Derry Rond, west of Trafa gar. ,~ J - Refer ta our website for addiional locations. S ~ Rogise.. enlin.: www.sdma.ca or by phones 905.875.3440 MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDING AS 0F 30-MAY-03 2 3 4 5 6 TEAMS NEW LIFE DEAF ST. PAULS MILTON BIBLE BOSTON NEW LIFE "B" SOUTH SIDE "" NEW LIFE 'A" G 3 4 2 2 3 2 w 3 2 2 EIT PT i i o o o i i i o o o 5 4 3 3 2 o ST GEORGES 2 0O 1i i 9 GRACE 1 0 1 0 0 10 SOUTH SIDE 'Z' i O 1 0 0 il KNOX 2 0 2 0 O 12 HOLY ROSARY 3 0 3 0 O We aire Your <YL AR?-ROUND COMFORTI" Dealer Showroom ut 925 Main St. E. Unit #3 TERRY ROWLEY Mechaniencal oc lum &FM. 8:00a 3O Pm 878-1979 Saturday lOOOam200pm One play, one fumble and my career on the gidiron came to a quick end

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