Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 2003, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 30, 2003-25 ime i VPAd49Ade/L UtWeIIi"oneoa44 ao Habi Teuiteers. The trot hait goal ender toi alec a gîeti urooui au huergonshoued op, Anderson and toorgo Mitcheli iugod a ftuotas- the Hatoo Tearnono oas Coonal Fiher atd Tee Remue team crre ot ororg coriig 7t ic gume tiy gel lng inooiued inethn. gauolejul enhan a pertormance te gave' Jake Lesage oas goulu uitee Tom Horion s10d m eetare swing!tShener Csaaghg srooed a gîet goal a sîiorg ang hait goal tenger ton Hait o uit nueo et tiron n t he secondo nuitTht tir Milion IDA Wuu te tý' Stale Fana Insunance-Don MaCrae 2 achrseo our Ctuoligt sog ed nin et tht goalutes rtonegh toues pagetoreptinnallg Tim Hortons ~goals fnn his tamSGnon g toute Suptouet rou ni /esaut g mon0 setio un ni Orai] tloas o Ti eos8 evoune elynirm Te a isiere lu eprnng evening Gain arie insu rani nondo tom ortnkn thielted lot Greenpaek Homes b teraon ouee nr Beloeen thtrenties ton KPMG o0 glati P rneoure Mithate ol u aa s notre nekomgere ga n thenn n crflroic donateur Brooks aid tor i ToRtions unie teandunnen Origie. Raotesioe h irtga dorathan toîkuegenand duni Ciiton tcinîe ton a outil picr oeThen ott ffg olWeScO otii oi T onîs usas GtaonlGînt iii ý keepo ig ey tiare tint tuint RMG onpt iti Park & Lebe Giakan Peinon(On)adsainhan MarKiet on iO2) gnitiloenManennu Min arnit eretd the e Wsînot unît os Goauan messiniilreak Mioa gl u not ie o O e an senonu goalnetfot em likHesnttthti ran k eit Wnin geal teu Grioi tipoîna mentionhonGlane,tilinte Haut un toon noren nifatoeneaetytaiea Tone nu e wigenain ikiak ita tette Outý13,il Onsteu ndeTgler tenndyfg iheingianotie- press r F yKMG s DliLa roe oane tit)and in rua f far i plît n u gPionr 5nsive pa any scmin g opounneo unthepostonouj Guanin ogei GdisGealIeti G HeinlCrysler Jeep 0 iOfaRoerLiie ottil idui'isuitu a s00>0 JIMal knîl nand utiukeiiesoi Wakpfipri Wild2te , Ii mhe t l ut as ltest crd iata ona tireutsr tofgîtote sen ton eoti Ont OMUI reba Rit0 enyscignc i farli Chogener eep une WuknfineoaWn orals esiene ntrktui toit raois ut r enie drue utu sa theter utolend idyro onengi l Oisindnnig SGIltinnunethnecondeuhagIUr uounennunnnooousuaîCaravagginedueodaOn hues for Chipoter Hunt Jeep and Csep tetetur triton la Rbetsoe andSatan tcitt ton Wakefield W tOros Werknng tard tonr iPern Chrosier Jeep otre Pnig Smith and Pont Kekhon Cinchnng theeunefortanWkefiela Widcuis oteeBailto Biotn ndEOGne Wee Gîetijob eums, enoo theeest et the seusent Porter Enerprises5 Inestee's Gaoup O Faort GEterpsoes s of ailaa tio te Rainbow Village Day Cane 2 season oie oa on of 5to 0 g aunsi hoe testg Hi Fiee Photoe1 tetoo s Gtoup' Goal signets Bustinn Pis anntoo Village Duo Cre tant one HoRoe ClioTraco Brmsrang, Hether Meen (2) Phono n o spunitîtoapegame ta ehs eai s aid JoTfreg Bichon. Maneto MarRan andTracy season. Thnts te goals fom BstneMalne Armsrong et Poreterprseste e i en atm uas otre Srah Puermoande Devoe HnGs and Jute Kîmmener Buîboillage Duo Cane e0 oettsGnpPurnepue ia oas ube ne peîai 2 -t1Ente Sehomberg ad fIveuesOru.Eeroepye ra Cam Thomson bote pîuped an ecellet game game Wayne GO TEBMSt ion Rn Fuît Photon euh Ente scorreg heif neiy inlon Carpets 4 geai. The gamte oas tope close eib terutue ntraioa aryIgedet goal iedîeg by Geneeams. Jute shareedthe Ineraiona Di-y egredients 2 hebl budutietite Cwennad Mrie uowitt e noutîeg n tis seacan opener, ci teean Day are whie CnnerMiler ad Alie Pereirnu Ootîueong te ir tmgoal. Terrîtue baet htoy. l t ee fne ue frB iee logforth action, euh ichotas Schînm et Phono BnonnCureofs dO vng tebailintoethe net, Milton Tyota eTs oas toiootd oit y a goal Otlinrtd by Sebway 2 teammato Sean Irving. Tht match aise had an tl cas a cotd day, but tht tds suite oel yto action-acted secong nit, ete batop Wetto puned. Goal sconer tefor o oyt es HnoneCapois hantnng ico goals. tobe lcasa ChMtpe eo ieso goyotîngs poeteod te final goal torIinternational baory Chritophr Peow wth 3goal. Nemin e ngreens.Goatus Bengon McEDen and tee Molton Toyotu cent Soun Fegson inetht iaot RdOeloftI onternatinalut bunnongredoonis, tunsi hait and Chrsiophete Petoo te the second adDryWt n ra atn fHno hait Spocuat meetione teKathleen Hagen, ureO buey Wtt ae By u Muadenid Bnoe Mega Heneyand effey orma. Kds ereabsoiuieiy fernutue teS. Specuai mention gots fa eoid u idOnon complineand for theu uteo Ban Tosfnt ni Brton Cuepeis, ohe penîngtd iet gante ofthe0e gae bey dgg a ftaisnic job terrifie rushes and passesu andtoInernational and a lotofaisies. banro Ingeedents' Tauns Saune, oho demon- Zelers 2 suBitOd great ant handunng stits, Locky Sperts 3 Milen Chryster 2 B colo ehliynghn eus n innoe fon the osi Liberty Meloal Insorance 0 garme btieeen ihese iwonfeuts. Tht gante oas Whai on eeetng game opeer. The superune close mainny Gcause efthie stîlitd gouteednng lyo iet uulgakeesTeo of JnchuB Johnson and Stgla Batet of eties ptu fCGo uutgutteîTto ueO oualo G Sona Hoto eO Cte Lesage and Cam HouOR tepf MultineChnosieo ta and qualy b Serna Hskoand uke 2 goals seento Gy tee unstoppabie Grant Mangoniof t uetu SpootsMitchell Bnnunît Beaeger uandOudraneo Odon Mifon oas amang seoenng ihreet geais ion uetp hyle okeer imBuk n Spors witeJosua ohnsn sore a ice Spencer Michellootted harO ion tht Shutaul geai tee eliens Xaoier Wiiams and Ktue ietygMutuai DeuoneStaetkuandsulbtlo Couture shoe theur soceer stkifs for urtg Maugeru otot commencetd bo couches ton ther Sports.Donp ChaToen and Cation Hy0eos xetoalsrngpyaswiCh-Ln otre tctinnguod uneueg oeil forler is A oieopandolysenng io us otrhue tne grout frci gum ora ai ployens Chegsie sgnad. Thuets te Maeoyn Mteoll fer alIen Elementary Sosl Teachers 2 meeeenng and saorng tht gomet Gilîsea Farmo 4 Tim ot-tees 7 Tht enidesf Oup ineMay eus the frci gume ne Bernas - Patrick Bang 2 1 the esonforta Haten Gemennoro Gehoni This oas a gietnfrci gameofn the seasan s Teachers and Gllonu Fonms, Tht Guunona Faims Guorgane pluotd oeil fitem bth toams touws tam oas sfoneg scornng O goals aginesi Malîon legion Pool Cenlool 2 Scett's Car Cane 10 Tire ptSk, Oulon ReginaPst r ninn RPCu suce inn no uekenno oGrtis Cao Cati otiCCi eg a store onia roa Boit tamsemade a gitan engint un theftotd Wyott Turner oeen up thternoýoil g toi HRFC eurig nu teesone tant GCC hout soui tittauuu0styleornantes itrough oui the gante hnn couint pot the haOui nnet minders Michael Warnnr unedOoean EvPais donnet 5tepieoanudJain Benin pied tonte nets et onergg and empiiue cpmnie fr GCC Michael W ateer stared the second geai nain on tht sec- ond nuit 500îeg up the unriorg tanr RPC tgoo MucranandShGannon Walter Gain mage sonme Gig sauts pnugnng geai ton SCO eut i oas not eoaugh te stop RRPC Precision Sheperdo O MalIen Commeeity Rettabilitatioe Center 2 enîti tRams piaoed a groat gamte shOeeng Samte amaaing StUIS.Thetoetwre seme gteat efforts Oad Gg terra OnrdeMaTOhee Cenahat and Blate Gtam lot tht Soopterds Guti neige tend AieeVos angJacobGann eetsoing ne the net tntHCBC Toto ours aise maeagod to eacb getone pusi tht aeesomt goalues OndreeePointe and Sutura Cuita, Sale and Seund 4 Branle Dry Cleaners B i cas un umaoreg siad o tho seacan tee Gale and Saune, as gelteedens Mano Cebion and Tenons Thnbedeau chut oui the Breete Drg Citantes Tht geaisene Spnit beiceen o Grtets, Ryun aod Treoa Munpey ega puaRto ble ihey ere on tite. The Goatues lot ennoie Drg Cleuners. duoson FrPsatnsdeOHunut Shuktaniootted utty bgauetpnng teGain oui et thenetandeo eered the geailite a pron Spocuai metino e aledeOSound s Reshan Bashr and TpyterPeneras andOoteoDro Cleanet s Jutuan Jastognowstu and Miceal Tunoefr tpuging an aooseme gante Milton IDA 1 Millweld Enlerprises 2 PTs mas thet rsi gamne et teeheeondeo Gnh MitlO Gî terprusesand Moltion IDA piagod un auictunding gumot Gocellent geai tenng ton Mllotro Peterpioses oas Mutito Broggieand Tu0too Humiten-Wged. Baie toit Houston and Jtfetg yMeBrude ni MiteelO Ennerpruses scartd iRe innng geais tnt thegamt Weii dae 5talh Cemutux pluoto a gret deteesout game. Bithouge Milott GEnetprisos deteatto Miltige GBA 2-n.autstundnng geai iening oas cdemn stratto Go Spencer Csanagho ueo Bethano OstentMiltigeIhA pluotîsBrute Baîlto Carîg ce-t G-4 ini Heport Milton llawkeyes DeO. Sosan Janv- Optemeltrist 4 Milles Suffie Pnhi.unepenseunoun rouadgînnet lce vicet.1eannudoitni hîtPSItcgfeOf nuit nu Son' Minton umonouicne anton poes tt ofetns ive opta, eonnrg te uooges o-t Geal unie su eO u lR on eun Rugi gai t2 goalsn RetintJameos unedOlutiianne et Mtonei'ot n StI Zk' ln a'O rice Mon et ri f o ut wegee it plouegîta ai- tniJacot anîC ee n d ueaitJdnes tint Onait dýOt eittî ttisuiveai 'a heut àsrngMot eau ut Alpm u n gel te ni et o u n.Oe 0gr i tintiioane Van Dengens Landocaping 8 Millweld Enlerprines 1 On eocellenit intgame pluond tig h enmst lineuge an onîredîine ouno GoVan tiongen s aodsrupinegMît mod notnrtprises eheouno gîetiatll gag Dongn s gouttes Heatten leonind eORetion Gerer agt sonmeamaineg sauts us woitas tht gouttes tram Mn lotto eterproses GepuaneneettndueNiNoe Buegres w usrusetherrne goutteor the sgame Chieronte West and Roe0 Wilson nmpresseo thet roo mite the geais heR tan- tinued toreKait unilBell ang Rachel hep from MnloeidRente ptise tyd a gîetarce! Tessît Erestoetplapto excelleni gttense toi tan Dngen s aodsrainogi Thants te eout cet- eret us oeil fte nextcelet gamet Arthor Electijo4 Hydre Ose 3 on an eoeinng seasoe opeoec Borhur Eletinî ttnumphtd H to 3 or Hydgo One thuets te, goals iront Nieole Jardin, LeuR Halnduy, Ette Brunaud tantine Geigone Hodren Tetgoulots Riont0ChuicTilt and Pucessa anit fareg maey semis as did Arthot loton goaines Chantai Haddoneaod Magison adinogdoo Gnet geaisrame rl Maggne Taylor Baoine Sinon and Madelinet Goe RunneB eensatitoes Madelînt Gne angdRlson Macdonaldg tom Hyden Gnetmer thein mairehoiti thee iry lgi- watt ni Bonna Moone irotmAOdeur Etetiîr Specian mentinete Chantai Haddone tanshoo- neg a trait latt ai the end of a rend frosi gamt Seatlseiew Dental Clinic 4 NaIsses ireO JTs malttdthtge egngofethnetseusen toi Gaie tRams theepluptis om Gaie sîdes eohinitedtnomnus munes ai eneegy und eniemeer Tee pao seooeg thlsas nutoher oem as able te gaie ae aduaniage tarlo OA roupie et ounices ateertinutherde Dental c oag une led te galns Gy Dueneile is and Huchet Gavos Nature s ite rame eut oiti a porpese n the secong haift utienos Ottence Oas tgsaIo te etast achot Duois neTtdcotrstcond o gai ai the gamce and ai ueiodueate on goal Gy Nuruosctine rnundtd eut the scnnnognI Oas an enctng epennng gamec eane thsifdes are iontîng taroaro te un ectllent seasan Ashroy Sleep Centre 3 Candian Tire1 Tht fi gume et the essn oas an ecntng McPhail Chiropractie 7 Zellers 2 MePhanu Chroptuenne pacteO a pooer ponce of eaîy seneneg by Guone Wilson odeh ont goal. ued ont h iant Robnson and Camern Stockait eho seortd threen gouls a piece againnnthe imnghtp Pelonrs.Zetion's balue Banchurd and Gregory Sebhi ct et onethein tees con- tniuttdgrgoai goal teednng, and OeereO muno ueesnme aies, Jenemy Cuvint ed the seoineg for Polonrs Go sceeptg Goe bail pain MePhuit htuou detence tencet Boceee. sinong goal teeding Go Brpan MacDonald and Caline TaTi an a goulue for MePhait Chiropractie sanatd MePhuifs eao ana ondtg theegante odh o Morne Cinerna 4 Gorrod Auto1 Vanler Inset-ance i 241 Pizza 4 Gogo Gerberhga n txcelleent ganteeudnngToo als Go George Stueferd and ontetueti by Rame Cinema ontiRus forci Oui gtrioftecea- datt Mutheon andPanai Munday poered 24e 1son etod Cloyo olsa eontrnbuieo hic toton goal Puzza te ietny. Oeihny Martieni note hie et tee soocon Antir a steoeg performance- toge Gorn o otegai. Steong goaltending ai piagnng goulue ie tee orsi hait Mon Michaelis round Gp JuineCoobs and Boum Wagner ton senetd fer Panier Oecuragee a tee minutes noa24f and Dylun Ciaeeg Bri nd Michael the scond Raif, Blet tenture and Stoven Runeig for Soorrnd.Stunoatperformances Partusa of Panier tepi theur team initienn Go20f s Joîrue MuauOand orod c J Sinnsoe ctrorg plBy on offense and gofeese. oRtie galut aydtenBendîgan mode seme gogo ,d, AIL STAR TRYOUTS OPEN TO M.Y.S.C. HOUSE LEAGUE PLAYERS Saturday May 31 Sunday June 1 Saturday May 31 Saturday May 31 Saturday May 31 Saturday May 31 Bronte Meadows Park Laurier Park Wl1. Dick Middle Schoal Brian Best Park Brian Best Park Brian Best Park 10:00 - 11:30 arn 9 - 10:30 arn 11:30 - 1:00 pm 11:00 - 12:30 pm 9:30 - 11:00 arn 11:00 - 12:30 prn Mi/on 2/oS " oce4,C/«4 Phono 905-815-4072. Leave Message www.miltonmagic.com Look for garne reports in Foot Notes in The Canadian Champion every Friday throughout the season. Coaches rernember to send in your garne write-ups to: footnotes@rniltonrnagic.com or deliver to 599 Vanier Drive by Friday of each week. The Footniotes page is a paid advertisemnent by The Milton Youth Soccer Club. une Sshroy tiieep Center oas on ire frnm the tops, Great goaiteednng toi Home Coem a ti tieginnnn Goal crent Brook Grun o Mrchelle Moke ,kwooeg and Ryae Deurnes mage tho dot Kell gand Nugtee Wnmeo led shreg te vconrgrgerenre. Honooratine mentiont ges outIol On umosome goal Gg dessocaLa hudeonini te Aleander Bogie and rît Shnroder for theer sentendhall put Canannienthe necrre gond0f0eus eod eterminatten guano Stint ai niention et aînuonng geten stun e IgeVOntraaGazouta and Marina Roi une ter Cunadoan ie uni Rurnuel We ntnnfon M&M Meate 6 Oct neg lenn Cen tel Towne Dental rnep 4 nIlneeke us iheuge ut haut anorner irred in Cbadwicks TraBel 3 scereso n utiteiaus is Otan Theu Sardenal Greeheeses 4 netrehtsel the urieon9HMOM Meutsand Tee tenon ragotvas unio terpitnn f oi Chi 0.00 Tottietal Giot proinudthe tansautIr hiauni o Guoenali Greenoses aitMir on r shunt oeisiueding niai ateonGenotalon iig gorie aieieayatir.ir Prtant o in aenithe gamrc itoguik goals Git dor isnemOnu, Otonn unditaure iMead foi M&M Meurs gd otivgîe un and rame sigrnet Cnnunn s e houet anotaictnria tientinn and nid a rake atten OtanBryre Riiouana a Mentaion, ton ainennul Gîtpent otsem got oRamsder n dui teeg retto t teo ur lne nnentonni netanfoieiniefsin sffense ton ire Tooine tentai Greeti n gscrng rein niiucoserganciaRirn- Munrai nsn ýgoas apleteeut MOM Meats gogo, scon on ie tiret 2 goalston C tanoîjkes Tra.î - hua Tylor Gueg n tann eenu m a te on] ail vsnrn eatiaaVanesa r ega ioso-lrdwl nipesv ffnieaakb, ng 2goals ton humderai Groin îîauses aise stntnng tue goaule tareTht stores uoj dent iti hutted lent Cehagoiested3 geals naven ene rui h nihman toto outre it n rang n ire tre t ant onoîn Grgenan s arahe ostu or te nBeatnung geatenig ger- h giallonurde rying np inn gamce and itrrafomances et donateun riHston iM&M Itre Dennscring lune intie seoînuit tfonrte Tînage IM&MI and Jimmy & dito Brathoanre o, n titian mentingluges ruGornan. tToone). TihertOantrs matnng imporauntcon- Greenhgoses aesînin bafa ne us tibtiions te the goîro e tgamceointe Connut Hatîme et M&M Mete ono shoeud seme imptesue passing Otlis and the solOc tweoug ypedorîmances et Cognerplthonn& Gieute WhitowofutTown tieerai Gigue hants te al et thee plBers item oto sîdes, onur haro Stop In Cash 6 ogre and hostie mage the game a Teusure ta Aibatroos 4 outin Te openoog duyofettee 20h3 stasonein ieai optimniot 2 serrer conditions Gtip N Cash led GO Nîrnaolas Nadalin Electnic 10 Guetta oih Gand James MoDonanu oto o sto lwsa xiigmac p n elpae Bit martel gai aff oqin gorecioThee nOBunectBmaîipuOoilpae Ortros oughi Gue th egotemînaîino te ame G0 Gati teamo asIl0h0balitod tiough narronothe gap onTh Btud Gtues and tht tiand eomuddoeondgtins ai Wl bort Chistephet Mitonne ptautdnng tho searnng woh lihaugO ait memboosone Milton Bptimrst 2 apiere. Ga rforatmnces item the geai- s haed a loi ot eharacter ndueOsîodsmaeshno toopeos Cam Otootus andSGeptie Nadalin e Etin was aGie o taame oui on0000 Pnionremae toitmpe Cso boleshanog L Cad Go Conne Ptince and CelinSe Gaah Otrsmto irs f oo e Brus tetuie said she nottngthtee goats Nadatr e Etca as aGio te Chad Groon, PuffrngognOa gaod showfothe e tOB oui OSent compotirirne Sion e Btone Bibarass team et eeen Mayes and efforts bo Buron Kert, and ichotas White, Matthe Otsulmade it bard tB moooi an offesioe Btant ne Mantte hsukuNadain eTri.ooreDoatlifniwas a oeil teuBtt Milten Physietlserapy1 garce as bote ioums pluRto colt, and att plap- Aim bok & Sale 6ers05 neibaiog egualîR gn bath ioams. 1 Wht un action pacted noasen nponeet Mifoe Pho situtd tht gamo citee foust goal, scoreg Go donnai Suthernand, B oCetmude qu onae oneGuc iR geais seretd Gy Daniel Nutalince MteOeil dumon and Macon oot, eeding the terst hait. Jute eboned aod Ncelas Oeten shootd uceseme non monO- ng, lnge second hailt est twontam on nine ueO Io ttep ihterfans on fRein foot! But LCets Mitchell Bdumsone Maiont oot andBoss Morgue îenned a goea teRMort suptrb nef mnndnng ons dont GBoue Cnaneuandbonet Nutonen B greaf gante oas piayed Gy al, shaenng amuureg sdomina euth conte mpots- sie piagis mageSp Multine Phyio s Baone Miier ang toit NeilignuandeO But Cets Cag does ntsdeOWiiam Storot Way to tart fhe seasen guyst with Sue Haringa :y ýs

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