24-The Canadman Champion, Friday, May 30, 2003 à reduce teappearance of aCondense g hours of exercîse into 40 minutes Fîrm up those hard ta tone BEVELYS NO ENROLLMENT FEE!* 875m2889 I C l' - MANAGEMENT *Regstered Nutrtionai Consultant on staff *Lose weîght eatîng real food Boost metabolism, feel healthy and energîzed *Focusîng on a lfestyle change *Maintenance programs ELECIRO-MUSCLE TONINO TRETMENTS - Reduce 12 to 30 inches n 5 weeks e Buîld muscle tone and June 10- Health & Social Services camr June il - Planning & Public works comny - Administration & Finance comi rittee - 9:30 am rittee - 9:30Oam imittee - 1:30Opm *New Clients oElIy. Vaid with package prchas.. Offer expires J550 21/03. Calil foa FREE ConsaafaUon Amatesi htWrs Beginning May 3th and continuing throughout the summer, the Halton Region Health Depariment wiIl larvicide standing water on public Iands under the direction of the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Bob Nosal. Monitoring of mosquito larva for West- Nile virus in Halton has indicated that larva is present. Larvicide will be applied by a licensed applicator contracted by the Region. Larvicide will be used to control mosquito larva in order to reduce the incidence of West Nule virus in Halton. A pellet formula of the larvicide Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), Aquabac 200G, registration number 26863, will be placed in affected standing water on public lands in urban areas in Burlington, Oakville, Halton His and Milton. Signs will be posted ai each location indîcatîng when the larvîcîde was applied. For the locations and dates of treaimerît, please vîsît our Web site www. region. ha Iton. on. ca/hea lth. For more information about West Nile virus, please caîl the Halton Region Health Departiment 905-825-6000 ext. 6187 Toîl free 1-866-442-5866 TTY 905-827-9833. NOTICE 0F SPECIAL PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETINGS NOTICE 0F RESCHEDULING 0F REGIONAL COUNCIL MEETING Revised Amendment No.18 ta the Regional Officiai Plan A Special meeting of the Planning and Public Works Committee has been scheduled for June 11, 2003 ai 7:00 pm to consider the revised Amendment No. 18 to the Regional Officiai Plan, being the application by Dufferin Aggregates to permit the expansion of is Milton Quarry. Those wishîng to address the Commitee are requested ta telephone the Deputy Clerk, Sue Lathan, at 1-866- 4HALTON or 905-825-6000, ext. 7254 or fax 905-825-8838, by dune 1 0 ai 4:30 pm. Written submissions wilt be accepted by the Deputy Clerk's office via fax, email (regionalclerk@region.halton.on.ca) or regular mail. The Proposed Revised Amendment No. 18 may be viewed ait the Office of the Regional Clerk, between 8:30 am. and 4:30 pm. weekdays, starting May 30'h or a copy may be obtained by calling Basil Gurusinghe, ai i -866-4HALTON or 905-825-6000, ext.7203. A statutory public meeting on Dufferins original submission was held on September 5, 2001. On dune 19, 2002, Regional Council advised Dufferin Aggregates of Councils decision to consider the approval of Amendment No. 18 subjecita a number of conditions. Officiai Plan Review - Directions Report A special meeting of the Planning and Public Works Committee has been scheduled for dune 18, 2003 ai 7:00 pm ta consider the final staff recommendations on the Regional Officiai Plan review "Directions Report". Those wishing to address the Committee are requested ta telephone the Deputy Clerk, Sue Lathan, ai 1-866-4HALTON or 905-825-6000, ext. 7254 orfax 905-825-8838, by dune 17 lh ai 4:30 pm. Written submîssions will be accepted by the Deputy Clerk's office via fax, email (regionalclerk@region. halIton. on. ca) or regu la r mail. Rescheduling of Regional Council Meeting Please take notice that the regularly scheduled Council meeting of dune 18, 2003 ai 9:3Oam has been rescheduled to dune 25, 2003 ai 4:00 pm to deal with the regular portion ofithe Agenda. At 6:30 pm council wilI deal with the revised Amendment No.1 8 t the Reglonal Officiai Plan, being the application by Dufferin Aggregates ta permit the expansion of lits Milton Quarr. Following this malter Regional Council will consider the final staff recommendaîlons on the Regional Officiai Plan Review "Directions Report". While lit lis flot possible ta establish a speclflc lime that Counicil will cansider the Officiai Plan Review, the malter will not begin priorto 8:0Opm. Those wishing to address Council are requested to contact the Regional Clerk, Tina Agnello, ai 1-866-4HALTON or 905-825-6000, ext. 7237, or fax 905-825-8838, by dune 24 l ai 4:3Opm. Wriiten submissions will be accepted by the Clerk's office via fax, email (regionalclerk@ reg ion. halton.on.ca) or regular mail. Note. AIl of the above noied meetings wiil be held in the Halton Region Council Chambers, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario. Your Blue Box is Getting Bigger Starting June 1", Halion households will be able ta diveri more waste from landfill. Halton Region is now accepting 'polycoaf materials such as TetraPak 0 cartons and containers (drink boxes) and gable-top containers (milk or juice cartons) as partofithe curbside recydling program. By reducing, reusing and recycling, you are doing your part ta preserve mhe space within aur hard won landflll. And, as your Chairman, please know mhat i continue ta work on Halion's behalf ta ensure aur community retains sole user rights for mhis precious resource. 1