14-The Canadien Champion, Frîday, May 30, 2003 Hýalton Resource Connection has new home on Nipissin? Rd,, ln witl the new, out with the old. The Halton Resource Connection han moved to a nets, larger npace tt 917 Nipissing Rd. and will hold a grand opening Tuesday to celebrate. The grand opening will take place upstairn at the ncw facility from 6 to 6:45 p.m. and will feature Mary Betb Jonz, director, chil- drens services, Halton Region. This will take place befote the annual geneial meeting, ironi 7 to N p.m. The [litotn Resource Connection provides resources such as curriculum bins. die press- es, laminators. a resource library. Speakers Bureau and access to computers and photocopiers lor people working wtth chilcîren. The Connection also co-ordi- nates a variety of training, work- shops and conference opportunities foi iidividtials ovorking vth c hil- (ien inl the cornmunity. Ail members of tIhe public are welcome 10 attend flic grand open- îng to tour the factlity, try some of the equiptnent and talk with staff' and board mensbers. For more information, caîl the Halton Resource Connection ai 905) 875-46(0, e-mail inlo@thrc.ca tir vîsit the Web site a www.thrc.ca, >-O'Neil recognized for A Milton resident has won a provincial award for excellence in teaching. Mavis O'Neil was presenîed with the Joanne Twiss Guidance Leadership award May 15 in Whitby tt the University of Ontario Institute of Technology during the Ontario Student Services Conférence. The award recognizes leadership skilîs. teamwork and the ability to moti- vate people. It was initiated tis year and will be presented yearly, with nominations com- ing from both publie and Catholic schools across Ontario. Before her retirement in January, Ms O'Neil was a Icacher and counsellor t Georgetown District 1igh Scbool for 29 years, followed by two-and-a-half years teaching at TA. Blakelock in Oakville. w~ E*~i j- j I rn-w w - . - -- I'KIUKI'IES PAVE THE PATHWAY TO In the greatent discourse ever given on the essen- While these pursuits may bring mtîmentary satis- liaIs of lasting happinens, Jenus Christ urged His faction, they pale tn comparison 10 the joy that is We talk to much, loe tf0 seldom and lie îoo often. followern 10 "Seek Oirsi the kingdom of God and afforded 10 the lives of faithful believers. Consider We'îe learned how to make a liv'ing but not a ieè. Bis righteousness." He added that there would be a this sud commentury on a godless society: We'e added years to life, but flot life to our years. tangible, inherent blessing available 10 individuals We haie taller buildings, but shorteî tempei s; who follow this prescription: "Ail these things Widerfreewa - s, but narrower iiea'points: Wêe e onquered outet spart', but flot inner space; (referring 10 food, drink and clothing - ie. daily We spend moi-e, but haie lîttîr, Wr te done larger thingi. but flot better things; neede) will he added unto you." We buy mor and en/or ît less. Wr' te îleaned up tue aii, but polluted the soul. Unfortunately, 100 many in our society are seek- ing everything but God. Some put their profession firnî. Others, the accumulation of wealth. Some people prioritize pleasure. Others have a lust for power. Some crave sexual expression. St. Georges Anglican Church, Lowville 7051 011*11 Ln, Wmuortet Dwry Roui Sunday, June 1, 2003 830 arn. & 1030 arn. - Morning Prayer 1030 a.m. - Family Service in the Auditorium Nursery and Sunday School provided Rector: The Reverend Canon Charlie Masters For mare information cati 905-878-1363 Visit our Websites www.staeorgeslowville.oro atd www.rflweb.com SeniTo Pso RDv. S.anMIO N Chidren Mrs. Natalie Rogge Assistant/Wlorship Mrs. Esther Kessier Youth/Outreach Mr. TIm Stevens 9 a. m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Sunday School for Ailuges 10:45 a. m. - Second Worship Service FAMILY TIES *.- 6:,30 p. m. Sunday Nght LIVE Great praise & wo shp - powerfui preaching Supervited Nursery & Dynamic Chidren's Progtams available during ail services! - FAMLVPPQ NNG ROFUNFORT Wediiesday, Juiie 4- 1:00 p.M. - 8 l0 P.*. Web ito: www.newlife-milton.org We hai'e bigger house.î and imaller lamîlie', More toni'enienîes, but less tinte. We haie nore sh'gree.s, but lesiîiîîîiiiîi ense, We4 haie niultiplîed oui pos.îsessions., but îi'duied our v'alue. You're Invited to... Worship in Nature With Milton Bible Church! Sunday June 8th, 2003 @ 11:00 AM Outdoor Baptismal Service at Kelso Conservation Area There wiII be no MBC activities at Milton District H.S. wwwMitonBibleChurch.ca 876-3243 li4e have hîgheî uni onei, but lower morali; More'fiîod but less appeau entent: W' hiaivr umore aiquaintani es, but jer il ends. I-i/e eîpî'ud nmore efort. but haie leu. suiîi e. Tlîî'e' arîlots of tio n îiiome.but nioru' divorce, MILTON (i) SFVFNlH-L)AY ADVENTIMST Hugh Foster Hall, 43tBownSt. Miltun F-REE BIBLES S(HOOL 'Su iailo SI jul, li t s (i)]5il j- SUCCESS 0f fancier houses, but broken homes; 0f tail men and short c horacter: 0f steep profits, and shallox, relationships. How can this alarming trend be reversed? By pri- oritizing a relationship with God. Proverbs, the Old Testament book of wisdom, declares that if we *Put God firsti n everything we do, He will crown our efforts with suceess." What a promise! Discover more by visiting a local church! Make an appointment with God and keep it! KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E.. Milton 878-6066 Minister - The Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Sunday School Age 3 - Grade 6 10:30 a.m. Youth Class Grades 7-12 9:30 a.m. "CaIled to Serve the Lord" SWheelchair access and washroons provded so that ail rnay corne and worship. SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCII MILTON GOSPEL HALLCAT 285lOIotue R0. 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 A K F IT 10:00 %.%1î. svilsr 10.00 a.rn The Lord's Supper Multifaith Devotions & Brunch: The Purjns )se enLufe - 11.45 a.m. - Sunday Sohool Sun., june 8th, 10- 12 om ( %E.Fr 'I()N s »'u i 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Bi-Weekly Devotional Meetings 11m% o îd lias traîîislîîrnîled s îîî'?T (oin juinii i oau îiorsr i blii'îî il b t. Wednesday 7:30 p.m Tedyo 3Or ue1 Prayer and Bible Study Weekly Devotional Meetings S<ui lllIm'%si X Yotril II Mî'Sî%I trls! Wednesdays at 73Oprn ", Si. 11 -, 0 There is one God, June 4, Il,18 &25 7 w 'lu uuThe lu - i'1 and one mediator between God and men, S, l uiuw 11,, luuluuuIl' the man Christ Jesus For local information relocations for meetings (:all now tii register for Iligli Power Soccer (:ainp l st Timothy 2.5 above: 905-875-292J August l-i 5, 2003! _________________ Recording 1-80-433-3284 www.bahai.org Grace Anglican Church We welcome you to... 9AEA BPITCUC 317 Main St. E.,Milton S.P U[S ( \ GAE A B PJTCUC the Church on the Hill UNITIED CHURCH ) 103 Martin Street Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 123 Main St. E., Milton / e)#! 905-878-1629 www.gracechurchmilton.com Sn ue1 03 ..Pso atrH sa Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott Suvn Jun , 0ay astr altr . laa Rev. Amy Cousineau WoshieenthedaStEalser 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour SUNDAY SERVICES HWorshe y the St. Pal 1:s UCW-MrngSrvc 8:00 amn - iioiy Communion He6n aeCuc ool1:00 arn. - Moning Service 10:00 arn - Sung Eueharist Sun. June 8, 9 arn. & 10:30 arn. Worship6:0p.-EengSrvc Ctreh School &r Coffec Hour Zoom Zone Vacation Bible School July 7- 11 THURSDAY Registration forms at the church - register by June 15 Thursday 10:00 amn lioiy Communion Rev. John Benharn & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer t"nrcii c-uTliriiiîgli Parking Lot t)oirs Church office: (905) 878-8895 "You'Il always find a friend at Graceway" 1 1 i F