Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 2003, p. 10

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i 0-The Canadian Champion, Frîday May 30, 2003 - i ýWomen in training for breast cancer marathon Miltonians (fromn left) Lianne Krane, KImn Morden-Bagen, Kelly Clayton and Nancy Van Dorp get ln a work- ouf In preparation for their 60-km walk ln September in support of breast cancer research. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Firsi Star's Fam s* *PsYchkrRors * Tor *AngeiRaadings * Pa *Aura Pitotos * Fme e Afar fd Fri l-10 - Sa ainh urie G. Brarch i (From 01W, Exit IC Tm Admilsusion$S ~J~i? Check out Murray Townsend's Lifestyles column on page 18. ut Lives * Mediuensip Be Lecture* V«dos& Mooe 'O, Aet 9Juil. It 11-10 -Son:il-7 Adg Um40-5 MaiLnwoy 05.orhoWiksLno F- V/Id A/iW.ekoad Dr. Agnes Kucharskim IL is moving (right next door) on June lst. 75 Main St. E. Unit 16 905-876-3231 Family Physicianq b 4 q 4 A wo e Thé risk incrasis wilh agi. The Onario eroasi Sciiuinq Pragas provides w all d gelop breasi ixamtiaaîion and a maamaogram ai no ciii Ia womea Whoe ara 50 ypars if ai ar anar. B IAS CNCR Make yoar appalaîmeat iaday.1 For the cintre mirest 700 mil81111:4 1-800-668-9304 SOMÎTaio BiblIe Sehool Games 0 Crafts e Songs e Snacks *Bible Stories at Knox Presbyterian Church~3 170 Main St. E., Need Cominunity Services for Seniors Service Hours? Aliendale offris a great oppontunity for students iooking to com- piceeIheir Communiîy Service Hours.1 Studenîs are needed in dssist staff and residenîs in tis year's Sommer Studeni Volunteer Progrant ai Ailendale. We are opening our doors on June 7th for an infornmation session for students, parents and any oîher communiy member who woutd like to volunleer Iheir urne Iis summer I Taoff1er informaation and ansuw questionas agarding tihe summier prOgrau,. Sat. Juan 7, 2003 at 11:00 amD Allendale's Auditorium If you wouid lîke t0 attend please cati Anihea, Communiîy Resources Co-oîdînaîor, ai 905-878-4141 #8025 or e-mail Hoarea@region.halton.on.ca Local foursome tuning Up Jô)r 60-km walk in September By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Chamnpion Tuming 40 is a milestone in any womnan's life. But for Milton's Nanicy Van Dorp, the upcomîing day in September wiIl hold spe- cial mneaning - for several reasons. Back ni January, Ms Van Dorp v.as Iooking ior a ss ay Io1 celc brate ihe hig dy h ad when she found out about the Weekend Io End Breasi Cancer event. whîch. coincidentaliy, v.as to bc heId the same weekend as her September 21 irthday. l'hc event involves collecting pledges and ssalking a 60-kilome- ire marathon, It'iibe held Sepiember 19 to 21, with the opentng ceremony on the first day and the race being run Septembher 20 and 21. Since her moîher dted of breast cancer 17 years ago ai the age of' 54, Ms Van Domp said she saw the marathon as a way bo heip a cause dear 10 her heart and in the meantime, feel dloser 10 ber moîher on lier birthday. "Il makes me think about her a loi," said Ms Van Dorp of the marathon preparaions. Ms Van Domp is one ni severai Milton women who wili take pari in the marathon. The group trains together by walking "ail over îown," Ms Van Domp said, and has a core group of four, aiîhough other women joîn themr periodicaly.g The women corne from different waiks of life and have been drawn together for a varieîy of reasons. But they ail share a com- mon desire - Io help eradicate breast cancer. The training sehedule is demanding, panicularly for someone who has neyer done a marathon hefore, Ms Van Domp said. The women train fOve days each week, gradually increasing the dis- tance they walk. They're now up to 15 km. They'rc constanîly on the lookouî for new places in Milton they haven'î yet passed through and explored, Ms Van Domp said. "We've heem t every nook and craiiny. We îalk to heip the lime pass.- she said, adding.-"If sorneone doesn'î teel that they're goîng to make il. we encourage themn." Women prepared for bad weather Whaîever the weaîher. the group is deiermined to keep 10 the training sehedule. "We've walked in snow, in blizzards on sidewalks that weren'i piowed. and in torrential ramn. Our response is always the saine- il can't get any worse. If we ean do it now. we can do il then." The ihought of walking 60 km over two days is sornewhat daunting, Ms Van Domp said. She clocked the distance white driv- ing and said, "Thaî's like driving 30 minutes." Nevertheiess, she said she's deterinined to make it. The group of women met over the lnterneî a few rnonths ago. Ms Van Domp was on the Weekend 10 End Cancer Web site and posted a message asking if there was anyone cIsc in Milton who was pariicipaiing and wanted to train together. The resi is history. Ms Van Domp said she han made many friends as she prepares for the marathon. "The friendships are getting solid," she said. "You mccl people you probably wouldn't in your day-to-day activities." Not only does Ms Van Domp gel a sense of satisfaction over rais- ing rnoney for cancer research, she said she's also cnjoying her healîhier lifestyle and realizes her children are taking note. 'We read a lot about children heing obese and noî active. That concernns me. I wanî rny children 10 nee that they can participate (in activitien)," she naid, adding that she wanîs 10 continue participai- ing in charitable evenîs and getting exci-cdse on a regular basis after the marathon. Each participant in the Weekend 10 End Breant Cancer is rcquired 10 raine $2,000 in order 10 help race organizers reach their overaîl goal of $10 million. So far, Ms Van Dom hbas raised $1 ,650. Money raised will go 10 breasi cancer research at Princens Margaret Hospital, an international leader ii the fight against can- cr and the largest institution in Canada devoled to cancer treat- nent, research and education prograins. Those who wish 10 sponsor a participant cari do s0 by visiting http://www.endcancer.ca. There's also stili lime 10 join the event, and Mn Van Domp said the group welcomes newcorners. For more nformation, e-mail Mn Van Dom at nancyv@cogeco.ca. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at .siIiieçsetpidniiltot<.anadi- anchampion.com. k-

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