Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 2003, p. 25

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The C.anadnan unamPton, uuesaay, MaY 27, 2003-25 mpurn ~CLASIFED HOMUN: 905U7543300 CLASFID ROUIS: Monday ta Frday e 9.00 amn- 5:00pz f 10 le', lVISAB-G 1.CIllncnsdaifiedCnco liii I I 100 VILLAGE Parc onrthe Pont, 2 Sedroom lsoury condo complete wrrh 5 ap- pliances. 0cm csrpetîog throughout. parking. oror- age. $2t0,000.00, Cal 905-693-3567. FOR RENT - 2,000 sq. t Refait Unit, Mais St. e. Rear parking, unit cas Se oplît, Frank, 416-638-2573. MARKET pour Busness Dpportlusilp luocer 4.9 mil- lion adtin ta Daao wth Met roant commuaîty Newspapers. Cuiltotsap for information on weekty word ut rtes, 416-493-1300, est. 279. VISA/MASTERCARD. Lim- ils up lx $15.000. Bat cred- if ok. 1-866-274-5005 ext. 10. $$ Money $$. 100% 1tsf, 2nt ast 3rt Morgages. Bat credif 0K. Cati Onario Wite, 1-888-307-7799. VISAIMASTERCARD Lîm- ils sp lx $15.000. Bat Credif OK. 1-866-274- 5005, ExullO 1 BEDROOM apurtment availabie Jase 151h. Ap- pliances inciste tishwash- er. Quiet Mais St.. Building. $700 + hytro. lst & last. 905-878-2326. BACHELOR apt. newty ren- onatet, in Mlon. Avait.i Imraetiatly. Close lx al amenihies. Leave measage aI 519-881-6561. BURUINGTON 2 hedroom asaifabi e July. Pari-like set- lîng, 3 appliasces, 1.5 balhs. Ose oulaîte parking. Near schxols, shopping. 905-333-1190. 170 For RSdi DOWNTOWN Milton Buight. warm second Iloor sachelor unit suitable lor single occopaocy. Avaîlable now. 55/mo locludtng heat. $595 mnihl- pteler- abIy no pets. Cali 905-854- 2655 ahter 6 pmn GLEN EDEN COURT r APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, Milton We are nom accepting applications for t & 2 betroom apant- meats. For JsIp & August. For more information andior la make an appointment, Please eill 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leonard & Penny LARGE 2 bedroomn, Main Street, Milton. Fntdge/stove isclutet. Large master betroom, liviagroora, kitch- en/balhroom Asatlahe JuIy 1tst. First/tant reqairet. $750 plus utiîties905-691-2254. MAIN STREET Apartmrreal for test Jase 1. 3 Set- rooma, 1-1/2 baths, no ap- pliasces, $1.000 plus utli- lies. 905-875-2468. MILLSIDE TOWER 2 MILLSIDE DRIVEI 1 1&2 But osmn Aptu I IClose f0 Downtowa I I Bus stop aI (905) 876-1249 nw.raistar.ca ROCKWOOD hy paris 1 & 2 betroxm apartments, an- dotdes alîli- tîes/applîances/parking. aiso commercial/oflice space. Neetet main- tenance person. 519-856- 4900. 185 For ent 1 BEDRDDM il ryCon do. Village Parc oo the Pood $1 250/mooth io Ilides iodoor pool, spa, gym, yartyroomn, parking, storage, 5 appliances cs. Avaîlabie JuIp t 905-878- 1636 A new Iwo story semi- detachetd reenpark 1500 sq/ht brick home. 3 Set- room, 3 mashroom, 5 ap- pliances, air conditîonîng, lîrepiace ast garage. Minutes lo go Train, $1.500 +utîlîlies, No pets, non- smoking. Available Jsly t. 905-332-6375. BROCKISAFARI Roat area-channiag 4 betroom fana hosse, mins o Bur- tînglon, Hamilton ast major hîghwaps. totalip resooated snterior, c/a, ample parking. nons moker s/pets, $1.650/monfh + stîlîties. 905-628-8861. MILTON-Appleby/Dernj - 2 betroom smaii cottage, w/asemeaf, tact. frîtge, stove, washer, tryer, dîsh- masSer, air coad., lamas & gardiens, trees & Sîrds, backs os f0 conservatior, os site cil Niagara Escatp- ment, S.E. vîew over Tor/Dai $1.290 + Seat + hydro. Anaiahie Jase lot. Cati 905-876-2828. VILLAGE PARC - 2 Set- rosi xra ay conto, parking. Avaitabie Jalp 1. $1.600 pet m onth. 905-693-3567. 'MATTAMY SEMI" - Milton - 4th Lise ast Derty, 5 ap- pliances/3betrooms/2-1/2 bath. Anaitable Jciip 1/03, $1.550 plus atlities. Cati 905-854-3435. Wîitt ego- hiale for long terat tease -- FOR LEASE: Townhoase1 with 5 appliasces. $1.356 par monlh plus ulilihies. Cati Wayne Casson, Remas Bise Springs, 905-878- 7777. ROOM for mant Full use of hose, $110/week. Cati Jack ai 905-691-8409. Rent lt today in the (anabmn Cbamia ROOM osar Miton Mail Parking & auodry No shîlîi workers please Sl100OO0week 905878- 0882 ROOM, $400îmonlo. lur- nîshea or inlurniahed, no smoking or pets in house, shared tacîlties, 905-693, 0034, WE fîght traffic tickets, 951, sacceso. Lomeot rates. We is for lest Free consuitati-, ion. 905-257-1789. FOR beptember dapeare nieetet for Wetnestlay. Thsrstap ast Frîtap 2 chltren, ose fult taps, ose kistergarten 1/2 day ils pickap t St. Peters school, Cati 905-878-0887, TWO prootders offerîag qaalîty home Dapcare. Goot snacks, sol rttoas lunch. FrsI At/CPR quaifi- calions. Fencet paîtd, Crahts/fan, isaute/sut. Avait- able Moatay-Friday. Bath or Tospa, 905-878-4905. The enqagement of Alicia liancoti, dauýqhter ai Jloanne Hancatt and Gigon Hancott afMIilton ta Ray Renaud, son oif 51r. t! M R enauid aýflli, /on. Il eddo2nq la take place in Oc/aber ?00,'. Coanqroa/u/atians ta yaii bath. .1 Laieibm and Btrandon 2M 255 M"moef pt 1randtathero t, Mialnd Ca8e-6 nen2 JMesumSt, Mîlton, 90-87-269onzeThadayeMa Fndacly, n nay 30tayat6il2:00 am o the serloe MîtDistnct HospitalusFl ointon wonl be s 8pr ea- ed.in Th faîtyof ald ie tonten. pcialthk o Grto tat Mîlton Dstrichsalan leyFrn Milb eevday 25,.Sctt 2002 nealHoe,2 We treasure-9 sfm11, with loeviîceri ehldo bemoautfal memoInie offone s dena.nst, h Milo isigHpoutdalFoeerday Dawod radprat LYNCTh The famld ily of tete arcil hLych wis h bpe saaitDsstheictHoep gitudmiy hontohmtuIng teioryrcelhof amet ShwnCrîl Ptr Carlton MthlDu Maheyo MKe 2e- 5,erFaeaiHoeGrc Anglian Car Chir and the lines o Ih ChrhCoranthtuladmoies of oth e hrhfr toibss l unc.Gd eus.vrya a, rn wiht xrsierdeepgaitdyo, aiy Suedsieigh iersand ustin olaus o 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 F«$M 1972 EVINRUDE 10 hp. osîboard motor. Ruais ant looks lîke new, $79500. 905-878-1797 lrom 9 arn - 6pm A King Pillowrsp MaOtress Sel New in plaslic, Cc 51 S1600 Sacrfice $45000, 905-567-9459 cari deliver BAD CREDIT? Bankrspts? No prohlem'i Brand Name Prsducts' Guaranteed Credil Approvaili $2,500 Unsecurad repaymenl lerms' ASordable Monlhly Paymeols No ioleresl' Cali Nowi 1-800-803-3349 or www BrandsNDW.corn BED, Amazing bargain, qiJeen otlhopedlic pflowlop Sel New in plastic marras- y S150 905-567-4042 ml deliaer. BEDROOM St 8pce cher- rywood Set cheal dres er, mîrror, night stands. Dovetaîl construction. Nea- er opened, Cool $8000 Sacrifice $2400, 905-567- 4042. CARPET I hase seoeral 1,000 ypîd&of I ew Staîs- master & 100q. nylon car- pet. Will do liingroom & hall for $389 Includes car- pet. pst & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639- 2902 DINING ROOM t3pce. Cherry, 8 chairs, haffet, hstch, semver, dovetaîl con- struction. S5h11 anboues. CosaI$1t,00.Sacrifice $3000. 905-567-9459 FRIGIDAIRE ide/aide- fnidge witfr water dispenser Self cleaaîng coonction oves, lîke aew $1.000. Keamore washer & dryet $500. 905-875-3641. HAYWOOD pool pump, $40. Flter, $100. 1954 Fer- gusos Tractor, $200. Bash- hog, $100. Freezer 4'X 24 e 3, $20. 905-854-2470. KITCHEN AID "Superba" Dishwasher, black wth panh boSsan controls. Excel- lent condition. $250 DNO. a Viking ciothes dryer, white, 8 ptogram, excellent condi- tion, $75 ONO. 905-878- 0644. WHITE hut-in dinhwasher, 3 cycle 10 ime deiap Eacel- l condition ast working orter, $200. 905-693-0338. $$$ Wanled- Alil China, Silser, Crystl, Tea Cupa. Royal Doalton, Swaroaski. Glass, Jeweltp, oit tops, cofleclîbies, nsates. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331-2477, $$U$ Watet- AlilChina, Silver, Crystal, Tua Caps, Royal Doxton, Swaranski, Giasa, Jeweiry, oidtloys, coleclibies, esaaes. Cuit John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 $$$$$ - Wanlet - ail china, ilIver, ctyatal teauacp Royal l3oullon, Swarovsld, glasa, jewellery, oit tops, coliectibles, esates. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. $70l LABS, black, bora, Aprît 111h, firsf shofs, net checked, regîsleret, lsvisg- y home rante $500. Cal 519-856-9864 Acton. ACCENT GSI 2000, 5 speed, Arn FM/CD steres, Moon rosf, rally wheels etc. Great gas mileage! 100,000 km. $8.495.0O. Bill 905-878-7872. GRRUD' SALES & LEASING & NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A.familv business with famfily values WE - BOY - SE.LL LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USET VEHICLES IN MILTONl 905-875-2277 www.gorrudsautogroup.com Hunt Chrysier Jeep Purchase or lease that new to you car or truck. 500 Bronte St. S. 905-876-2580 www.hunlchryOler.os Purchase your Certified Pre- Owned Vehicle with confidence at Milton Chyrsier 81 Ontario St. N. 905-878-8877 RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 905-878-2393 AUl dgs/e/se. Petites welcume Ikr wurk for Iasbicun/halir bsh« .Mgvles. tatelktue wo.-k. S211- *)neu- heur. i I Ieachco Mi ai 250 260 5

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