Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2003, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 23, 2003 4 CL4SSIHID HOTLINE: 905-875-3300 CLASSIFIE HOUIS: Monday to Frday s 900 am- 5:,00 prn C I a s s ~~~f ie ~ ~,..OUS!AIl:l lsified AI'T î r amuit Pond, 2 bedroora looory sonda camplete mth 5 op- pliancos. nem carpofing throgbaat, parking. stor- age. $210000,00. Cali REASONABLE tndastrial Units tor rent 1,600 - 3200 sq. i. Laading docks & drive-n. Phase 1-905-277- 9347 or i-905-275-6834. 1,800 sq. il f pime retaît space sn Milton. High traffîc location. Cati Asetora ai Century 21. 905-875-1110 est. 247. FOR RENT - 2,000 sq. il Rolaîl Unit, Main St. o Rear parking, unit con ho opltt Frank, 416-638-2573. MARKET your Business tOpporunîty 10oser 49 mit- ion adults in Onaano wîlh Morotaîrd commonîly Newspapers. Cati loday for inior malion oni weekiy word ad rates, /16-403-1300, ex 2779 MARKET yor Business Dppioonty i. 00cr 4.9 Milt on aduls n Onaro wîlh \Storoard Corvmuniy \ervpayers. Cai loday for nformalion on weekty word ad raIes- 416-493-1300 3xl 335 JISAMAO I OlIAII. Lîm- Is up lo $15,000. Bad crod- i ok. 1-866-274-5005 e001 10. -Mnyl.00%Ist ?sd and 3rd Moigages. Bad credit 0K. Cati Ontaris J/ire, 1-88-307-7799. VISAIMASTERCARD Lîm- ts ap 10 $15.000. Bort Credil 0K. i-866-274- 5005, 00.10 1 BEDROOM apanimool avaîlablo Jane 151h. Ap- pliances inclade dîsilmasil- or. Quiet Main St.. Bai/ding. $700 + hydro. isi & last. 905-878-2326. 1 bedroom aparimont. $850/mottth ail inclusve. 2 bodroom apartment, $1,100/month ail inclusne. 2 bedroom apartment, $975/month plus tiliies. Ail n Mlton. Cali Anelora ai Centarli 21, 905-875-1110 ot. 247. ACTON 1 & 2 bedroora $5il0/775/month plus utli- ies. 519-853-5080/519- 853-5352. ACTON 2 bedroom. $775/month plus tltios. 519-853-5080/519-853- 5352. ACTON Vconaen Servi 3 bodroomo, $1 ,000/montb plus. Also 1 bodroom apail- ment $600/monlh ptus 2 bodroom $775/monih ptus ahIlies. AlsooGeorgetown Vicoona 2 bodroom apari- ment $1,000/month ptus Cydro. 519-953 5080/519- 853-5352ý ACTON, smalt 1 bedroom. lop Itoor of home, brigh/cosy mature te- mate/non-omoker, Wrtt con- sîder pet $650/monih, att inclusioe, 519-853-/744, tease message. BURLtNGTON 2 bedroom aoaîtabte Joty Park-itre sel- ing, 3 appliances. 1.5 balhs, One oulsîde parking, Near ochoots, shopping 905-333-1190 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, Milon We are nom arccptîng applications for 1 & 2 bedromr apartmenits. For July & Augusi. For mare Information andfor ta make an a ppointmant, Pîeaaaacatt 905-878-5375 Building Manara Leanard & Penny MAIN STREET Apariment for ront Jane 1. 3 bort- rooms, 1-1/2 baths, no ap- pliancos. $1.000 plus utîii lies. 905-875-2468. MIIDE TOWE1 I82MILLSIOEODRIVEI 1&2ilodroomAptsl ICloseoto omntonl Bsstop ai Front Dosai 905/ 876-1249 ww.realtarca ROCKWOOD by park 1 & 2 bedroom apalmonis. in- ctades ahii ies/appt ances/parking. also commercial/ofice spaco. Needed main- tenance poison. 519-856- 490& ROCKWOOD by park soni- ny i bedroom aparlmoni, hrîgbi 001-m ktchen, o- ctudeh ulîtîles/applîanc- es/parking. also ommer- cial/ottîce space, 519-856- 4900. 1 BEDROOM toeory Con- do, Village Parc on the Pond,51 .250/month is- ctudes indoor poot, spa. gym, parlyroom, parking, siorage, 5 appiaoces os. Aoartabte Juty r 905-878- 163X A oew lwo slory somi- dolached Greenpark 1500 sq/Il brick home, 3 bed- room, 3 washroom, 5 ap- piances, air condiîonîng, treptace and garage. Minutes lo go Train,. $1.500 + utilities. No pts, non- smoking, Aaîtable Joty 1. 905-332-6375. BROCKISAFARI Rsad aroa-charing 4 bodioom faim bouse. mîns. 10 Bar- inglon. Hamilton and major hîghmays. totlty rnoeated istonior, c/a, ample parking. non-smokers/pots. $1 .650/monlh + allites. 905-628-8861. MLTON - 3 bedroom sp- per, A/C, dlean. 2 parking, shared yard, ns pts, no smoking. tomîty aroa.Rot- erencos, frsi & last. $1.250 inclusive. Open Hoose, May 23 - 630 - 8 p. m., May 24th - 1 - 3 p.m. Cali (416t 312-8228 for address. MILTON-Appleby/Derry - 2 bedroom small cattage, /basement, imci fndgo, tone, masher, dryer. dîsb- mashor. air cond., lamns & gardons, trees & bîrds, backs on to conservation, on sîde o Niagara Essarp: mont, S.E. vîem aver Tr/Oak $1.250 e heat + hydro. Aealable Jane isi, Cati 905-876-2828. MATTAMY SEMI" - Milton - 4tb Lîne and Derry 5 ap- plancs/3bedrooms/2-1/2 bath. Avalablo Joly 1/03. $1.550 plus utltes. Catt 905-854-3435. Wîll nego- traie for long torm lease." FOR LEASE: Tomhouse wth 5 appliancos, $1.350 per month plus utlios. Cati Wayne Casson, Remax Bise Sprngs, 90-878, 7777 ROOM for renl FFutl use of Couse, SllOweek. Catt Jack al 905-691-8409 BOOM near Mltîo Matt Parking & aundry, No sCi workers pieuse $100.00/weeh 905 979- 0882ý CAMPBELLVILLE faim- hoase. Folly famîsbod 10 sharo mth third porvon. No smoking/pots. $500. Cal 905-854-0959 Budul0 1 J.yiy CanaadiaaChaupi. TERZO, SAM and ANGELA (nee Amendota> are thilled to annourice the brlh of ihoîr daughler Aessia Isabella, weghing 6Ibs, l2ozs al Gakoîlle Trafagar Hospital. Proad trsi ime granidparents are Stella McNeri of Walerdown. Gaetano Amendola ot Qakoitie and sienh ime grandparents Gaetano and Graziella Terzo of Markham. g. 4"-"eEngagement? --Wedding? Just to say I love you? Why not put it in our Milestones? GUARD, ELAINE Peaceta ly ai home surrounded by her tamily on Mon- day May 19, 2003. Aile a lengthy and courageous bat- te aganst cancerEaine Guard, beloeed wite of Wayne Guaa 4 Loorng mothor of Jllan and her husband Paul Morandan Ehno and Chnstopher Loingly remem- ho ed by her granddaughter Jamie Elane Morandan. Sadly missed by hor special tnends Barb and Wayne Wilkins and many others. Family and trends visted ai he McKemse-Kocher Faneral Home, 114 main St,Mil- on 905-878-4452 on Wednesday the Fanerai Service was ho d alSt Paul's United Church on Thursday, May 22nd. 2003 Memonal donations 10 the M/lton District Hospital Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society woutd ho appreciated. JOHNSON, James Eaul Passed away peaceflty with is tamity al his side on Tuesday, May 201h, 2003 Beoved rushurru of May (Clarke), devooed father of Catherine and lier hushand Paul Branch and Sas/i Johnson. Ceai Poppa of Aman- du and Jenniter Branch, Remembered by hs brother Fred Johnson and sîsler Joan and her trushband ray Wa- lors, James, the yoongesl son oftIhe lte Jacob and Mary Ans cwas redeceased hy brolliers Robert, Albert Frankr and Chartes Famîtly and friends vsled alIthe Mc- Kerie-Kriche ura oma e ,114iMacn StMilon 905 8784/52 on Thursday The Foneral Service witi Se hetd sn tho Funerat Home chapet on Frrdab. May 23r0, 2003 al 1.00 y mn As expressions of symyalhy, donations may be ma/e 10 the Headt and Sîroire Foundatron of Ontario. KING, WILLIAM JOHN (JACK) AI the Mlton District Hospitl on Tuesday, May 13, 2003, Jack Kng ot Mlton, beooed son oftIhe lte Vera and Harry Kng. Lovîng tathor 0f Sasan and hor has- hand Daag Fraser, Jackie and Keith Hord and Danne and ber hasband Lome Boaton. Sadly mîssod by is grandchildren Thomas, Sarah, Kaittîn, Tamara, Laura and Kacro. Doar brother ot Ras and hîs wtte Joan Kng, Cecil and h/s ite Manina King and Staart and hîs ite Lînda King. Famîly and trends iated at the McKemsie- Kocher FaneraI Home, 114 Main St, Milton. 905-878- 4452. The Fanerai Service mas held at St. Georges Anglican Church (Guelphl Lino nortil of Derry road) on Friday, May 16f , 2003 at 11:00 a.m. Infrment tai tollow ia the Charcil Cemetety. Inliea ot lowoms, memattal da- nations ta file Canadian Cancer Saciety maald ho ap- preciated. 256T1Eiabt (et> iha2o5Mnay8a (Gay>EtroC sey crnhon1(m vnton SadaKnaeandgton&ocetheothrBae (Mra(Spta ndLnaLobbathevLntMt tmVoe.Stol aday 2honbrohrJonmh plc ( aoie eetrThorpo Mena oa tions00morettîRocettho Canaed in Cfanc e îty and Handra neHtaleCanenRcket er ntrerranmet PkMore ontd(Thoa)Whyll andsrai Haoobr Va In MemoriumsIl BILLIS AUTO BODY Worktng Harder te ayC 155 Nlplaang Rd., Milton (M) 878-2721 GIRL or ladies pers. glass- es tound on Sprocedole Latte and Tbompsan Road. 905-878-2912. WE fîght trousi tickets. 95% succosa. Lomosi rates. We min for tost Free consoltti- ion. 905-257-1789. ECE qoalified home caro avaîlable. Firsf aid & CPR corttfted. References avait- able opon rogoeot. 905- 876-0774. TWO providors oilerîng qooltty home Daycare. Gaod snacks, nnttos lunch. Fimst AidJCPR qualifi- cations. Fonced yard. Craila/fon. tnside/oot. Avait- able Monday-Fndcay. Bort, or Tonpa, 905-878-4905. A Kng Ptamotop Mattess Set. Nem in plastic. Cool $1600 Sacrifice $450.00. 9050-567-9459 con delver. APPLIANCES Fridge, 2 doar; Stovo; Maytag au- tomatîc mosher. dryer, Alsa, apariment sot. Under War- ranty. Financtng asaîlablo. 905-637-832& BAD CREDIT? Bankrvpts? No probtomi Brand Name Producisi Goarantoed Credîl Approvalli $2.500 Unsecurod ropoymont iermsi Ailordahte Monthly Paymenss No inierosîr Colt Nomi 1-800-803-3349 or wwm BrandsNOW com BEAUTIFULLV hanidcrafi- ed antique styte 7 bt poot tabte, wih 2 sels cil balts, S450 Catt Joe after 6 p.m, 905-864-9421, BED, Amazîng bargaîn, queen orhopedîc pittowiop set New in ptastic, warran- ty $150 905567-4042 wîlt detîser BEDROOM set.ilyce cher- rywood. Bed, chesi, dross- er. mîrror, nigbi stands. Dooolaît construction. Nos- or openod.. Casi $8000. Sacnifice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET I hase sovorat 1,000 yrds. of nom Staîn- master & 100% nylon car- pot. Wtll do livittgraom & hall for $389. Inciades car- pet, part & installatian (30 yards) Steee, 905-639- 2902 DINING BOOM l3pce. Chenry, 8 chairs, builet, Catch, semver, daeetail cati- struction. 5h11 n boses. Cool $11.000. Sacrifice $3000. 905-567-9459 1 1 1 1 ==;i Il- 1

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