Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 2003, p. 12

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i 2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 23, 2003 ,,Peace gathering to support two causes- local, abroad By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion pors lor neighbours far and wîde Sunday alter- noon during a peace gathening t Hawthomne Village North. Beginning at 2 p.m., purticipants are asked to gather at the Denry Road subdivision's Trudeau Drive park to liaak hands and form a peace sym- bol to show their support for the citizens of poet- war Iraq. Participants will have an opportunity to donate money to the Red Cross to support the organiza- tion's work in Iraq. Money wilI also be collected for a young woman a bit dloser to home who's fighting a dif- ferent type of battie - Sara.h Burt, a Milton res- dent who was recently diagnosed with rCe. Residents are asked to brnng a loonie or a toonie for dhe two causes. The guthering, said organizer Karen MeCall, iv non-political and simply a wuy of remembering that we're ail neighbours no matter how fur apart we live. "We're tuking the opportonity to show solidar- ity for (Iraq citizens)," Ms McCall said, adding, 'Ive neyer tried to do anything like this before. Ive neyer even been to a peace rally.' Ms McCall said she got the idea for the peace rally about two months ago when she was ut the post office and noticed lyers advertising a fundraising event for Ms Burt. This was about the samne lime as the conflic! in Iraq. oitîd shi nieghbours." "Whut the people of Iraq and our sister here in Milton have in common iv nothing more than the aid was asked for at the came time. Our Milton sister and our middle-eastem neighbors are still in necd and not forgotten," she said. Deciding to help Ms Burt is what Ms McCall cees as a way of giving back to Milton and adding to its community spirit, she suid. After moving here two years ago, Ms McCaîl suid it quickly becamne obvious to her that Milton is no ordinary town. "Milton is a magical town. Its a town where young people sport shaved heads to show warmth and love for a young lady fighting can- Mjiav iigluniSaiser tl icîp tcvelIis urt s rîed- ical costs. The gathering will also be a wuy for residents of the older sections of town to meet some of Miltons newer residents. The gathering wiIl be reflective of Ms McCalî's desire for world peace. "Whethcr near or far, neighbours are neigh- bours - whether across the street or (across) the eurth," she said. Stephanie Thiessen <an be reached ut .ohesenmitor.aadAniimpo,.com 'NUIVINIUINEi i ,U]U'bi GAUL IFOR OUR I'RIVAIE PAIN Few people are exempt tronm sortie degrec of heartache. Pais is a part ot lite. Embarrassuteut. brokes relationships. termisal ilisess. guilt. dsappinsssest. luselisess. ssp- pressed asger. the loss ut a tuved ose. depressios. the heartbreak of... far 100 uasy suffer rom scars that no use cas see. lu the diffîcuit husr. we seed lu knoas the grace of God. No ose lkes pais! God is the unly use whîî cas brisg joy and victory out of the hardships of liCe. Like a skilled tsu rg eo n , s ome lim es G ad need s la cu l m b a ur life a sd remove snheatthy lumours in order of us t0 continue with helh and success in lie. Emoîionally, mentaiiy. ieus- ciutiy. physicutty. reluîionuily Heuoeu hlun restore. But il can be a pinful process. erA godly perspective and time llow us ta tee thut whut huems us eus ucsuutty help us. Let me ittustrute. St. Georges Anglican Church, Lowville 7051 êAMB LM, bdt ua Whla" kul Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:30 arn. - Morning Prayer 10:30 arn. - Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. - Auditorium - Fumily Service 7:00 p.m. - Service of Prayer for Healing Nursery and Sunday Sehool provided Rector: The Reverend Canon Churlie Masters Fac mare information cal) 905-878-1363 Vîsil our Websîles mm.stieorueslomville.org and mwwrflweb.som Senieostor Remlof. anaa Children Mrs. Naalle aogge Assistunt/Worship Mra. Esther Kessior Youth/Outreach Mr. Tlm Stevens 9 a.m. Early Worship Service 930 arn. Sunday School for Ail ges 1045 a. m. Second Worship service OVEROOIt*"ilT FAIN 6:'30 P.m. - Sun7dayNight LIVE Great praîse & wsrship - powerful preaching Supers sed Nursery & Dyniamic Chidrens Programs available durmng ail services! NQW 0 P Pntwe:ostui Churc h www.newlife-rnilton.orgj The usîs ssrvîxur o ip A stîrcsk % a a vhiedl 01)(i a sisal!. ssisliahiied îland. He pra\cd tervcnils tfor CiosIti rescue Susi, asd evcry day lie scanned flite horizon tfor Slp. but sose seemned flihcoi.îisig. Exlausicd. lieeveniually masaged tî uiad a ltille bSouet oldrifivîxtd t protiec himself trom the elesiesîs, and iiiMitre hi'. lisus puýscs Ose day, alier scavengisg for footd.lhe arrived hume t find his jie huti n lames, the sntuke rttlisg ap iii the sky. The wurst had Sappened everythisg mas lusi. He was stussed with grief and auger. -God. Sîîw could yîtu do tis tu me?" lie cried. Eariy the next day, homever, hie max awakened by the sound of a ship ihat mas appraaching the island. It had came ta rescse him. "How did yos knom 1 was here?" usked the weary man of his rescuers. MILTON BIBLE CHURCH Meeting @ Milton District High Sehool 10:00 AM Bible Discovery Trail 11:00 AM Worship Service "A new, church for a new, generation." www.miltonbiblechurch.ca (905) 876-3586 1-T SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCHI 2850 DERRY RD. Phione 878-5664 10:00 I.Mî. St 'SOSI StBUt i The Purpose Dri'ucn Life - You ,,,ere made for a mission. hoi jkiî,I, po, . ) -Lvuu 'lioin ili i I loit Cul, S-"i iiid oîîomîn u 1 ý,i lIe 2 SOUTIISII)'s% IMAGE X YOUTH MItîSTIES! Toîî'îîl,,71v Fl,,Silýo- gr 6-8 Tiiîixin 7 i i, 'ru 11111121i p9-12 Suc C tthîe 1 lxi itî i iu Esttîu' 'c, Lsiu, iExt rie ',,,t Cali now to register for 111gh Power Soccer Camp August 11-151h, 2003! Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Mlton the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.gracechuirehmilton.com Bey. Dr. Miark MceDermott Bey. Amy Cousineau SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 am - HoIy Coummunion -10:00 am - Sung Eucharist Church School & Coffee Hosur THURSDAY 10:00 am Holy Communion \Vlt" liat i.iîss Ilîîitîhît'îîitîgLiiit)iiiiîs ~otir xiiiokcsicit,îL lic, rcplîcd Il s ceasý t,)Lt ldi.cciîr,îccd Ahenititî re gîrcîîig hadîyt Chu v<sItesdvi esoc Ieart. hecause Cîud s ai vîrk in our ltues, cxvn ilitte si dýof tpaîitn and sultcrîsg. Reitîcisher. sexulune yttur utile hut is Saming îe the grîtusd: i jasi may Se a ssîîtke signal îhaî sammssthe grace utI Gud. Mlton churches are here 10 help you understand Gidgrace asd ta ind peace and pardon. Make plans 10 visit a local casgregatîon thîs meek. Service imes and locaions are published in the Religions Directory below. Submiefed by Rev. Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor o New Lice Church, Milton MILTON ÀOÇJ& CHURCH lnviesyt o 500 eeekly Sabbaili seivices ar Hugh Foster Hall 43 Brownu St. Mllton Sa.93 .n.-Sbb h ScSeul Sat. 1t0 i i vo, ne)'îochîîî,. FREE BIBLE SCHOOL t,,,,» i hea.îoî îng Bîllc.iierscu, iîî un crpiexing questions, anddthcsecruet (o ai happe lite. 1 or tRi IBE111 I SSONS, riie P. )Bou 231i2, 55iOntaio vSi., Miltoii, Ot,.191'5B4. Oin theIN IIRNI lhiip://,isiiiap..eii and - 4*^ý, Mlo e Milon Ba lisI Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn - Sunday Sohool for ail ages il1:00 arn - Friendship Sunday Special Service of Drama & Worship followed by a barbeque Rv. GW gMaey - B.., M.DIK KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Minister - The Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Sunday School Age 3 - Grade 6 10:30 a.m. Youth Class Grades 7-12 9:30 a.m. "CaIled to Serve tihe Lord" Wheelchair accens and washroomns provided sthat ail may corne and worsnip. MILTON GOSPEL HALL AK FIT 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 BH' AT 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdlay 7:30 p.rn. Prayer and Bible Study And the Word was made flesh and swelt among us, And we beheld his glory, as of the only of the Father We welcome you to... ST. PAU ['S UNITED CHURC 123 Main St. E., Milton Sat. May 24, 8 arn. Yard Sale In support cf Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sun., May 25 9 arn. WORSHIP supported by music from the St. Pauls Worship Band 10:30 a.rn. COMMUNION SUNDAY Heavens Gate Church Sahool Rev. John Benhiam & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter RvChucch office: (905) 878-8895 L(ýL www.stpaulsmilton.org Multiloith Devotions & Brunch: Sun,, Jure 8th, 10-12 am Bi-Weekly Devotional Meetings Tuesday af 7.3Opm, May 27 & Jure 10 Weekiy Devoonal Meetings Wednesdays of 7'3Opm, May 28, June 4, 11, 18 &25 For local information relocations for meetings above: 905-875-292â gRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "You'II always find a friend at Graceway" I i -V r- --t- 1 . Il 1 1 1 1 -r q 1 =4j 1 1 :

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