Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 May 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 20, 2003 C ~Nor,1M NdT WORRIED) CC)4/4/FP\TT ABOUT THE WEST Here 's an opportunityNI VUS1 to speak your mind If youre a parent or taxpayer înterested in getting information or giV- ing input on the Halton District Sehool Board's budget process, your opportunity is coming. The board will hold a community gathering on the topic on Wednesday, May 28 at 7 p.m. ai E.C. Druiy High School on OntarioMO Q I ES N V R - Street.s Trustees and board staff will share inforion and collect ideas from E M O the public on funding issues facing the board as it prepares lis 2003-04 budget. Trustees will present an overview of the funding allocated to the board ! I f and the process undertaken to draft an operational budget. Trustees have opted to hold just one budget meeting this spring in the geographic centre of Halton instead of the two or three usually rotated around the region. "I can't stress enough how important it is for the public to attend ibis meeting," said board Chair Ethel Gardiner. "The decisions we make aI this time of the year, during the development of the budget, have direct implications on students iii classr-oomis for the next school year.- We couldn't agree more.4j OUR READERS WRJTE Doctor says decriminalîzîng marijuana would be a strîke against health and weII beîng of our country's chîldren (Thi ffilloivig lette,îîo.n oidd, csscd to Haltoti MP Julian Recd and a c o a filed oit/t The Champion.) Dear Editor: Tbis letter is in response 10 Haton MP Julian Reed's January 20 letter about is govemmenl's proposaI 10 decriminalize marijuana. The ilI effecîs of smoking modem mari- juana bave multiplied over the last 30)Io 4t0 years. as today's marijuana is about 25 imes more potent tban il was in tbe 1960s. Marijuana use conîribotes significantly 10 inotor vehîcle crashes. fil doss's reaction ime and decreases the abilily un judge dis- tance and ime. Il ssorsens short-îerm mem- ory. leaming. and attention span. Perbaps tbe worst consequence is that teenagers wbo use marijuana have been found t0 be about t10) imes more likely Io use cocaine tban tbose who've neyer smoked marijuana -bence ils description as a gateway drug Mssh is the generatly accepted s'îewpoini of police officers and others directly involved wîtb Ibese teenagers. *THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main Si.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fat: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Pubisher Nei Oier uf.notouon Pîlnflînlier jli D)avis Flrî to-nt C/tit Karen Smith Fdîtu Wendv McNab Ane îîr an~ Sieve Crozier c il c , in illiaget~n Teri Casas Oli'Muîngel Bim Cules P o/ln li lîîocî Tlie Canadian Champion, putîrsined every hesdap and Frday at 191 main St EMlon, Ot_ L9T 4N9 tBox 248), s one of The Metrnland Pritiilng, Pulhinnî & Dtsliiliting LUIS grouof suhorbani companues rohich incluons Ajan/Pickering News Adveriser hlilston Hetald/Coorînt. Barrie Advaie, tarto s tay This Week, Bolen Entierprise Brampton Guardian tBrnington Post. Buringlon Shopping Nnws. City ParenotCty nI York Soardian, £ollinpiood/Wasaga Conection, ast Yorkr Mrror trio Adoocate/Contry Routes. Etoicoke Guardian Flamborooqh Post, Fotevet Yong, Gnorgetown Independnnt/Aclon Frnn Press, Halton BusinessThîmesý uinonta Business hîmes, Kingston OTis Wnnk Lindsay Tiis Weok Markhain Ecoomist S SuinMiOanS PneaitgLiislinin Mîrot Miton ShioppingiNenus, Misissaoga tusînnss Tnies, Mi ssissao go Nevis, apanen Guide Ni ýsiaweya News Nnomatknl Srora Era-taiiinr Nothuimberland Nnviss Norti OrS Mirtoi, akiite Beaver SairillnShopping Nevisldiniiis Suckey Neois, Orilia hrday. Oshasa Wh ilh/C laîîgton 'Port Perty lhis Week, Peterhorouîgh This Wnnk Pcton Couily Guode, Richmonid Hilil,'hornlîîll Vaoghaii Lieral. Scarhoroogh Mrtor Stooittoîllte/SnOidgn frihtne dohtisiis accepînd on hoe condiion ha. in the evontlo a typo- gtaphical etor. fial ptonool Io adontising space occopînd y the erro- eouii nntogethor wth a rasonahîn alowancn Ior sgnature. uillnot On charge lortbOtIthoelbalanceofolthe advonisemnol wviill On paiS total the appi- cal raten hlm puiisîtrsetons Inn right to cangorîne adorisnments ni On d n n Te MiloneCnadien Campion s a Recylable Pndoct & Excessivec lcoiol Colisumlpt ion and reg- uilar tobacco use are Isso oft he knowsn risk factors for the development ot modemn cbronic illnesses sucb as hypertension. beart disease. diabetes. and cancer. With mucb igber concentrations of long contaminants, smoking marijuana wilI sig- niticanlly add 10 tbe risk for the develop- ment of tbese cbronîc conditions in our teenagers. in addition 10 tbe il effecîs lisI- cd above. We know tbat up t 7t0 per cent otf mod- coi ilînesses and tbeir associated costs in Nortbi America are lifestyle-relaled. and therefore presentable. Tbis k why Healtb Canada and the provincial govemments are lrying 10 reduce tbese same risk factors 10 promote improved bealtb in Canadians. If your goal and Ibat of tbe Canadian government is 10 make il legal for some patients 10 receive marijuana as a medi- cine. then creale appropriate oullets wbere tbese medical prescriptions can be legally filled. Decriminalizihg marijuana will also sesvely comnpromise the efforts ,of our trealment and rebabîlitation institutions. And this aI a lime wben "punk-offs" or leenage street robberies are escalating and the jodcial system is increasingly sending these youth t0 such centres to gel the help îhey need. Let us pass laws in Canada that promote bealth and wellness in our cbjîdren andi future citizens, and nol the reverse. Teenagers sbould be hetped 10 say no 10 drugs and of course 10 say no 10 smoking cigarettes and no 10 alcohol abuse, and not encouraged 10 use tbem. Being a teenager is bard enougb witbout pusbing tbem îtoward experimentalion, drug use, drug abuse. drug addiction and crime. Rewards and incentives as well as deter- rents can play an effective rote bere, as tbey also cao in counteracting the risk fac- tors for tbe modem cbronic ilînesses tbat are lifestyle related. Dr. Christopher Eriksson, CEO The Art of Healthy Living Inc. Pud by Steve Nease Have your say on an issue with a letter to the editor. Fax ail your letters anytime to (905) 878- 4943. ýýM @- 1---- 1 +

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