The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 20, 2003-31 Our Dateine column Date fine Notices for Dateine should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed (o PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed to mil- The final deadline is 0000 Friday for Tuesdays edition and 0000 Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items wil 001 be accepted by telephone. Wednesday May 21 Haton Healtbcare Services' Oakville-Trafalgar Meinorial Hospital site prescris a free semi- nar entitled 'Osteoporosis Research: What's New' ai 7 p.m. athte Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville. Dr. Aliya Kban. a1 meta- bolie bonie disease specialisi. ialks about Advances in the diagoosis of osteoporosis and new treatmeots available. To reserve a seat. cal! (905) 338-4379. Mom's Morning Olut meets ai St. Pauls United Cliurcb. 123 Main St.. from 9:301Ite11l cm. Caregîsers fînd riendship anod suip- port wile children are cared lor on Gr2îham Hall. For information. c2ll N2tasba ai 19(15> 878-5841. Sherry at 9>05> 878-5976cr LIîndîai 9(15> 876-3659. Friends-on-the-Hill noccis lt(in 1:3(0 te 3:3(0 pin. .11 N.îsigieyaî Presbvterizio Cliîiich roi Ne.15 Siclereot. -ilxi esi el Guîelph iice. This noe-clenoiii9i 921ieital Vir up (if' seioirs anid nti2i ixcii> ios invsites you Ioi drop 6v toc ricnrtship and a cup el tea. Feri-nere inorman2ticon, cal (105) 854-5145uor 9(15> 854- 3326. Tbe Milton La Leche League meets ai 7:301 p.m. at Milton Community Resource Centre, ai the comner of Nipissiog and Tbompson roads. Women interest- cd in information and support in breastfeeding are encouraged to attend. Babies are welcome. For more information, cal! 19015) 876- 3322.1 The Milton Seniors' Activity i Centre, 5(10 Childs Dr., bolds ils1 Hot Lunch program from 11:30 1 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The cost is $5 1 and includes a salad, entree. dessert and a beverage. Sigo Up at the reception desk or phone in your order by Monday. Cal 9(05> 875- t681 for more information. Wednesday May 21 - 22 Bishop Reding Catholic Secoodary School holds intake days for its annual used uniform sale. l!nitorms cao be dropped off betsseen 3:3(0 and 7:3(1 p.m. Cal Debbie at 905> 878-6387 for more information. Thursday May 22 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 5(1) Cilds Dr.. hosts a public foot care clinic rom 1 to 4 pin. To make an appoiotmnent, eall (9(05) 875-1681. Hllcrest United Church holds Hostels Fish Fry trom 5 te 7:301 pot Cali >9015> 878-3884 l'or ick ets. The Milton Seniors' Actîs'îty Centre. 5011 Childs Dr.. belds its Iiners Club. xhtcli cenjoys food and t'el Iess ship ai an area restaîu rani. Carpeol îng cao bc aianged. ma.çgiUc cnrch c> 7 i 68 I CA Ies c etreis. c) 75 'ltie NMiltoîn senil '.Aclîs li Cceu i>»> 500 oilds Drî., held ils %voodI-car% ing club ai 1) a tenii addition leilis egulai I ' sl r meceting. The costi s SI .50lof inembc'rs and $2 for non-mernbers. Nessý members are vý,lcorme. The centre aIse bolds ius walking club. wbicb meets ai the centre at 10 a.m. for a leisurely two-bour walk ai a local conservation area or park. Car pooling is available and oew mem- bers are welcome. Tbe centre bolds its Seniors' Cinemas at 1:30 p.m. sbowîng the fantasy Lord of the Rings- the Two Towers. The cost s $1. wicb includes refresbments. Caîl tbe centre ai (905) 875-1681 for more information otn any of these activities. The Milton L.awn Bowling Club is siartîng uip again and invites Milton residents te come eut i 7:301 pinfoi a gaine. Tîhe club s, located on Commercial Street. Fer more information, cal! Hleaihier Comba ai 19>15> 854-2114. Saturday May 24 The Brookville Miner Bail Association holds a fundraising dance trom 8 p.m. to1 a.nî. ai the Nassagaweya Communîty Hall, on Guelph Lîne beside the vet on Broîîksille. Tickets cao be pur- clased ai the door aocd cost $15 cacb or $2» fer a couple. For more informatien. caîl Hugli ai (91) 854-3468. Tbe Canadian Recd Cross bolds a training session l'or people wîsb- îog to jjoitothe Personat Disaster Assistance Teain. os bhicb bielps peo- pIe allecied by emnergeocies aînd dîsasiers. T'le sessio e. beld ai the Recd Cross Neoh Halien braîoch ai 1001 Niptssing Rd. 'Io regisier. c.îll >9115> 875-1451. Si. Piuls United fliuicli. 123 \lvain Si. F . holds ils (Giant Yard Sale (i :îtî.îm I Hll Iai thc chuic b 10909 X i ni tîi iinîsîn. Piîcced' Sondai Mlai 25 Bcre,.e cd 1tifflics el fOntario ldL., a Walk le Remeinber nt i9i9900o, oilole d îîîîs soehasve (lied. The os ,îk starts ai 10 a:.m. ai Oak,.iles, Lakeside Park, locatecl at the font of Navy Street, west et Trafalgar Road. off Lakeshore Road. The ssalk ends witb a com- nmunity appreciation bmuncb in the park at 0000. Registration is betweeo 9:30 and 1(0:3(1 a.m. Walkers can make donations to Bereaved Families of Ontario Halton/Peel or gather pledges. To pre-register or for more informa- tion, cal! Catherine at 1905) 813- 0)363. Halton Family Services holds the Charity Concert and Tea at 3 p.m. at St. iodes Church, 160 William St., in Oakville featuring a number of renowoed vocalists and musicians. WhEterIatiens only $6.o99flat 4 " Geraniums 994: each Sale from Friday, May l6th to Thiursday, May 22nd fornon- pro fit groups. It runs in every issue. Who Does ILt..ROME SPECIALT si 1s15 *901-200 ' Residntialfor Small Businesses U~AN 1A Rsidetial We can cut your regstration cost by guiding you IESN and through the process as a group. OWSG CAPE ie Commercial FREE info. session: p Decs e Fnces Thursday, May 22103 10 a.m. l e Tel: 905-302-8776 Dan Nadalin Mdton 905-467.8084 Abacus Consulting Services Ltd. LAN *NDGADE R.J.R. LAWN & GARDEN CARE 7092 M NIVEN ROAVO CAMPBELLVI.LE. ONTARIO LOPl BO Owner Operator STEVE BEAULIEU "Lawn Maintenance & Snow Removal Residential, Commercial & Industrial" " Boboat Service " lamy mowing " lower bed design & maintenance office tel: (905) 878-5737 - generailIandscaping - tree & hedge trimming LAW AN GADE SLAWN ;BMAINTENANCE LAWN MAINTENANCE- WEEKLY CUTTING SPRING CLEAN UP TREE CUTTING & HEDGE TRIMMING Caîl for your FREE Estîmate 905@875@4863 or 905@876@7707 LOANS For Lien-Free Vehicles Up to $2500.00 905-876-2165 -eý ,BLA KES POOLSb"-.*, Specializing in vînyl in-ground pool installations, Pool renovations & lier replacements. Pro tessional qualty service. 2Oyrs. experience 905-875-7665 FIoyver Bags $M-9 each 8ami - 8pm , GREWAL GAD S -ýWhoIesa1e & Retail-.. 6626 Trafagar Road, Hornby (Between Britannia & Derry) 905-878-7107 1CES 1 DECKS/FENCING 1