The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 20, 2003-23 Puslinch mayor says Milton handling disagreement fromn ROAD on page 1 project until ncxt year and will pursue the creation of a boundary road agreement between the two municipalities that would outline who's responsible for what. There's no timeline for when that agreement would be created. Mayor Gord Krantz said he thinks Milton bas been "more than fair" with its offer to belp pay for the road. He said if need be, Milton will pursue arbitration - a costly proceas in iself- to solve the impasse. "It's not a threat but we've got to get on and sort this out," he said in an interview. "I'm not about to push this immediately, but now that Milton council has sbown il's not interested in the way things have been presented, they (Puslincb) sbould go back and rethink this. "If you want 10 remain good friends, you want to share lhings." Mr. Krantz said Milton bas neyer gone t0 arbitration with anoih- er municipality before and sees arbitration wiih Pustinch as a -tasi resort.- But Puslinch Mayor Brad Whitcornbe is boihered hy how the situation bas unfolded. Region offers help to quitting smokers Need a littie hielp buttiîng out'? Have no fear. the Halton Regional Healih Deparimenti s ready to lend a hand 10 those tooking t0 kick iheir nicotine addictions with a stop smoking clinic. The region-wide program oflers frec indtividual counselling with health-care professionals. For more intormnation, or Io book an appointment. caîl the Hallon Region Healtb Departmenî ai (905) 825-60)60, ext. 7525. or toîl free ai 1-866-442-5866. Family Support Network presents: Sfeaturmng the newest fashions for Spring and Summer 2003! Showcasing jewellery l'y Timeless Designis o Oakville! CIodthng items will be a,-avalablejor purdiase on-site! Whei' SuridayMay 25th Where:'- Grand Chalet 324 Steeles Ave. E., Milton, ON Time. 2.100 pm - 5 pm hicludes: Afternoon Tea Fabulons Door Prizes Silent Auction "They walked away from the table for $17,000 and they're talking about going to arbitration? That's fine. What's the retainer going to be for a solicitor?" *AD WIUOM He said he wasn't aware until told by a reporter that Milton tumed down bis council's offer and that Milton decided to defer the entire projeet until next year. -We sent our position in writing and awaited their response," he said. -Tbey didn't give us the courtesy to tell us about that." Mr. Whitcombe was 'disappointed- tb heai Mr. Krantz consid- ered arbitration as a potential solution. "I don't think ihat's appropriate to handie a mnunicipal discus- sion,- he sairl. He said he proposed 10 Milton that the interest rate of 2.5 per cent be eut in half, but it was tumed down. 'Me difference in the rate, he said, amounted to about $17,000. "They walked away from the table for $ 17,000 and they're talk- ing about going 10 arbitration? Thaî's fine." Mr. Whitcombe said. "What's the retainer going 10 be for a solicitor?" In the end, he hopes talks wiIl resume. 1 hope the Town will reconsider their position and corne talk to US." Mr. Krantz said the disagreement speaks 10 the bigger issue that a road boundary agreement needs to be in place. With a new Municipal Act enacied in January, Mr. Krantz said staff would have to look at how to create such an agreement based on changes to the act. Mr. Whitcomhe said Puslinch is open to such an agreement. "We're in tavour of discussing a road agreement." Milton bas road boundary agreements with Oakville. Burlinglon, Halion Hilîs and Mîssissauga. J!ason Mî.sîir cali be rem lied at jiiiet-(qtiiiloi,aiiadiali- chanipions.cooi. 1 -800-GM-DRIVE tOffers flot avaiabie in Thunder Bay, Fart Frances, Dryden, Terce Bay and Kenora. Other participating GM Dealerships may set Individuel prices. LOF inciades up ta, 5L af GM premium mtar oau. Offers are.nalid on masi GM vehictes for a imited lime aniy ta retai custamers. See Service Advisar for more detaits.