Nlb-hmOh. $umbier Cam'p Pt9es 6 to Il yedt'9 AI-tg9 - CraÎtS, c3ports, Cooperative Gamnes, Outcloor Actjvitieq, '3Wimng, Movies and Weekly 0îî-93ite Trips. MOndaCy to friClay 8'30amn to 4pm W (extertded coe'e hours a'jiaiiaWe at additiod cost) $100 pet, week $S22 pet- Clay $zg fat' thpi Clay 1ý7 Miltoni Com.-nuhiiy Fgour-ce Centre LJ(905) 876-lz44, ext. ts to register. PITCH UN ~ CANADA rie the. boit you caby traWnlg wlt the bestm let! mrlEaR A&LL TEE 8191L11S We gappllng Punehlng *Klklng. Tlmning 1 *Balance ru Speei ove Roqers Video) Cali to Register.. 1YOUNG DRIVERS is the one you've heard amnazing 7 -behind the wheel, not just in a classroom. things about. Here's why: 1. Our copyrighted programn teaches nothing less thani the secrets and skills of lifetimne collision-free driving. 2. We teach our life-saving emnergency maneuvers YOUNG DRIVERSOo Canada Yourlicnceto sui-vive. 'sOI9ERED4 ) 905.875.0480' 3. Anyone can turn teens loose with licences. We go way farther, way deeper. Our grads leamn their license to survive. i\4. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 750,000 grads in 30 years. There's only one YD. 4 DAY COURSE 4 DAY COURSE 4 WEEK COURSE June 7,8,14,15 JuIy 2,3,4,5 JuIy 22, Tuesday (9:30 am -4:15 (9:30Oam -4:15 & Thursday Pm) Pm) 1 Evenings (2 Weekends) (Wed. - Sat.) (6:00 pm - 9:15 pm) Collisionfie Milton Springers Gymnastic Club s&ulomer camp 5 FUN sessions to choose from Skindergyio Comp Options Grs Haif Day ONLY: 9:00 - 12 noon 3/-Session 2 JuIy 28 - Aug 1 $95. 5ysSession 3 Aug 5 - Aug 8 $76. geCreaitloh Cawop Options *os Haif Day: 9:00 - 12 noon $95. 5- Full Day: 9:00 -4:00Opm $145. 1 r'Session 1 JuIy 14 -JuIy 18 Session 4 Aug il - Aug 15 Session 5 Aug 18 - Aug 22 Limited Space - Register Today! 180 Nipissing Rd., Unit 5, Milton 905-878-5030 Weeks o-f: July 7-11 August 11 -13 JuIy 14-18 Augusi 18-22 Please cali for further information Engllsh & Western RIdlng iLessons for Children & Aduits I 7LLooccaatteeodd 5 km west of 5274 Derry Roýd Miltonn on Deerry Road, 905-319.9 38