lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 20, 2003 A l i idPee cel Scltue pitig ra i n cat in vrityofmaerilsar eplre t "ue 30ht "q 9hN (905)85 - 51 Mlusic Theatre IEav camp k #i '< Ages 8-16 Sessions in JuIy & August Susgùog 0 fOwwmg * actùsg* q 0 0dn9 e4Iôtume & Set deifnseng feaioregameô For Program & Registration Information Please cal (416) 489-6090. ReRistration deadli. May 3Jst. Su er Riding Day Camp If you love horses and Aduit & ponies, enjoy a great week ChiLdrSfl s at a camp learning and aiso improving your riding and avala.ble! horsemanship. Lessons, crafts, horse activities and fun offered. Ages 6+. Cost: $199h+ GS Floxtimo schedule avalimblo e <5801O KI o mm Uf»dasIr. Datai. A a tg ln.co aal majo uiWFuX905870100 Mlon Junior YMVCA YIebîd strong kds, strong familes, strong communities. Summer camp & Summer club P. A. Days December Break March Break Toddler and pre-school spaces available. Before and After school programs available In school locations Matn 'W ote oetBlwi ..Dne 7~1~eJ~Decoative Art Studio C (lasses for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced. A good selection of books, wood supplies, paints & brushes Ma 8 & 9, 10 at - 9pm- May 10, 10 arn- 5pmc Begirgner Classes îlartgng VfaY 2) i Check oui our website for project informahion WWW.M1LTON KARATE.COM SPECIAL BEGINNER'S COURSE D ANCE ELIFE INMER PROGR»IJM SIgn up now for summer fun at Dance £1ts Summer Dance Camps. Alil summer camps include interesing programs, guest instructors and lots of fun and activity. A great way to keep busy this summer and enjoy a variety of creative activities! Summer Camp & Early Fail Regfistration at the Studio June 23rd & 2Sth 4-7pm 50Ontarlo St. Unit, #7 -905-878-5736 WEEK CAMPS Team A (7-10 yrs): JuIy 14-18 Team B (10-12 yrs): JuIy 21-15 (Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop, Drama and lots oi ather exciting classes!) EVENING CAMPS Ages 12 yrs and Up 8Classes thraughaut the summer. A great way ta stay in shape, and have fun! Includes Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop & Madern/Lyrical! Dates: July 9, 16, 23, 30 August 13, 20, 27, September 3 HALF DAY CAMPS JuIy 7-11 Ages 5-7 years: 10:OOamn to 12:00 nmon Ages 8-11 years: 1:0Opm to 3:OOpm Camp includes Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Craits & snacks -time!