30-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 16, 2003 CLSSED HOUR MonFM H 09:am 5:00 Pm I om moAm ermi I eI I- jII BIRTHDAY 100 RolEI state VILLAGE Parc on lhe Pond, 2 teAesom uxury c0500 complete wctis5Aay- pluances, sec caryetîng ttroughsut, parking, stIse age. $210,000.00,Cali 905-693-3567, REASONABLE Indusiriat Unts for rent. 1600 -3200 sq. ht Loudîng docks & drve-in. Phone t-905-277- 9347 oret-905-275-6834. FOR RENT - 2,000 sq, 9t Reluit Unît, Main St. E. Reur parking, unit can te spfit. Frank, 416-638-2573, MARKET pour Business Opponianity so over 49 Mît- ton adaits in Ontario mth Metrof and Commanîty Necspapem.Culit today for information on eetiy mord ad rates- 416-493-1300 eut, 335 VISAMASTERCARD, Lîm- its up to, $15.000. Sud cred- il 0k. 1-866-274-5005 est 10. S$ Money$. 100% lst, 2nd and 3rd Mrtguges. Sud credit 0K. Cati Ontario Wide, 1-888-307-7799. WE Fîght Tratic Ticts. 95% nuccesa. Locest rates. We cmn for fesat Fiee consultation, 905-257- 1789. BIRTHDAY 170 1 bedrnom Downtown Mil ton. Newi0 renssated SIoux frdge. AC Aalatie Janie tsf 905-878-3636 ACCEPTING applcatons for a 2 tedessm apaoiment asaîlabie July 1/03 $925/mont on adoit floor ns dogs, For appoînîment caîl 905-878-5345, ACTON t & 2 hedroosm $550/7simontt plus utli- ies. 519-853-5080,1519- 853-5352 ACTON 2 hedroom, $77SAmonth plus tîtties. 519-853-5080/519-853- 5352. ACTON Victorias Semi 3 tedrooms, $1 ,000/montt plus. Also 1 bedromn apant- ment 5600/montplus. 2 bedroom 5$7751montplas atîlties. Also Georgetown Vicoona 2 bedroom apart- ment $1001/montt plot tydro. 519-853-5080/519- 853-5352 AVAILABLE dune 1. t tedrsom, $795 plus and 3 hedrsom, $1,045 tlties iscladed. Great building, Cati Mary, 905-2990625. BACHELOR apartment, Mlton. July 1. Rensnated, close 10 amenîties. $650in- clusive, 519-635-4356 or 519-581-6561 BASEMENT Apament. Gueph Lne. No smoking, ns pets. $775.0GOfrse A ast. Jaiy 1t905-854-0504. Camptellie. BURLINGTON 2 tedromr aeailable Jaiy Park-lite set- tîng, 3 appliances, t.5 bats.Cne sussîde parking, Near chools, shopping. 905-333-1190, IMMACULATE 2 bedeomr apartment tn country home, prîrate, ail appliances, close to 401, References. No pets. Avaîlabi e July ltI or Aagust laI. $80000. 519-V56-9259. ILIDE TOWE' 82 MILLSIDE DRI VE 1 t&2 Bedrnom Apto I ICose lu Docntocn I I Bus stop as (905f 876-1249 wc rastar.ca 170 Apartment For Rent ONE sînali snGiocm apait mont. tant nfIiose, 1 illi I separate ertruncn yard, part Og, inciaGiiig urri- lies, dune 1 0075 905- 858-8723 ROCKWOOD ty pait 16&2 tedroom apanîment in- ciudes utii- iet apipliancetî partking alto commercial/office space. Needed main- tenance person 519-856- 4900. 18 BROCK 1 Safari Road aiea - channing 4 bedroom farm touse, mîns. ns Barfinglon, -amilton & major hîgh- cays. totally renoated in- seior, c/a ample parking, n o ns m sotkees /p e ts. S,650/month + tltiesý 905-628-8861 FOUR tedrosm toute, immediate. $1.600 Alto asaîlable oe bedrosm aparmeni $S900 Horte talis aiso asalatie. 905- 624-8612 GUEST HOUSE rentali n quiet country ganden tettîng belceen Acton & Rock- cssd, 4 appliances Es- pressPa dst. AC, recentiy renoated top tn hsttom, parking, ns pett on smst- ers, suit single peroon, Asaîfabie îmmedîateiy. re- qaîre gond references n trtt & last 5975/monte al incutive. 519-853-5754 ROOM for rent. Gentleman preferred. $45000 per UPCOMING MARRIAGE 256 256 310 Coming Events Comlng Events For Sale Rick Fascinato by A drey mpeiMac),aie WttlaMit Caopaeifand fanriendsn TheseharesDoSt., Miston do atios -to TtaesMitonDstrc 10sitlFonat then arprcae 2U »7 THE tamiey teCalebell (SluMrerf Ota, dson Caipheolhartn lod hirfml n friendsfrt o bS and sup rtougl lishiute W as eressu eaBRAeilthnksfri thte cardsIoer andionations onîrbe ltoCnaDintCacerO (an136) cias grenaty areîaeîceiant THE0a o the Solar Fneral Hmer"Holy Rdoa Calh oîc harch aito hefm rsW ie & frthe coie fier heassupoftance o asinainLgo Sincerety, Cheryl, Sean, Krista & Daryl month. 905-878-3632. socm n Memoriams in the cANADENE# e orm of donations tb qDOCANXI The Canadian Cancer J Society are deepty appreciated. CAMPBELLVILLE fam bouse. Fuit p tumshea to shure cîth thîrd pemson. No smokîngApets. $500, Cuti FOR September daycare needed for Wednesdlay, Thurs- 905-854-0959 day ana Friday. 2 childeen, ose fuit days, crne kindergarten 1/2 day cith pckup t St, Pelers scoof Cati 905-87V- Dm ...0887. Dm ... SUMMER daycure anuifabi e and schoot session. Loeîng, CLssUflJVUE s aie envronment. cruts. Police check. 905-876-0620. 1996 10', , ', ,,nr207K<S O rj -Tsar driig t n i nhirr. huirh 0400 iG Chrysien 300m lnaGes assuma hase, 5613/nîonsîs 28 monts. 905-976-0738 A Kng Pilscrtop MaRres Set. Newc n plastic Cosi $1600 Sacrifice $450.GO 905-567-9459 cas Aliser. APPLIANCES Fridge, 2 doorý Stose, Maytag aa- tsmatîc mather, dryer. Alto, apartmeni set. Under War- ranty. Fînancîng anaîlahie 905-637-8328 BAD CREDITO? Banknups? No prohiemi Brand Name Prodacisi Gaaranteed Credît AppesuaIll $2.500 Unsecurea repayment tenmsi Affordahie Msnthiy Payments. Ns interesti Cati Noci 1-800-603-3349 or www.BrandsNOW.com BED, Amazîng hargaîn. queen orthspedîc piitsmtnp set. Nec in plastic, mamran- ty $150 905-567-4042 ciii delîser BEDROOM set. 8pce cher- rycosd, Bed. cheat. dress- er, mîrnor, nîght stands, Dosetaîl constructio Nes- er spenea CosI $8000. Sacrifice $2400. 905 567- 4042ý 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881j IFAREYV RD S PICIAL Ka% ak pqxol', iA Lîk id li 4') 1-800-668-7564 CARPET i.-xlii sevri-, i ODyris ilofnu vStrs- masi & G0P nylon car- pet on' d0 I iingromm & rair ici is3 i aacar- pet pu lidAntalton (30 DINIIdO ROOM iLlpcc Cherry. A Chairs, suffet, hutch, semver. dosetaîl con- struction, Strlln hotes Cool S 11,GAG Sacrifice 53O GG905-567-9459 DINING ROOM set. Stiar Peppier S1200 Yuth s tedrssm set, $750ý Ail great Londition' Sue, 905- 691-7507 SUPER Suie. Custom up- hoisterîng. No GST! Sao- ings up 10 301. on decora- toi fatnris Sofas it faGi f om S788 chairs wth fat- rîc nrom $249. Fields Furni- taie & Fatrîn, 9-9 daîly, 905-875-4427. USEO G.E. casher & Moffat deyer, $300 for pair Used 15 GO..Il. Gibson chest freezer, $125. toerytting excellent coît- îng condition, 905-878- 3450 aller 6 p.m. $SSS Wanted- AlChina. Oliver, Crystai. Tea Cups, RoyalDosuiton, Scarsoski, Glass, Jemeiry. ofA Isys, colecties, estates. Cali John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 Ads ina the classifieds bave the poetat lmbseewa by 30,000 peopie_ M M BARKEY AUCTION SERVICES PRESENTS THE ANNUAL SPRING HORSE SALE' SATURDAY MAY 24TH, 2003 11 O'CLOCK SHARP @ Toad Hall Claremont, Ontario ONLY 100 Riding Horses wilI be accepted for sale to consign horses or for more information Please eall 905-649-3718 400 Vehicle worSuie FORD ESCOPF 192,52 peerr 218,000 rms, nev bksAC S2,uOO h u Phi i aIrer i p m 900- 876-20406.sbie 2 pm 905-454-4101 Self t loday in the Canabiau Qtjampion 325 ýCOME%* New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Welcome Lînda 905-854-T1563 Dores 905-332-4799 Efeze 905-693-0313 BridaI & Bus./Prol Laurie 905-878-0126 Baby Mîchelle 905-332-86h34 Laurie 905-878-0126 30W ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 AUCTION Milton Country Heritage Park - Frerî, Ihe Paru Mussera> (FlI stPublic Auctîas user Ilet t iIs location) Preeleta 12:00 poil - Auclon le bsitl ai 1:00 pou Arrive Early teatEare Suatlng VICTORIA DAY SALI- May 19,2W03 wetch larsiios- 8560 Trumnaîr Road 'seuap bunni ACTING AStER INSTRUCTION. Wt WILL SELL A HUGt OFFERINGO0F PARNITURE, HIGH QUALITY ART SPORTS MEMORAYILIA, SIFTWaARE & COLLECTItLES OUR INTENTION IS TO StLL EGERY ITEM OFFERFO TOO MONO ITEMS TO LIST A Wtds Vetiety of Famed Stgned Sparts Memorabilia tKli,y.paietî CI0% opSortos ttoitola [ýpoiri tSTERS dr toto: ,b ile Vej i ArrallaIe ait s iel Ais le G2keBd, r:O ýGiJ true as iis ore Ceas i' il A Large Offsring of Furnilars' Mrigai Cîet in il Sets Ok, Marolu i Citrs Luir Sein' GSi i r) Des, ta rut fiexCia 's Gaîtrer er huit La-ed Ba'r and Cruerotao go , ' xirisChippot'rite reci & G.ee AnnOe Sfi, FUr1-is i .Sairs Paiers lesk MarieTop Consotes, Cinu Cabinexts enres Fru c ccusioral Tables fowiroîîs GrutoJo sertdCi t s Lounfeais CoTte & trd Tuiles .ifr Glass Luni ps âtiSands Purlour Lampe, Moeii andiReproducion r este Tea ers fakers Race Somte (otite P fc tia airurs Rtclitîrs oi ttoman.uisf0Top TaitsLigerie Ciest Laiei Ciairs plus rane oihe t ittti.ig&&uniquteitms Extasive Gllering 01Ad r Mustum Fants ArT icudig. lrtghsff luinevt elsît otti LîmttiEdtion AT îocludîrg, rsupsof 1Ster nHarrs Cassolare, Caîmichae.Thompssr. Marshal Lis ptrerct. Cooper many er e otîîtseer pus masyostherîn MANY EXCLUSIVE ITEMS, NEVER BEFORE SEEN Hugt osleriîg of Actnt Items, Accent Mirois. WrougTt lion Pteceu, WicterHard Madtliard Pitdan te niu s John D. Marshal Tel 416 781.1115 Terme: Cash Gîtia -MWC - mes - Petit. (if avalable). As per Ptuted aid Annourced Additions and Deletiore Apply. Auctioreer NOT repstîle for accidents. Lsweet Buyer's Prenîco 5% m L