Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 May 2003, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 13, 2003 Basebali Royals earn with straight victories Bishop Reding's basebail team secured themselves a playoff spot with back-to-back wins last week. While last Tuesday's encouritcr with the QE. Park Eagles was rained out, the Royals went on to topple two other Oakviile Opponents - one by the nar- rowest of margmns, the other in a six- tnning mercy. First to fail were the Iroquois Ridge Trailblazers, who were trirnmed 3-2 Wednesday at Maplehurst Bail Park. Liam Tennant scored a pair of runs, including the game winner - courtesy of Matt Tales' RBI single, thse first of two he'd deliver in thse nail-biting victo- ry. Thse duo would shine on the rnound as well. in a collectively credible pitclsing effort, whîle comning in frorn first base to save a run at borne plate was sea- soned veteran Conan O'Brien. Andrew Pepper also made a dynamite out from second base. while his infield came through with a double play as well. "The defense bas really been sharp so far," said manager Joe Jurus. ln Oakville Fniday, BR irnproved to 3- 1 with an il-O tbrashing of Oakville Trafalgar. This marked the Royals' second dou- ble-digit win of the year, andi aIl but guaranteed thern another tnip to the post LOOK for' this flys.' season. Reg Ta~ylor clobbeçed a borne mn to lead a balanced and posent bitting cam- paign, while Coty Hagernan silenced the Devils with four big innings on the hill. Working the last two frames was Rob Bennett. Meanwhile, Milton District kept their playoff bopes alive with straight fies Iast week - mncluding a 10- 10 slugfcst with Oakviile Trafalgar Tuesday in Oakville. A seven-run uprising in tise fifth inning allowed tise Mustangs to came away with a point, despite sorne horren- dous pitching. Barry Kosmalski ignited the late- game surge. and folowed that up with a cotuple of buge defensive plays front second base in Friday's 3-3 stalernate with Oakville's White Oaks. Manager Andrew Todd said be was quite happy Io steal a point tromr the Wildcats. In addition Io Kosrnalski, be offered praise Io pitchers Shawn Shadlock, Chris Jones and Jake Perront - al of whorn sbowed strongly for thse now 1-1-2 Mustangs. who'vc yet to play at borne this spring. Milton's two bigh school baIl clubs botis have three garnes remaining in the regular season. inciuding tomorrow's clash against eacb other at Brian Best Park. Game tirne is 3:30 p.rn. 1 in 10 womnen wiII develo B REASI CANCER The risk incroasos with ego. The Ontario Breasi Scrooning Program provides broast eoamination and a mammagram at no test ta women who are 50 years af ego or over. Make your appointmont today.l For the centre nearesi yau <all 1-800-668-9304 Springers show strongly Wt Ortario ehamnionshiins Milion gymnasts wrapped up ibeir competitîve sea- son carlier this montb wîth some soltd sbowings at the provincial cbanspionsbips in Brantfoîrd. Two Springers --Jolie Gagnon andi Stephanie Deumer- attended as part of the C'entral Region coîn- tingent, and eacis contrîbutecl tiiibeir respective squads' top-Iibree finishes. Among the Novice 1 girls. Gagnoii delivercîl a bar routine that was good enougb lor lîîuob oi the province and belped ber team place second overaîl. Leuners sixtb and eigbtb-place efforns on bars' and lotir respectîvely aided in the Central Regions ,all around third in the Novice 2 loop. Tryo 1 competitor Chelsea Bennett was a Central Region ealtae, but was well-prepared and iook sev- entb-place on the beam in a sîîlid substitute perfîrmn- ance. This lactored into the squad's third-place finish. Meanwhile, ibe Springers' iwo (liber represeniatîves made it the Ontario cbamnpionsbips as independent qualitiers. Jaîmi Fellows -vwbo lîke Deuîmer and Gagnon wasý Springers Notes ,9lP~ a provincial retumee -rnatched a personal besi on bars and set a new bîgb on floor with an impressive 9.3 mark. Nine-year-old Briîuany Schrader- the youflgest Milton gymnast- stayed poised under pres- sure, ,ticking her beam routine in credible fashion and establishing a new indîvîdual standard for herself witb a score of 9.05. This marked the second straigbî year in which the local club sent fîve members to the provincials. The Springers will now tum their attention to their annual Gymstrada sbowcase, wbich is slated for May 25 ai the club. Flie Sr Red Sos (0-2 opeuitsg dav e.vas cenlainly notbing to gel cNcited about. But Gceorge Moore isot pu.sbing the panic bution cubher-- realiuîng thai uncler tîte c îrc umrstances. Saturday's resuits e. erenit exactis a shock. Witb sev eral 1ke.w players up frcnt the junior ranks .% lis e nes ci se. ung a e. oclen bat belore. early- season Iiîtting ssoc s ce to bc espectecl. And duat offetnsive shonicoming clearly shoed througb. as the local sentiors nmanageci just I1(tbits over tbetr bome-opening double hecader cnmhe ibee.y to 5-2 and lu-I1 losses Io Ertuclale ancd Etobicoke respecttsely at Bnian Best Park. -I probably takes abcout bal*a season Io really leam ho.Io iait a- dIle a dillerent kînd if' bat:" said Mootire. But thien a lack of' bitting plagueci us ai linmes last year as e. elI.- Two passed balls and a lielding miscue e.ere essentially tbe difler- ence in gatne one. as the Red Sox and Erinclale ssere ceadlocked a 2- 2 until the sixtb inning. Fromntbere. a number of rookies receîsed a baptism by fîre againsi an overaîl impressive Etobîcoke squad and arguably the top piteber in the leagute. Milton bad just three bits in the latter game and e.as neyer really in a position to svin. On the plus side, junior graduate Matt Dickson delivered sorne cred- ible relief pîtcbîng in botb outings. whîle seteran Kevin Wilson «and newcomer Kevin Komiski eacb bit the bail fairly well. The Red Sox will look to build on those brigbt spots e.hen tbey travel Io Dundas Friday nigbt. From there. tbev bost powerbouse St. Catharines Saturday at Brian Best. Game urne is 1:30 p.rn. -Whitlock's bid for sub-three hour marathon pushed back until flu 'Just flot the right time', says avid runner Cý Ed Wbitloek's bid for a sub-three bour marathon bas been put on bold. The avid local runner bopes Io bt-corne the planet's first 70-and-older nînner to cornplete a marathon (42.2 kilometres) in under tbree bours- and bad initîally eyed thîs past weekend's race in Ottawa as the site for bis latesi attempi. But a less-tban-stellar baîf-marathon per- formnance in Buffalo late lasi month sug- gested that thîs sprîng isn't ideal for a record-breaking pursuit. "I probably worn't try again until the (al." be said. The 72-year-old racer carne heartbreak-- ingly close to dipping under the three-bour mark exactly Iwo years ago - May 13, 2(001 lai London, when be set a new world benchrnark in the division witb a 3:00.24. Whîtlock was sidelined for rnucb of the nexi 18 montbs witb a knee injury, that in aIl likelibood originated from bis record- setting effort. Ed Whitlock Annual triathlon slated for June 1 It's once agaîn lrne to gel in gear for the 20013 Milton Triathlon. This year's event will be beld June i as always, at Kelso Conservation Area. Part of the Subaru Triathlon Series, Milton's season-opening cornpetition wiii once again include races for those of ail skiii leveis. For the beginner. there's a Try- A-Tri introduction featuring a 375- mette swim, l0-kiiometre bike. 2.5-kiiometre mun course. More arnbitious athietes wiii want to tackie eitber the 1km swîm. 30km bike, 7.5km run triathlon, or the 2km mun, 30kmn bike, 7.5km mun duathion. Event organizers are still iooking (or volunteers. and any non-profit group that gets 10 or mnore people together to belp out wiii receive a srnaii portion of the proceeds. To sign up as a volunteer or par- ticipant, or for mnore informnation, cali Harry Barnes at 1 (519) 823- 2173 or e-mnail hirn at hbarne241 i @rogers.corn. "The business that considers itself immune ta the necessîty for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune ta business." Derby Broum S'r. Sox manager notpanicking over 0-2 openin g-day outcome inside today'fs CANADIAN CHAMPION CRUI5E~ INWTO SRN writh Our Duo SPECIALS lin -e àl irLiude alae at ukt13 310A Steeles Ave., Milton 905-693-1211 Whiie quantitles lait Partlcipating locations onty Indutril g...www.airliquicle.com il 9 -JO

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