22-The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 9, 2003 Hockey players wanted for European excursion Hey Milton - here's your chance to support Marauders teurn based in Winnipeg, are looking for players to participate in a reereational tour 10 Germany, Switzerland and Austria next season. While teamn members are responsible for their own travel expenses. the club provides uniforms and makes ail tise arrangements. Players throughout Canada have participated in the pasi and d". t i s ki i. otit (e t onîsui ioatd for tiexi year's excursion. The team is filied ots a irst-come, tirst-serve basis ansd wiIl play ive non- contact garnes during a 10-day swing through Europe. Those interested are asked to cal eam manager Dave Springett toil fre ati 1(866) 449-0640, or visit the team's Web site ai www.hearibreakers.c. 'lotiiorrow rnssrnng tise Miltonî Marauders are going to Se iii voor neîglhssurisîssd. Nso teed iiecessurîly to iusck ysîur dissrs. Iide srnuil animistir tsi put 911 on ytihiî speed dia]. More(su tisatiniiia minute. The NortiserîsFo'tsball Csîîleîenee isut iarecre- atissîal league. it 's tise top leagruein Cansada beltsw thse CF1L. Foîr Milîttsi have a teain s sitîilar to i Mlîssî lias irg a hocîkey tearn inflie 11-It'ls big-titse. iii silser ssiirds. 'luce re sieîîlcty iii ex ('FLers ii tise league. aiiiig n iii luis iiof' atadiati and Aissericais istlege plax ers. antd evei sostîsse n luspayed iiftie N FL. h's played nit i s tsîs'Atîetcat i'ies. suchsa,;tsosur dc los, n loch sisakes ice es tmsre eliterîaitisg. 'lise 1555 sissu (ifisle .a)tiiiilis io ielp ftiseteais. aiitthoii ie appictd agatititis ýeai l ao r ais s tîsli tti the isisttttIit\ lilîîtisosi1stîsiLit t Ispeak isss stitîsi uI, itstcsiss<lIn iics/i'lie', sîtîte. Asnd tIssu dcis'itt isclite ietil sI lit cîs.ssc'quitiieii sccciee. t CssIi. eCa"\ tatsk Folli theI 's iI 5 ,ti isd" Th\ ls tý5 n L'ie NIict. se lit//t n ils ce- erosne yssîis utclase. tir ail etrtîe seat. Ono)îîisp s tisai. tile card nets osîe pet stîtn it rceetii exerv Marauders hitie gaisse. A uttiid deal. Id bîîy' one tîysclif' i 1I nas ai iiined tsical pi//a and 1I lad tsi puy tsi get 115toIsle gatiies. Fisere are giig to si sise players cottliiit Oli sr hoîme wlîîîare scary. l'Stu Gilberti, Mark Dîsn tir Jsîe ITreeî Blancisard kniuiks on y îîîîtdistr. îssy adile tsi ytuiîi s ii ilîsiupset thetîs. lice. n its played lor ftise (uisadian chiampiont Oakviîle Liiîigitonss ast yeai. looîks lîke hie Jîlsi cuisse til tise set tif Necessaiy Rîîuglîîsess. Al players liasve becîs islîl s h b c ie. and ts icse tOtI teassi sclsedlîles liii tissse nuliio iiti'i ý, n st iiibîy a card. Fhey 'se alsis beetiat\s isec Io tsiiski'il the iiedicatitis. but i catît pîtstsi,ýe islai isch n ii Su. il'tI gtiittg10liiei 't st In tit ait. lf'y Uite-msail ice Out in 4V left fie/là ioday or tonight witis yoLr address. l'il dr-ive around on Saiurday mnorise. or n ienes er it's convenient. and birîrg yu a card. TixtIli keep tise animais ,îvay lrorn your doscr as welI as liseiptont tise teans. Ms' e-nsail address ts niowitseîtcn iinterliop.net. Il'ii tse yott a chance 10 teli mie how flot-lunnv i arn. and oit toîp s tisai lIil itli \'on wisich fooibai! play er kceps a set oi cheerleaciet pot poins lu lits, trnink. Di \osssrs il'a rt nning hack cornes to your door. Runitinl, baks aie tise hII,î lootktntt sisariesi. nicest. itosi t htsed andtihie hat dest wot kinti on tis e atis stoittetiiil s Ve cote Io leit/ie Htice iny traintingcamîp '\Isi~ Ille lot i tint tintttsslsacks. nltla s tt lie", bittît I ke , laLC k i iLtCK. Il' yosii iecîl aits tce Stîttssps ptIlied frontsiysiuy ard. lies Isleonte tsi ask. Rohians GaIlitîn iy s l<-years-old. and play ed collette baliii ith ie United Suties. as us li as usilhtistie (ttan a Risugis Rîcets tn tise CFL. He runs ike I do..,.ii îsy dreanîs. Sean Faulkkner is 27-years nId. and star-red for tise Milîtmn District Mustangs. inciuding tise year tisey sett tIs tise Halton cisanpionship garne. Adatîs McPlsail. at 29 \'ears-old. also usent to Miltoni District. I dîsut know wisy he's smiling every ttrne lie geis hit. and I doîsi us,înî to know. 011 veau. îîsv ads ice. If yîîu ilist e-mail nie, ut fiton ýiss;eid@ «nterlîîsp.net to gel a card. it'il neats I hase toi waik arîsîind itsstead tsidrise. and I won't be hsappy. I kîstss s ti yosîare, and l'isgoing tI seud iliSî Cilhei tous tsiîduor. Good iuck. IMaintaining respectibility key objective for Sr. Sox manager 4f By STEVE LeBLANC s iucingly îiscarded lhier pusisîver man wiso'l heip compiete a solid The Champion status aithtie tail-end of lasi seuson defense. Attise rîsk nI sîaîing tise obvi<ius, - deliverîng a tierce finish tisat Arguabiy tise bîggesî question 20X)2 was a breakîbhrongi scsason caugist more tisan one leain off mark rigisî now centres around for tise Sr. Red Sox. guard- Moore expecis Io face bow former juniors like tedst - Winning Ontario 'C' chamnpi- onship goid, nearly doubiing their regular-season win count frorn a year before ansd reuching tise league finals for lise Orsi tusse in recent niernury were arnîng tiseiigis But beyond tIsai, tise loscal sensiors looîk a isuge step lîirwurd ints ieir riiad buck lis respcctabtliîy sornething tisai ventisiîssisîîg Itîr nosi of' the '901s. lits tisaitintatngible îrîgress tIsai skipper Georîge Mîoore is nîcîsi cois cerned wiîis iaisgisg on 10 us lits boys osf suisinier beud imb toisor- rîsw's season-opeîsîîg doiuble bead- er ai Brian Besi Par'k. -"TIsais tise biggesî îhing - ui oniy sustuining tisai respecctbiliiy, but adding to il." Milton's manager suid. 'I think we've gui cîsîugis pride to do su." Witistise Red Sox lsuviisg con- stiffer competitiusu ibrougi tise eariy going ibis yeur. I tiink we're going 10 sec better piteisers, wisere aint previous years tesînîs woulîl suve ibose guys for otiser oppîsuenîs." he suggesîed. Hîîwes'er, Milton seerns capable ofrnatching mosi icaîns' fircpower. Wiie lîîug-titse isurler Dans Fiorita and clisser Nutisarn Tarni hase îsîîssed ots. tise locuis' piiciîg uitt stîll iieludes Atdaus Fiiskbeinet, lais Zettie andî work lisurse Bret'eîîKussal. '1irisw Junior graduates Alaîsi Aisearn ad Mati Dicksîîn intthtie usix, and tise Redi Sox shouid hase tise depîli lisbecisrnpetitts'e -per- lsaps even vîctorions -un a wcck- ly isssis. Milton isss preîîy' inucli eveîyoîse back in tise field, and lias udded MeMusier University's Kevin Korniski- a tuieîsîed ibird base- Andrew Neilson and Taylor Lawton adapî 10tisteir new sur- roundings - especiaily wiîh tise swiîcis1tiste wooden but. "The key wiil be isow we mine- grute tisese guys," said Moore, wbo's ulso on tiseisunt for a lefi- lsunded pîteber to solidify tise ruila- lion. "li's a big step up Io senior, anîl tisere's no drill 1 eau give ibese guys 10 rnake thicsiolder." Tise Red Stîx doubied up Niagara Falls 8-4 Suiurduy iu exhibition play, and wili look 10 add Iotisai initiai succecss totnorrow wiseîs tiey host Eritidale ut i10i .rn. and Etîsicoke ai 12:30 p.m. Buts gaines are ai Brian Besi. Milton wiil clisse tint tise week- eud ii Oakville Sunday wiîis a 10 ans. stat't. Su'i'e LeBflaîîe voitbu' iuac'Ied ut Fax ail cf your team reports to (905) 878-4943. writftOur Duo SPECIALS in store Air Liquide 310A Steeles Ave.,Mlton While QUantittes iast. Particiisating locations only dm IRLIGUIDE Industriel gases d ri